《Beating Heart - Andre Harris x OC》[8]
I sat eating lunch with Beck, Tori, Robbie and his stupid puppet Rex.
"Oh my God! I am so hot!" Tori said.
"Ain't that the truth," Rex said.
"What's the temperature now?" Beck asked.
"Well, According to my pear pad... Here in Hollywood, It is 103 degrees," Robbie said causing us to groan.
"Man, I hate sweating," Beck said.
"I know. My arms feel like warm, wet ham," Tori said.
"Hi. I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood," Cat said walking over with Jade and Isaac. Isaac handed me an iced coffee.
"Robbie, you are done with that water?" Jade asked.
"No," Robbie said.
"Give it to me," Jade said.
"All right," Robbie handed her the bottle of water. Tori was looking between Jade and Isaac.
"What?" The twins asked.
"You're not sweating," Tori said as she started touching Jade's and Isaac's faces and arms.
"Havin' fun there?" Isaac asked.
"How can you not be sweating?" Tori asked.
"We don't sweat," Jade said.
"Everyone sweats," Tori said.
"Not Jade and Isaac," Beck said.
"Jade and Isaac never sweat," Robbie said.
"What do mean, they never sweat?" Tori asked.
"Sweating is gross, so we don't do it," Isaac and Jade said perfectly in sync.
"Morgan however not so lucky," Beck said giving me a sympathetic look.
"Thanks for the shirt," I said.
"No problem," Beck said.
"So, what, you're just like cold-Blooded?" Tori asked.
"Jade? Cold-Blooded? Hmmm, what a surprise," Rex commented. Jade grabbed a bottle of sunscreen and squirted it in his face. "That witch got sunscreen in my eyes. Help me, Rob,"
"It's okay. Don't fret. There you go," Robbie said wiping his face.
"Oh, now my face Is gonna tan unevenly," Rex said.
"What's up amigos, amigirls, and my girl?" Dre asked sitting down beside me handing me a box of food and a cold drink. I smiled at him.
"What's all that money for?" Cat asked.
"Me. I set up a kiddie pool over there and I'm chargin' people five bucks for five minutes. Sinjin! You got three more minutes," Dre said.
"Okay," Sinjin yelled.
"Is it true that sweat and pee are like cousins?" Cat asked.
"What now?" Dre asked.
"Man, how long Is this heat wave gonna last?" Beck asked.
"They say 'til Tuesday," Tori said.
"Why would they say that?" Cat asked.
"Wow, it's up to 106 In the valley," Robbie said checking his pearpad causing us to groan.
"Hey, check Venice beach," Beck said.
"Okay. Venice is only 91 degrees," Robbie said.
"Oh, let's go to Venice," Tori said.
"You guys wanna?" Beck asked. I stood up only to be pulled back down by Beck.
"What, blow off school?" Jade asked.
"I can get with that," Rex said.
"I meant Saturday. I could borrow my uncle's pickup, hook it up to my R.V. And we could all hit the beach," Beck said.
"Let's do it," Jade said.
"The beach? I am so in. I can't wait," Trina said running off.
"No one likes you," Jade called after Trina.
"Hey! Hey, Sinjin. He's face down In the kiddie pool," Tori said.
"Yep," Jade confirmed.
"It's cool. He's still got two minutes left," Andre said.
I was sat on the couch of Beck's RV with everyone while he and Jade towed the RV with his uncle's truck. We pulled up at the beach and Cat ran out needing to go to the toilet.
"Who's ready for beach fun?" Beck asked walking in with Jade. Isaac stayed home with Jack because he doesn't like the beach.
"Beck, this R.V. is so cool," Trina said.
"Oh, thanks!" Beck said.
"And you like, live in this?" Trina asked.
"Yeah, well, parked in my parents' driveway," Beck said.
"At least you have parents," Rex said.
"Hey, some things are private," Robbie said.
"I know," Rex said.
"Hey, how come all these windows are tinted so dark?" Tori asked.
"'Cause my Dad bought it from a rapper," Beck said.
"All the windows are made of bulletproof glass," Jade asked.
"What rapper?" Dre asked.
"Fat biscuit," I said. Beck nodded.
"The fat biscuit?" Tori asked.
"Oh, my gosh," Trina said.
"You know, I heard he's thin now," Robbie said.
"Yeah, he had that stomach surgery," Tori said.
"Aw, good for fat biscuit," Trina said.
"Hey," Tori said to Jade.
"What?" Jade snarked.
"Does it worry you that you never sweat?" Tori asked.
"No," Jade said.
"But what if one day, all your sweat, like, builds up inside, And you just explode?" Tori asked.
"She would love that," I said.
"I would love that," Jade confirmed.
"All right, it's startin' to get hot in here," Dre said.
"Yeah, let's go," Tori said.
"Let's hit that beach!" Robbie said.
"This way, people," Beck said walking to the door and pushing it.
"What's wrong?" Jade asked.
"I don't know. The door won't open," Beck said.
