《•complicated• (Enhypen Mgl)》2
Түүний нүд рүү нь харахад.... цаг хугацаа зогсчихсон юм...
Яг л хязгааргүй далайд живж бгаа мэт. Үгүй ээ мэт ч биш би үнэхээр живсэн...
Магадгүй дурлачихав уу?...
Хисын ийг өдий олон жил харахдаа яагаад ийм царайлаг гэдгийг нь анзаараагүй юм болоо?..
Зза би мартах хэрэгтэй.. Юу гэж дурлах билээ дээ. Явж явж хисынд шүү.....
Орой нь хичээлээ хийх гэсэн нэг л болж өгсөнгүй. Толгой дотор тэр харц эргэлдээд л байлаа.
-Ааахх иймэрхүү байдалтай маргааш яаж хичээлдээ явна аааа
~маргааш өглөө нь~
Сонхүн- Юу вэ яагаад урвайчихаав.
Мина- мэдэхгүй ээ, толгой нэг л бишээ.. нэг л хүн нүдэнд харагдаад бх юм...
Сонхүн- аа ойлгомжтой, дурлахаар тэгдэг юм шдээ. Миний анд ч эцэст нь ганц бие амьдралаасаа салах гэж бгаамуу
Мина-чи юу яриад бгаан. Би дурлаагүй ээ..
Чөтгөрийг дуусахаар гэдэг шиг ангид гэнэт л Хисын ороод ирэв. Хэдийгээр бид хоёр нэг анги ч би 1р салаанд тэр 3р салаанд суудаг юм.
Хичээл дундуур ч миний харц түүнээс салсангүй...үзгээ бариад бичиж бгаа төрх нь ямар ч өө сэв алга...
Яг тэр агшинд миний хэзээ ч мартахааргүй үйл явдал болж өнгөрсөн....
Хисын над руу харчихав..!! Тэр намайг ардаас нь харж бсныг мэдсн юм бхдаа..
Намайг цоолох гэж бгаа мэт ширтэх нь хамгийн хачин нь надад ичмээр санагдсангүй..... Би ч мөн адил ширтсэн.
~энэ ангид..Зөвхөн Чи бид хоёр.. цаг хугацааг тэр агшинд зогсоосон...~
Уран зохиолын хичээл ороход багш хайр дурлалын талаар ярих үед л миний харц түүнээс арай хийж салсан.
Ичмээр санагдсан хэрэг л дээ...
Хисын үнэхээр л дэндүү бодлогошронгуй хүн шиг юм. Тэр дэндүү олон зүйлийн талаар боддог юм шигээ. Шууд харцнаас нь л мэдэгдэх аж.
-Сонхүнааа хаачих нь вэ?
-Явж сайн хүнээ харлаа. Яасан чи хэзээ миний хэрэгт оролцдог болчихоо вэ Мина?
- Аан юу.. зүгээр л
-Харин тэр толгой дотор чинь эргэлдээд бгаа залуу та хоёрт амжилт хүсье. Бүтчихвэл ч гоё доо тиймээ (ёжлонгуй хэлэх)
- За больж үз, яваа яв явж тэр охиноо хар.
Сонхүнийг ангиас гарч явахыг харж бгаад нэг хүн над руу ширтээд бгааг би сая л нэг анзаарлаа...
Түүн рүү харахад тэр шууд л ичээд харцаа холдуулчихав..
Би ариун цэврийн өрөө орохоор ангиас гарахад Хисын гараас минь зуураад авлаа..!!
-А...айн.. Яасан бэ... Хисын
-Чамтай түр ярилцаж болох уу?...
