《》Chapter 34


"Little one, you're not sick," he cooed, stroking her hair. "You're pregnant."

"W...what?" she gasped. There was no way.

"I can scent your pregnancy," he explained, wonder coating his words. Drake placed his large hand on her flat stomach.

"How? When?" she stuttered. "How the hell can you scent it?"

"You can't?" he frowned, inhaling deep.

"No, I can't!" she barked. "All I've been doing is throwing up since I drank that coffee."

"Oh, no," he shook his head, standing up from his position on the floor. "No more coffee for you. It's bad for my son. Come on, let me take you back to bed."

"Your son?" she asked, her eyes still wide as he scooped her up off the floor.

As soon as Drake's brothers entered the living room, Rex and Gunner froze in their steps and scented the air. Both men whooped loud enough to startle Tess. "Y'all are scaring me."

"Holy shit! We're going to be uncles," Gunner laughed loudly.

"Oh my god," Tessa gasped and covered her face. "You can scent that?"

"Shifters can scent pregnancies within hours after conception," Rex blushed.

"Great, no privacy at all," she mumbled against Drake's shirt. It smelled of dirt and hard work. "Are you sure I'm pregnant?"

"One hundred percent," Drake beamed. Tessa loved when he dropped the grumpy demeanor and showed his happiness. It wasn't very often, but since they'd mated, she was seeing it more and more. "We can always have Harold come over to check you out."

"I'd prefer that," Tessa agreed. "I mean, I trust you guys, but I just need some reassurance."

"I'll get him over this afternoon," Drake promised, pulling out his phone. He composed a quick text and slid it back into his pocket. "For now, you need to rest. I will make you something to eat. Our cub needs strength."


"I'm not going to argue with you on that," she mumbled as she paused to yawn.


Drake's brothers high-fived him as he returned to the main house. He was overjoyed that Tessa had become pregnant after their alone time the night before. Her scent had changed drastically since the night before, and he hadn't noticed when he' d woken up at five in the morning, because he had been in a hurry to get out to the fields.

"You're going to make a great papa, Drake," Rex commented. Drake nodded and looked over his shoulder, knowing Tessa needed to rest, but he wanted to celebrate. "We will have a feast tonight in celebration."

"I'll make something easy on her stomach." Gunner smiled and walked into the kitchen, digging through the freezer for a pack of chicken.

"Thank you both," Drake said, clearing his throat. He felt emotions inside him he'd never felt before. His beast was roaring with its happiness, as well.

"Get your work done, and probably Tessa's too," Rex ordered. "She'll be tired for the next few days."

"I agree," Drake said, wandering off to the computer desk in the living room. He looked around the house and realized he probably needed to add on to the main house. There would be a cub running around soon and having their small office in the living area would cause problems. Maybe he could bust out the wall in front of him and add an actual office with a door?

It wouldn't be any trouble. The cats had a construction company, and he was sure they'd send over a few of their employees to help him.


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