《Beating Heart - Andre Harris x OC》[6]
I was sat with Dre, Jade and Isaac watching the rehearsal of the school production of Uptown Downtown. Isaac and I had done the choreography for the play and then I was helping Andre with the music of the play.
"Ready? Action." Marty asked.
"I don't know." Tori told Robbie.
"Oh, come on! Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?" Robbie asked Tori.
"Why are you in love with me?" Tori asked.
"Because you're beautiful. Look at your face In the moonlight." Robbie said.
"I can't." Tori said.
"You can. " Robbie said.
"No, a person can't look at their own face, it's impossible." Tori said.
"Then marry me, and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors." Robbie said.
"But that's so many." Tori said.
"My father's a billionaire. I can give you everything you've ever wanted, and I'm very good looking." Robbie said.
"Um, yeah." Tori said.
"Think." Robbie pointed.
"And lights go." Marty said. The light on Robbie cut as Beck walked on from the other side of the stage and the light picked up on him.
"I don't know." Tori said to Beck.
"It's okay that you don't know." Beck said.
"But you deserve an answer." Tori said.
"I can wait, for you, I would wait a thousand years." Beck said to Tori.
"But that's so many." Tori said.
"I know I'm poor. I know I don't have much to offer, but I do love you." Beck said.
"Because I'm beautiful?" Tori asked.
"I don't love you because you're beautiful, you're beautiful, because I love you." Beck said as disco music started playing. Jade stood up.
"What up with the disco?!" Jade yelled.
"I'm sorry. I hit the wrong thing." Sinjin said.
"No, 15 years ago, your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" Jade yelled.
"15 years ago Mom gave birth to the wrong thing." Isaac looked at me. I kicked his feet out from under him. He groaned as he fell to the floor.
"What did you do?" Jade asked turning back to look at us.
"Nothing he's just clumsy." I said. Isaac groaned standing up.
"That hurt dumbass." Isaac said. I smirked at him.
"All right, Why don't we take a break? Tori, Beck, you guys were great, really nice stuff." Marty said.
"Thanks." Tori said.
"How was I?" Robbie asked.
"I've seen worse." Marty said going to turn back to the student he was talking too.
"Guys, guys, everyone shut up a second." Jade said standing up pulling Issac and I with her. Dre followed.
"Whatcha got?" Beck asked.
"An e-mail from Principal Eikner." Jade said.
"That says?" Tori asked causing Jade to throw her annoyed look.
"To all students Involved in our school's Production of uptown downtown, Sofia Michelle will be In Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening night performance." Jade read out as the class burst into mumbles.
"Oh, my God!" Marty rushed out.
"Who's Sofia Michelle?" Tori asked.
"Oh, no, no, no!" Jade, Isaac and I groaned. Jade grabbed Beck's hand as we walked over to the chairs we were previously sat in. Beck stood behind Jade's chair.
"What?" Tori asked.
"She gets to be the lead and..." Isaac started.
"...She doesn't even know who Sofia Michelle is." Jade finished as Beck rubbed her shoulders.
"Wait, is she the lady who does those infomercials with the vibrating hairbrush?" Tori asked.
"I love that hairbrush." Sinjin said.
"Look at the cover of your script." Robbie said.
"Oh, Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing." Tori said looking at her script.
"Ohhh." Jade and I mocked.
"She's like the biggest playwright on broadway." Isaac told the brunette.
"All right, you guys, we knew we had to be great. Now, we have to be perfect. We are not gonna disappoint Sofia Michelle." Marty said walking back in.
"And you're sure you want Robbie in this play?" Rex asked.
"I'm good." Robbie defended.
"At what?" Rex asked.
"Being weird and creepy?" I asked. Dre laughed.
"I have to go take another nerve pill." Marty walked out. Disco music started.
"Will you kill the disco?!" Jade, Isaac and I yelled.
"No one can kill disco!" Sinjin said dancing and brushing his hair with a vibrating hairbrush.
I was sat at a table by myself playing my song on my laptop listening to it. Andre sat down across from me and slid a tray of fries to me.
"Thanks." I said.
"No problem. What you working on?" Andre asked.
"A song for our musical production class." I said. "You wanna hear it?"
"Play me your music M." Dre said. I handed him an earbud and we sat listening to the song.
"What do you think?" I asked.
"Considering you were given the hardest word in the class you smashed it. Like that song to come from the word trauma." Andre said . I smiled as Isaac walked rushed over squeezing between Dre and I. I groaned.