(Daraagiin hesgiig unshihiig husej bval vote draarai❤)
The Madec Legacy
The dawn of Emotion Based A.I.s is here, John is the fifth test subject to have an AI implemented in his brain, and so far the first one to survive. Blinded by the dream of immortality, the researchers push the tests to inhumane standards. John is obligated to take part in sessions of torture designed to test the limits of the AI influence over the physical and mental health. What was supposed to be a new beginning in life turns into living hell. An (un)lucky twist ends his life. John then reincarnates with his AI in a new world where a System influences the interaction between Magic and Matter. With seemingly limitless potential and a game-like system influencing the world, the hero sets on his journey. --AUTHOR NOTE, PLEASE READ-- I will state here my promises to you, potential reader: 1. No harem! I don't trust myself to make a harem feel natural or healthy, I never met any person who has a personality that can adapt and live in a harem for reasons that are not monetary, so I can't draw inspiration from real life. Sorry!; 2. The enemies will not be bland and illogically mean. Some may feel like that at first, but I will take great care in fleshing them out, trust me. You may end up hating some, but you won't be able to deny that they had their reasons for what they did; 3. I am using a paid (and expensive) automated editor tool, and I take longer to write because I take my time in editing the stuff. I am aiming to improve and I will not shy away from constructive criticism, nor take offense for no reason; 4. Characters will die and will suffer, some will get over the tragedies and improve, others will not be as resilient. 5. This novel has a lot of ground to cover, it is neither a short story, a manual on crafting, or the script of some action scene. There will be both time skips and oversimplifications of some actions for the sake of moving the story forward. Time skips will be more prominent in the first 30 chapters. I will describe crafting processes and fights with more detail if they are essential for the chapter; 6. If I took my time describing something, it's because it is important. I hate novels that waste time describing useless stuff. If you skim over something, the chances are that something in the future will not make sense. I am an adept of "Chekhov's gun" principle; 7. I already have 31k words on my auxiliary documents, I have a plan for the story, and I will not be making changes even if someone ends up noticing some foreshadowing and figures out what will happen. The story comes first. 8. I have a wife, a job that demands 9h every day and courses related to my job (lawyer) three days of the week, it's unlikely that I will be able to do mass releases at all. I will have a healthy amount of chapters to be able to post at least 1 chapter every day continually. Don't worry. 9. I will read all the comments. I will listen to all you have to say and will try my best to accommodate demands as long as they do not hamper the path I prepared. 10. There is an arc that spans the entire novel. Each volume will be an arc in itself while progressing a little bit of the main arc. Every arc will have one or more main antagonists. I think that's it! Thank you for reading it all. Have an awesome time reading my first novel!!
8 98Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat.
A man that was used to reviewing novels, dies in an elevator accident and gets sent to the world of Teyvat [Genshin Impact] to live his life the way he wants. What will happen if an unknown entity like him enters the world of Teyvat? Will the Archons hunt him down, or will he hunt them? *** This story is my first wish fulfillment. It will be slightly different from the story of Genshin Impact due to them updating the game so often and adding/changing stuff. Currently, it's patch 1.5 and I have been playing the game ever since it came out. So I am closely following the story, but... It won't be following the same story at all times. But I will do my best to try and follow the original as closely as possible with my abilities. It will reach number one on genshin fanfics. I guarantee it.
8 121HEx #5
Logan Randall, a coma patient, is given the chance to live once more in a fully VR MMO. Things go awry and he has to find a way to live in his new sci-fi world.Deadly aliens, new planets, and the ever present problem that is other players, Logan needs to make sure to carve out his own place because it's his only way to live now.
8 84A Vampire's Complications
Leah Rickabe died in the accident, or at least that is what people were told. Leah now has to adjust to the new life that she tried to deny. But this life still has more challenges for her and the enemy is even closer than it was before.
8 98Look at What You Made Me(BNHA x Bullied Ghoul
You were a student at UA, however you were quirkless so you were bullied often. During the attack on the USJ you were captured but everyone thought you were dead. However in reality you were being tortured and experimented on. In the end you succumbed to the pain and became insane and bloodthirsty. Now you are back for revenge
8 177Wspaniałe Stulecie: Ogień i Lód
Spoglądając w gwiazdy można zobaczyć wszystko. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość. Niektóre nawet odwzajemniają spojrzenia, prowadząc nas w życiu. To co dla nas najważniejsze umyka naszym oczom, innym niekoniecznie. Najczęściej szczęście jest na wyciągnięcie ręki. Wystarczy, że odważymy się sięgnąć.
8 73