"Just open it," Jade snapped at Beck.
"Something's blocking the door," Beck said.
"Oh, man! Some idiot parked a huge RV right next to us," Tori said opening the curtains.
"Whatever let's just go out the back door," Trina said.
"There is no back door," Beck said.
"Well, that's stupid," Trina said.
"I'm getting very hot now," Dre said.
"Will, somebody open a window?" Robbie asked.
"The windows are bulletproof. They don't open," Jade said.
"Aw, thanks a lot, Fat Biscuit," Rex said.
"What?" Jade asked.
"I meant the rapper from whom Beck's daddy purchased this vehicle!" Rex blurted out quickly.
"I'm getting hotter," Dre complained.
"Just push on the door," Tori complained.
"He can't push A 7,000-Pound RV out of the way," I snapped.
"Then push harder!" Tori whined. I went to lunge at her. Dre grabbed me wrapping his arms around me.
"Go sit down with your headphones in," Dre said. "Okay?" I nodded kissing his cheek and walking over to the couch and laying down with my headphones in. After 15 minutes I moved to sit on the floor leaning against the couch.
"Where is Cat?" Tori complained.
"She's been gone for 20 minutes," Robbie whined.
"The girl only weighs 90 pounds. How much pee can she hold?" Andre asked as I lay down cuddled into the corner of the couch on the floor.
"That's it. I'm calling her. What's Cat's number?" Trina asked.
"I already tried," My older sister said losing her patience.
"No signal," Beck explained.
"Oh man, I told you all not to get f-Mobile," Dre said.
"Well, where's your phone?" Tori asked.
"I left it in my pants and my grandma washed it. All my contacts, gone," Dre said.
"Well, can we at least turn on the air conditioning?" Robbie asked.
"The AC doesn't work unless the truck is running," Beck said.
"Then go start the truck," Trina said.
"I can't get out," Beck said.
"Why did you invite me here?" Trina asked.
"We didn't!" Tori said.
"You invited yourself!" Robbie said.
"No one likes you," Jade repeated.
"I'm feelin' very hot now!" Dre said.
"You guys, It's 102 degrees in here," Robbie complained.
"I need a cold drink," Tori said.
"Me too," Beck said standing up.
"Where are they?" Tori asked.
"In the truck," I reminded Beck.
"What are we gonna do?" Trina asked.
"Cat!" Tori yelled.
"Cat!" We all yelled.
Cat still wasn't back.
"It's so hot!" Tori yelled.
"I can't believe Cat's not back yet," Jade said fanning herself.
"How hot is it in here now?" Dre asked from beside me.
"107 degrees," Robbie said.
"For so many years, I've prayed every night To be hotter. This isn't what I meant!" Trina yelled.
"There's parts of me sweatin' That I didn't know could sweat," Dre said.
"I'm never coming to the beach in your RV again Beck. No offense," I said.
"Did you just not offend Beck?" Tori asked.
"I don't offend Beck. Beck's my guy," I said.
"Hey," Dre said.
"Don't get jealous," I teased.
"Oh my God, I forgot," Tori said.
"What?" Jade asked.
"I brought a fan, A battery-Powered fan. Come on. Here it is," Tori said causing us to rush over to her. She pulled out a tiny fan.
"Oh, stop," Dre asked
"That's it?" Trina asked.
"That's your fan?" Robbie asked.
"Yeah," Tori said.
"It's not big," Beck said.
"It's an embarrassment," I said.
"It's Morgan-sized," Jade said.
"I'm 5ft 4. You and Isaac are 3 inches taller than me "I said.
"You teased us," Dre said.
"Okay. Okay, fine. Then I guess I just won't turn it on," Tori said. Everyone yelled at her. "Now you like my tiny fan, don't you?" Tori asked.
"Beck, you still keep my art stuff here?" I asked.
"Yeah, in my dresser," Beck said. I walked to the dresser in the back of Beck's trailer and grabbed a sheet of card and folded it into a fan. I walked back to see them crowded around Tori's fan.
"At least it oscillates," Jade said.
"Um, I'm still not happy I'm so hot," Dre said.
"Where could Cat be?" Robbie asked.
"I hope she's okay," Tori said.
They were all crowded around the fan while I was laying on the floor fanning myself with one of my headphones in.
"It's slowing down," Tori said. It stopped and they all groaned.
"No!" Robbie screamed. "Come on, fan! Work, work! Spin!"
"Robbie, Robbie stop. Robbie stop it," Beck tried.
"No, I need it. I need it," Robbie yelled.
"The batteries are dead," Beck said. "Robbie stop,"
"Oscillate! Spin!" Robbie screamed.
"It's over," Beck said. Robbie yelled into Beck's couch.
"I'm extremely hot now," Dre said sitting besides me as I moved the fan to fan both of us. He took it out of my hand and started fanning us.
"We've got to get out of this stupid R.V. Yeah, offense," Trina said to Beck.
"We at least have to find something to drink," Tori said.
"Your fish tank," Jade told Beck.