"What's my little sister smiling about?" Isaac asked as Jade and Beck sat across from us.
"Why did you have to squeeze yourself between us?" I asked.
"I wanted to sit next to my little sister is that such a crime?" Isaac asked. I moved.
"Well, your little sister doesn't want to sit next to you because you stink like a gym locker." I stood up and sat between Beck and Andre.
"No move." Isaac said. I stood up and walked away to the table of football jocks.
"Hey boys." I smirked watching Isaac get pissed at the table I'd walked away from.
"Morgan West." Ryder Daniels smirked.
"Hey, good-looking," I said. Ryder put his arm around my shoulder.
"You wanna kiss to piss off your brother?" Ryder asked.
"Sure." I said. Ryder pulled me in for a kiss that quickly turned into a makeout session.
"Morg, get your ass over here." Jade yelled. I stood up and walked back to the table.
"What the hell did I just watch?" Andre asked.
"You feeling left out?" I whispered in his ear. He looked at me.
"I'm gonna do this for your own safety." Beck pulled me between him and Jade. Isaac glared at me.
"Dude, you shouldn't be so overprotective it's gonna hit you right back." Jade told Isaac before turning to me. "And you stop making out with disease-infested jocks to annoy Isaac."
I was sat downstairs doing homework and eating pizza. Beck and Jade walked in.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." Beck said taking a slice of pizza from the box.
"Hi." Jade said. "Where's Isaac and Jack?"
"Jack's upstairs asleep. I tucked him in about 20 minutes ago. Isaac is at the dog's house so that he and Vega can be Cat's makeup models." I said.
"You heard from Mom?" Jade asked.
"Slurring into the phone. I'm assuming she's at a friend's drunk." I said.
"So what was that at lunch today?" Beck asked as he and Jade sat on the couch. Jade looked at me cocking her eyebrow at me. I sighed.
"I like Andre okay?" I said.
"Then tell him that." Beck said.
"He's Isaac's best friend. How the hell is Isaac going to react when I turn around and tell him "oh and by the way, I have a massive crush on your best friend." You saw the way he reacted to Andre and me sharing headphones. He'll kill him." I said.
"Isaac isn't going to kill Andre. He didn't kill me when I told him about Jade." Beck said.
"You didn't tell him about you two we walked in on you doing it on the couch and he couldn't kill you because he'd broken his wrist." I said.
"Morg, he's not going to kill Andre okay? Calm down. He'll just potentially threaten him." Jade said.
"I hope to God you're right." I said.
"I'm always right." Jade said. The door knocked. I got up to answer the door. It was Andre.
"I brought pizza. Pepperoni and extra cheese." Andre said.
"Great Beck ate most of my pizza." I said letting him in and walking into the kitchen. Andre followed me.
"So our advanced songwriting class you wanna partner up for this weeks assignment?" Andre asked.
"What? You don't wanna work with Vega?" I asked putting two plates in front of us.
"Everyone wants to work with Tori and you know your way around an instrument while Tori's biggest asset is her voice," Andre said biting into a slice of pizza. "Plus our voices blend better and Tori's just dominates."
"You want something to drink?" I asked.
"Sure." Andre said. I opened the fridge.
"Apparently the only thing we have is cheap beer and water," I said.
"Isaac took a big bottle of soda to his room but I think there are drinks in the garage." Jade said.
"Water's good." Dre said. I handed him a water bottle.
We walked upstairs with the pizza and sat on my bed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.
"Sure. Just not a horror film they scare me." Dre said.
"Horror films are not my thing. I prefer crime films. You watched We're the Millars?" I asked.
"I haven't but it doesn't sound horrifying put it on." Dre said. I put it on and we sat eating pizza and watching the movie. Jack walked in.
"Morgy. I can't sleep." Jack said holding his stuffed bear.
"Come here then Jack." I said. Jack cuddled into my side and soon fell asleep. Beck walked in as the movie finished.
"Morgan, where's Jack?" Beck asked.
"He's here. He came in saying he couldn't sleep." I said.
"Alright. Andre you want a ride home?" Beck offered.
"Yeah that would be great. Thanks Beck." Dre said. He stood up and walked out with Beck. I picked Jack up and took him back to his bedroom tucking him in. As I walked out Jade was stood in the hallway.
"So what did you and Andre talk about?" Jade smirked.
"Nothing. We watched a movie Jade." I said.
We were doing a final run-through of the play. Andre and I were upstairs on the catwalk with the band performing. Isaac was checking the final choreography. I walked down to the main stage.
"That was dynamite." Marty said.
