《•complicated• (Enhypen Mgl)》3
-Чамтай түр ярилцаж болох уу?..
Тэр шууд л намайг дагуулаад явлаа..
-Юу ярих гэсэн юм бол?..
(Үнэндээ бид хоёр энэ олон жил хамт бсан ч анх удаа тэр үед Хисын миний нүдэнд өөр хүн шиг харагдсан юм.)
- Аан.. нөгөө.. Энэ бие даалтыг хамт хийх үү?.. гэх гээд л..
(Хачирхалтай нь тэр над руу харцаа салгахгүй байснаа огт дурссангүй шүү~)
- Аан.... заа.. тэгьеээ
(Удаан нүд рүү харсан хүнтэйгээ юм ярих гэхээр нэг л болж өгсөнгүй.. Хамаг бие минь чичрэнэ..)
Хонх дуугарч дараагийн цаг ороход Хисын над руу дахин эргэж хараад байгааг анзаарлаа.. Зүрх минь тэр үед маш хурдан цохилхыг сонсоно.. Яагаад ч юм энэ амьдралын минь хамгийн сайхан мөч байсан...Гэнэт хэдэн охидуудын орилох чимээнээр би сая л нэг ухаан оров..
-Сонхүнааа чи өнөөдөр завтай юу?
-Аахх манай сонхүн үнэхээр царайлаг юмаа.
(Миний урд суудаг Пак сонхүн гэгч охидын дунд их л од юм. Царайлаг дээрээс нь сайхан ааштайг ч хэлэх үү.)
Сонхүн- уучлаарай охидуудаа. Надад сайн хүн бгаа.. Одоо явдаа.
Мина- аливээ манай найз сайн хүнтэй гээд байна явцгаа.
(Би ч энэ хэдэн охидуудаас залхсан шүү)
Сонхүн- Яасан бэ? Царай чинь бүр улайчихаж
Мина-ааашшш би улайцан бнуу
Сонхүн шууд л гараа духанд минь хүргэн бие минь зүгээр бгаа эсэхийг үзлээ.
Сонхүн-Зүгээр үү?
Пак сонхүн миний хувьд зүгээр л найз минь.. Гэхдээ тэр хэзээ ч надаар тоглож жинхэнэ андуудын гаргадаг занг гаргаж бгаагүй..Надад санаа тавьж үргэлж намайг инээлгэдэг тийм л нэгэн найз.....
Харин яг тэр үед Сонхүн бид хоёрыг Хисын харцаа салгалгүй ширтэж байсныг би анзаараагүй юм...
(За тгээд сэтгэгдлээ хуваалцвал маш их баярлана шүү🤗 Бас enhypen сонсдог найзууддаа манай өгүүллэгийг санал болгоосой гэж чин сэтгэлээсээ хүсэж бнн♡)
Penance's Pursuit
This future sci-fi fantasy follows the progression of a few main characters as they navigate their unique spheres of life in the year 2242. The story focuses heavily on themes of guilt, personal failing, and penance. The conflict revolves around two main concepts: Man vs. Himself (Internal conflict) and Man vs Man (External conflict). The internal conflicts focus on many of the characters' inner demons and how each of them deal with the scars of the past. The external conflict centers around a mysterious criminal organization called Nexus that conducts human trafficking. There are three groups of main characters. The first group belong to a vigilante mercenary organization called Ab Aeterno. Titus, Venna, and Benjamin are Achilles team. This team is a part of Ab Aeterno's special forces branch which is designated Demon Stalkers. Their goal and mission is to perform assassinations, abductions, and destabilization operations on criminal organizations throughout the solar system. Their current mission places them directly in the path of Nexus. Titus interacted with them in his past and they seem to have unlimited reach, resources, and power. As the team faces this threat, old wounds will surface and dangerous connections to the past will emerge. The second group of characters are on the Mars colony. Randal Page is an analyst for a talent scout company on Mars. He is faced with the reality that the company he thought he was working for is in fact Nexus. His story centers around his coming to realize the duplicity of the company he works for and then his response to the startling realization of his own ignorant involvement. Also on Mars is a woman named FaRarra Njokko. She is a Nexus sex slave in a brothel on Mars and is known by the stage name of Stardust. She is striving to escape when her path crosses with Randal. The final main character is Preston Coretel. He is a monk with a mysterious and shady past. He is on the run from Nexus in more ways than one. He is seeking sanctuary on an abandoned monastery space station in order to avoid agents of Nexus and to atone for his previous involvement with Nexus.
8 198a new world to call home, as sloths representative
"So I get 2 freebies and a curse," "Yup." "What's the world like? The one you'll be sending me to?" "So you know overlord?" "Shit." "Yeah, way harder." a girl chosen by the sin of sloth gets transported in the middle of a forest swarming with dangerous monsters. For a bet waged by the physical manifestation of the seven sins. After bearly surviving a month in the forest, she tries to find a place for herself in this mysterious world.
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Hello, there dearest friends, What is it that your heart desires the most? Fame? Money? Power?Well, I could solve that for you. Just follow this simple guide.1. DIE2. ????3. Profit
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Characters Include:-Veronica Sawyer-Jason Dean-Martha Dunnstock-Ram Sweeney-Kurt Kelly-Heather Chandler-Heather Duke-Heather McNamara-Betty Finn
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Mr. P decides to make a Discord server for all the brawlers for easier communication regarding matches and other normal stuff. Unfortunately, the Brawlers are anything BUT normal and soon chaos ensues.A Brawl Stars Discord Chat Fic. Need I say more? Also on AO3(Warnings for foul language (Mostly Jacky but other Brawlers swear too)
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A strange man arrives at the Kamado household seeking shelter. Along the way, the stranger is taken on a journey with Tanjiro and his now demon sister, Nezuko. How far will this journey take them and what may lye in-store for our protagonists?
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