"Oh, yeah! I forgot about my fish tank," Beck said.
"Wait. We're gonna drink fish water?" Rex asked.
"Beats dyin' of thirst," Dre said.
"When was the last time you cleaned it?" Jade asked Beck.
"You're supposed to clean it?" Beck asked.
"Oh, come on!" Tori whined.
"We can't drink dirty fish water," Robbie said.
"Well, if we don't drink somethin', We're all gonna be just..." Dre was cut off by Tori.
"Wait. Trina, what are you doing?" Tori asked.
"What do you mean?" Trina asked.
"Why was your head in your bag?" Tori asked.
"It's cool in there," Tori said.
"I heard you swallow. Gimme the bag," Tori said.
"No!" Trina said. The pair started fighting.
"Not even we're that aggressive," I said to Jade.
"We barely fight and when we do we just yell at each other," Jade said. Tori grabbed the bag.
"Water! She has water!" Tori said. We all stood up.
"Give it back!" Trina yelled.
"You had water this entire time and didn't share with the rest of us?" Tori asked.
"If I shared it, I wouldn't have had as much for me," Trina said.
"There's only like one swallow left," Dre said checking the bottle.
"I want it," Jade said.
"No. We will share it," Tori said.
"There's barely enough to fill up the cap," I said.
"Then we will share one capful," Tori said.
"Okay, we'll share it," Trina said.
"You get nothing," Tori said. We all moved to sit either on Beck's bed or on the floor in front of the bed. "All right. No sipping. Everyone gets one tongue dip," Tori said before dipping her tongue in. "Oh, that's refreshing. Here," Dre dipped his tongue in and then handed it to Robbie. Robbie dipped his tongue in and then shoved the rest into his mouth.
"No!" Jade and I screamed. We all tackled him. Jade pulled the lid from his mouth.
"It's empty," She told us all.
"Well, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself!" Robbie yelled. I went to tackle him. Beck and Dre held me back.
"Go lay down," Dre said. I lay on the floor.
"Okay. Okay, something's dripping on me. Something's dripping on me," Jade said sitting up.
"Nothing's dripping," Beck told Jade.
"Yes, look on my arm. See? And on my forehead. What's going on? What's happening?" Jade asked.
"You're sweating," Beck told my older sister.
"No. No, I'm not. I don't sweat. I am not sweating," Jade said.
"Look at me," Beck said.
"No," Jade said.
"Look at me," Beck said.
"No," Jade said.
"Look at me!" Beck yelled.
"What?" Jade asked.
"You're sweating," Beck said. She fell to the floor.
"We gotta get out of here," Jade said.
"Yeah, thank you, Catherine obvious," Tori said.
"What?" Trina asked.
"I said, "thank you, Catherine obvious," Tori repeated.
"Did she say Catherine obvious?" Robbie asked.
"It's captain obvious," Dre told Tori.
"The expression is "Thank you, captain obvious," Jade said.
"It's not Catherine?" Tori asked.
"No," I said.
"Who would Catherine be?" Beck asked.
"Catherine can be a captain," Tori said.
I was laying on the floor beside Andre. Beck and Jade were on the bed laying down. The others were either on the couch or laying on the floor.
"Okay. It's official. I have achieved maximum hottitude," Dre said before groaning.
"I've never been this thirsty," Jade said.
"For the first time In my life, my tongue isn't moist," Tori said.
"These fish mock me," Robbie said.
"How dare they swim around, enjoying that filthy water?" Trina said.
"I'm gonna drink that filthy water," Robbie said. We tried to stop him. "What choice do I have?"
"It's his call," Beck said. Robbie dunked his head into the water.
"Well?" Dre asked. He started retching and grabbed a bag throwing up in it.
"That's my bag," Trina said.
"Don't drink the fish water," Robbie said.
"What do we do?" Tori asked.
"I don't know," Beck said.
"When I was a little boy, my grandma, before she lost her mind, used to say to me, "Andre, "No matter how bad things get, "You can always make it better by singin' a song," Dre said.
"That's so stupid," Trina said. Tori began singing weakly. We all joined in. The door opened.
"Hi, everyone!" Cat said. I ran passed her outside.They all followed. Beck and Dre passed around the water.
"You guys really missed me. Jade, you're all sweaty," Cat said.
"Never speak of it!" Jade yelled.
"What happened?" Cat asked.
"We were trapped in there," Tori said.
"For hours," Dre added.
"Hope you had a nice pee," Trina yelled.
"Trapped? Why didn't you guys just open the door?" Cat asked.
"'Cuz there's a gigantic R.V. parked right..." Beck trailed off after he realised the RV had gone.
"I guess they left and we didn't even know," Dre said.
"Who cares? It's over," Beck said.
"I drank fish water," Robbie said.
"It's all right. Come on, guys. It's only 4:30, And there's a large Pacific ocean right over there," Tori said.
"Let's enjoy that ocean," Robbie yelled. Andre and I ran down to the ocean. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed.
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