"Except Robbie." Isaac said.
"Is something wrong with your pants?" I asked.
"No, why? Was I dancing weird?" Robbie asked.
"No, it was great." Isaac patted his shoulder.
"Now, everyone, Go get some water, Hydrate and rest up for the show." Marty said.
Isaac was acting with Robbie.
"So I'm on my private jet, almost halfway to Barcelona, When I say to the pilot, I've changed my mind. Take a left. We're going to Prague." Robbie said in a posh accent.
"You're too much." Isaac said matching his posh accent.
"Aren't I?" Robbie said. Beck walked on stage picking up the luggage. "Hey, hey, hey, you there." Robbie said to Beck.
"Yes, sir?" Beck asked.
"That luggage is very expensive. Don't just toss it around like a monkey." Robbie said.
"I'm sorry it's jus-" Beck was cut off by Isaac.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Check out the girl coming this way." Isaac said looking at Tori who was still in the zombie mask.
"Oh, my God, she's gorgeous." Robbie said.
"She's beautiful." Beck said.
We were getting ready for the final song.
"Just say you'll marry me." Robbie yelled.
"Excuse me, but most women don't wannabe screamed at when they're being proposed to." Tori said.
"I'm rich, I'm handsome, I have nine boats! Stop acting like a stupid girl!" Robbie yelled.
"Wait, you got a little Something right there." Tori pointed at her lip. "This." She punched him on the floor. The lights dimmed and we started playing the music.
We were all stood in little groups. I was stood with Beck Rex and Robbie.
"Well, that was an interesting performance. When I wrote that play, I certainly never pictured Penny as a freakish zombie during most of it." Sofia said.
"Oh, man, I'm out of pills." Marty rushed off.
"Look, I can explain." Tori said.
"You don't need to explain. I totally got it." Sofia said.
"You did? You do? She got it. What did you get?" Tori asked.
"The whole commentary on what's really beautiful. Having these two young men feel true love for a girl with a hideous face, really emphasized the whole point of the play, which is substance over beauty, the beauty within." Sofia said.
"Right." We all said.
"Well, we're really glad you liked it." Tori said.
"I enjoyed the choreography. Who was the choreographer?" Sofia asked.
"That would be Morgan and Isaac West." Lane said pointing at us.
"Great work." Sofia said.
"Thanks." Isaac and I said.
"Yeah, and did you enjoy my performance, Miss Michelle?" Robbie asked.
"Wow, I am late for my plane." Sofia said.
"We heard you were gonna be in L.A. All week." Jade said.
"Right, well, bye." Sofia left.
"Congratulations everyone. Now, before we go, Just a couple of..." Marty was cut off by disco music playing.
"Don't fight it." Sinjin yelled. We all looked at each other and started dancing.
I walked to Jade and Beck.
"What's up Morg?" Beck asked.
"I'm going to tell Isaac that I like Andre and I need you two there to either grab him when he gets pissed or calm him down." I said.
"Alright come on." Jade said. Jade went to find Isaac and Beck and I was waiting in an empty classroom waiting.
"So when are you going to tell Andre that you like him?" Beck said.
"One step at a time Beck. I don't even know if he feels the same way." I said. Jade walked in with Isaac.
"What do you want?" Isaac asked.
"I'm going to tell you something and I would love it if you just shut up and let me tell you." I said.
"What do you want to tell me?" Isaac said.
"I... li...lik... like... -" Isaac cut me off.
"Spit it out Morgan." Isaac said.
"I like Andre." I spat out.
Isaac asked."Andre as in one of my best friends? Music genius? Andre?" Isaac asked. Beck stood in between us. I nodded slowly. Isaac's face changed. Jade stood in front of him.
"Hey. Calm down." Jade told him.
"Our little sister just told us she likes one of our friends does that not concern you." Isaac asked.
"Isaac, why is Morgan at Hollywood Arts?" Jade asked.
"Because she broke a boys ribs." Isaac said.
"Morgan is 15 she can take care of herself. She's done if for most of her life. And she's got us three there if she can't. Look our little sister dating someone doesn't sit well with me but I'd rather her be dating Andre than one of those fleabag football douchebags. Andre wouldn't deliberately hurt her." Jade said.
"He's a good guy." Beck said.
"Fine. If he hurts you I'll stab him with Jade's scissors." Isaac said hugging me.
"If he hurts her I'll do it myself." Jade said.
"And I will give him the advice to run to another country if he hurts you." Beck said.
"Bro, you're crushing my ribs." I said
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