《》Chapter 33


Tessa woke from a dream about the bouquet of various blue flowers Drake had brought home the night before, smiling into the darkness of their bedroom as she brought up the image of the night before in her mind's eye. He looked awkward walking into the house with the plastic- wrapped bouquet in his large hand, but she didn't make fun of him. No, she loved the sentiment so much, she'd made him skip dinner and took him to bed.

They spent the evening curled up together after a marathon round of sex. Drake was a demanding lover, and she was happy to let him take the lead. There was nothing she wanted more than a man who could dominate her in the bedroom, but not control her life. She'd had enough of that with Bradley.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts of her former life. Bradley would not hold anymore space in her mind. Drake completed her in so many ways. Who knew she'd find the man she was destined to love and change her species all within a month of each other?

Some days, Tessa still couldn't believe she could shift into a bear. She had a strength about her she'd only seen in super hero movies. Only this was real life.

Reaching for the other side of the bed, she sighed when she found a cool spot where Drake slept. He probably woke up before dawn to check on his fields. Rex and Gunner would be with him, and she could get some payments made for the business.

Tessa had quit the diner and Tulley's parts shop a few weeks ago after Drake convinced her to work for him. She made a nice wage, and she was sure he paid her more than her worth, but he said he had always hated the paperwork part of the business. After she'd gotten a gander at his inbox, she immediately made her decision to help him at home.


The clock on the bedside table said it was nearing eight in the morning when she finally climbed out of bed, grabbing clothes as she headed for the shower. She did nothing more than wash and dry her hair, pulling it up into a sloppy bun at the top of her head. Drake told her she was beautiful without makeup, but she wore it anyway. Today would be no different.

The scent of coffee tickled her nose when she entered the main house, and she found her favorite cup sitting by the pot, a spoon resting inside. Tessa smiled at the gesture and made her coffee.

Right before she took the first sip, her phone rang, and her mother's number flashed across the screen. A smile as bright as a million suns lit up her face as she answered, "Hey momma!"

"Tessa girl, how are you?" her mother said into the phone.

"I'm so happy, mama," Tessa replied, setting her cup beside the computer's keyboard. "When will you be here?"

"Our plane lands at two tomorrow afternoon," she stated. "Your brother is threatening your fiancé 's life if he is an asshole."

"Mom!" Tessa gasped. "He's a good man."

"Yeah, well," her mom tsked. "I also told your brother that he better be careful, because those shifters were brutal and would eat him."

Tessa laughed loudly. Her mother knew about Drake. Drake had encouraged Tessa to tell her mom and brother what they were, and how she was also one of them now. Her mom had taken the news as if Tessa had called her to tell her she'd adopted a new puppy. Wait...that wasn't the best analogy. Maybe more like she'd gotten an upgraded apartment.

"Mom, I don't think Drake will eat him," Tessa sighed. "He's anxious to meet you and Ross."


"I'm ready to meet him," she said. Tessa could hear the happiness in her mother's voice. She hadn't heard that in a very long time. Over the past few years, there had been sadness there whenever they would talk.

"He saved my life, momma," Tessa sniffled.

God, she hated crying. She didn't tell her family that Drake had killed Bradley in a fit of rage. Even then, Tessa knew why Drake did it, and she learned later on that shifter law was a lot different from the human ones. Tessa had no remorse for the feelings her newfound species had about the killing, either. In her mind, and the mind of her bear, the kill was justified.

"I know he did, baby girl," her mom replied.

They talked for a few more minutes, and Tessa promised to be at the airport to pick them up the next afternoon. Her mom was going to help her plan a quick wedding with Drake to make it official by human laws.

Drake wanted her to be a Morgan, and she had no problems with changing her name. The moment she fell in love with Drake, Tessa already felt like she was a part of the family. Rex and Gunner had treated her like a sister from the moment they'd met.

Gunner was the sweetest, most accepting of her in the beginning, and Rex took a few days to warm up to her, and she assumed he only did it because Drake had touched her and found out they were true mates.

Realizing her coffee was going cold, she lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip. The moment it hit her stomach, her gut twisted and Tessa shot up from the chair. She ran for the half bath off the kitchen and barely made it in time to retch up the coffee and whatever was in her stomach.

"Tessa!" Drake called out. She tried to kick the door closed, but his large hand caught it before it closed completely. "What's..."

Tessa laid her head sideways on the toilet seat and looked at her mate. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and his hands shook as he moved toward her. "What are you doing?"

Drake dropped to his knees beside her and pulled her body to his. The warmth and feel of him wrapped around her took the nausea away, but only for a moment. She swayed a little as she sat on the floor but didn't throw up again.

"My mate," he sighed and held her close. "You've made me the happiest male on the face of the planet."

"Oh my god, Drake," she moaned. "Why would my throwing up make you so happy?"

"Do you feel different?"

"Of course, I do," she complained. "I'm sick."

"Little one, you're not sick," he cooed, stroking her hair. "You're pregnant."

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