《》Chapter 35


Only one more chapter left guys!!!


What the hell was wrong with him? Humans worked for Shaw Construction and he was willingly wanting them to come work on his home. Two months ago, he would've bared his fangs at the thought of a human coming on his land, but now, Tessa had softened his heart to the other species.

Her mother and brother would be arriving the following day for a small wedding. He'd encouraged Tessa to tell her family about him. He didn't want her to hide from the ones who loved her. Thankfully, her family was as understanding about their secrecy as Tessa had been when she'd found out about them.

His phone pinged with an incoming text. Harold would be out to the house in the next twenty minutes, and Drake figured he'd use that time to pay some bills for the business. After the doc checked Tessa, he'd encourage her to sleep until dinner.

Harold arrived ahead of his schedule, and Rex let the panther's healer inside immediately. Everyone was smiling, and Drake accepted a hearty handshake from the doc. "Congratulations, Drake."

"Thank you!" He smiled, again.

"So, is Tessa okay?" Harold asked as he set his black bag on the kitchen table.

"She's still new to this and wants you to give her a pregnancy test to confirm what we've told her." Drake walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer, cracking the top even though it was the middle of the day.

"Let's go reassure your mate," Harold chuckled, slapping Drake's back.

He left Harold in his private living area as he slipped inside their bedroom. Tessa wasn't in the bed, and if it wasn't for the light glowing from under the bathroom door, he would've panicked, wondering where she was.


He knocked softly, and after a mumbled response from her, he entered to find her resting her head on the toilet seat. His mate was sick, and he had no idea how to make her better.

"Harold's here," he whispered, and rubbed his hand over her silky, blonde hair. Tessa nodded and started to get up from the floor, but Drake scooped her up and took her back to bed. As soon as she was settled, he stepped out to get the healer.

A quick pregnancy test confirmed their senses, and Harold spent another few minutes checking her vitals.

"I'm so happy," Tessa started crying.

"So am I, little one," Drake cooed as he lay beside her on the bed, looking up at the healer. "Is there anything we can do for this sickness?"

"Bland foods for the next few weeks," Harold stated. "She will need to stay hydrated. If she has any weird symptoms, I'm only a call away." "So, our baby is okay?" she asked.

"Your cub is going to be strong," Harold promised. "I will be able to check his or her heartbeat in about nine weeks to confirm that for you."

"I can't wait." Tessa smiled at Drake.

"I will leave you and your family to celebrate," Harold said, removing his special gloves. Shaking Drake's hand, the healer told them to call him if she had any problems and left the room.

As soon as he left, Drake returned to his mate and pulled her in close. He kissed the top of her head and just kept his lips pressed there for several minutes. "I am the luckiest male alive."

"My mother is going to be so happy," she sniffled. "My brother has never married."


"I can't wait to meet your family," he said, reaching behind him to fluff a pillow. He leaned back and pulled her to his chest. The scent of her pregnancy reached his nose, and he sighed from the peace and calm it brought him.

"Even if they're human?" she asked. Drake looked down and saw a frown form between her eyes.

"They're your family. Of course, I'll love them as you love them."

"Thank you," she grinned, rubbing her hand over his chest. "Thank you for saving me, Drake."

"I think it was you that saved me," he argued.

"How's that?" Tessa sat up so she could look him in the eyes.

"I was so angry that a human took my parents, I turned that into hatred for all humans." He paused to take a deep breath. "You showed me that there are still good humans out there, and you loved me even when I was being a grumpy asshole."

"You really were a grumpy asshole,"she confirmed, gigglingwhen he tightened his hold on her.


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