《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 13:


I woke up, cranky, as the fire alarm had been set off and the noise was unbearable. What the hell, I thought, this isn't cool at all.

Looking at the clock besides my bed, it read in big letters.

Pushing my covers aside, I hurridly put on my slippers and ran out the door. The others had also heard the noise and were looking for the source of it.

"I'm going to kill whoever is making all of this damn noise." muttered Natasha, as I ran side-by-side with her.

"Not unless the others kill the person first." I replied, finally making it to the living room.

Already there was: Steve, The Twins, and Vision. Clint was at home with Laura, Rhodes was somewhere else, and Thor was in Asgard.

"Who made all the commotion?" asked Wanda, between yawns.

"I have no idea." answered Steve. I felt someone staring at me, only to find Rogers being the person.

"What?" I asked him. He looked away blushing.

"You wouldn't have something to cover you a bit more, would you?" I was confused at first, then looked down at my clothes.

He was referring to my muscle tee, black sports bra and plaid print pajama pants.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Steve, I ran out of the room in a hurry. I couldn't grab anything but my slippers. So chill."

"Here have my jacket." Pietro offered. I smiled at him and took it, putting the Pietro-scented jacket on.

"So who the hell woke us up?" Natasha asked, as someone entered the room.

"Sorry about that guys. I don't know what had happened with one of my expirements I was trying to do." We all turned around to see Stark looking at us sheepishly.

"You bastard, some of us were getting our beauty sleep until you woke us up." I glared at him.

"What were you doing anyways?" asked Steve.

"I was working on an expirement, but it obviously failed. I'll try later again though." answered Tony.

"Yes, you do that when everyone's asleep." Warned Natasha.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well I'm going back to sleep, good night." I yawned and started walking towards my room again.

"Can I join you?" Turning around, I saw Pietro cheekily grinning.

"Nooo, you cannot! Go to your own room."

"But Wanda kicked me out. Come on, I let you borrow my amazing jacket!" He tried to reason, to which I rolled my eyes.

"And you can have it back." I replied, taking the jacket off.


"Pietro no. I'm tired and really want to get back the minutes wasted. Good Night." Before I made and illusion and took it's in my room, I heard Pietro sigh.



The next time I woke up, it was . Much better, I thought.

Getting up, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After doing that I changed into black running shorts and a black t-shirt.

Then, I grabbed my shoes and put them on. When I was done, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

Looking satisfied in the mirror, I went out of the room and towards the kitchen. (Without going somewhere else or having someone take me there).

Anyways, once I got there, I made myself some toast and grabbed a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning Little One." I turned and saw Thor grabbing a cup of coffee and poptarts.

"Good morning Thor." I smiled at him, in which he returned it with another smile. "Hey if my mom asks, tell her I went for a run. Please."

"Of course."

"Thank you." I hurridly finished my small breakfast and headed outside. Having brought along my phone and ear plugs, I started to listen to music.

I ran around a couple of blocks, until I felt something touch my skin. Looking around, I saw no one and continued walking.

"Um, hi you dropped this." I screamed and jumped, putting my hand over my heart.

"Please don't do that EVER again." I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. Turning around, I saw a tall guy with slightly tanned skin, hazel-green orbs, dark brown hair, and a really nice smile.

"You dropped this." He handed me my pack of mint gum, that I always bring with me.

"T-Thank you." I quietly answered, grabbing my chicle. (gum)

"Your welcome, I'm Jason by the way."

"Morgana." I simply replied, not wanting to give my full name to a stranger.

"You like running?"

"Yeah, I guess it keeps me off the couch for a while." I laughed along with him.

"Hey would you like to run around a couple of blocks? I-I mean if you'd like to. But you don't have-"

I chuckled at his shyness, "Sure, I'd like that." After running for a while, I decided I was tired and headed back to the tower.

Jason offered to walk me home, in which I let him. Though I made him drop me off about two blocks away and I just walked the rest by myself.

Entering the tower, I was immediately greeted by a basketball to the face.

"Watch out!" I held my nose, as I felt liquid run down.

"¿Qué diablos están haciendo ustedes?" I exclaimed, running my mouth in spanish. (What the devil are you guys doing?"

"Okay first of all, we no espeak espanish and second of all, we're sorry Morg." Tony said, as I glared at him and Pietro.


"You guys are hecka messed, especially the one who hit me." I walked to the bathroom and cleaned up, taking a shower and plugging my nose.

Knock, Knock

"Hey Morgana?" After getting out, I wrapped myself in a towel and opened the door, peeking my head out.

"Sorry to interupt you, but vould you like to go to the movies with Pietro, Natasha, and I? No one vants to come." Wanda asked.

"Yes I'll go! What movie will we see?" I asked her, having a specifc genre in mind.

"Vell I'm not sure, but once ve get there ve can decide."

"Okay, sounds good. Let me get ready and I'll meet you guys in twenty minutes."

"Bye Morgana." I closed the bathroom door and started getting dressed.

After curling the last strand of hair, I was done. I went back to my room, put my dirty clothes in the hamper, and grabbed my purse.

I walked towards the elevator and waited for it to reach my floor. Once it opened, I entered and waited to get to the bottom floor.

"Are you ready Morg?" Asked Natasha, as I walked towards them.

"Yah let's go." We got out of the tower and walked towards Mom's black SUV.

"I call passenger seat!" Yelled Wanda before I even got the chance to open my mouth. I playfully glared at her, while she innocently smiled at me.

"Wake me up when we get there." I said closing my eyes once getting in the car.

I woke up a decade later when I felt a gentle tug on my arm.

"Wake up Mishka! Ve are here, and Wanda and Natasha are already valking to the theatre." Pietro whipsered.

"Okay." I yawned and stretched my arms out. "Can I get a piggy back ride?"

He chuckled and answered. "Come on sleepy head." I got on his back and wrapped my arms him. When we got inside, he put me down and we looked around for the girls.

"Morg!" We looked to our right and saw them already in line with food.

"Vhat movie are ve vatching?" Pietro asked as he got his popcorn and ICEE fromWanda.

"Well since they were showing movies from a couple years back tonight, we decided to get four for The Exorcist." Natasha said, as she looked at me the whole entire time. My eyes widened in excitement.

I literally live for horror movies and mom knows that very clearly. This is why some of the other Avengers hate when it's my turn to chose a movie on Movie Night.

Once we got inside the theatre room, I ran towards the top half of the seats and chose four seats in the middle. Perfect view, I thought.

After the rest of the group came up, I ended being in the middle: with Nat on my left and Pietro on my right. Wanda was next to Pietro on the other side. By the time the previews started, the large room was packed.

The whole entire time the previews were on, freaking Pietro wouldn't stop throwing popcorn at me.

"Dude, that's to eat not to play around with." I glared at him until he smirked and stopped.

As the lights started to slowly dim, I could feel Pietro's nails dig into the arm rest.

"Hey you okay?" I whispered.

"Da, I'm fine." While the movie was going and some people either screamed or jumped, I watched the Exorcist calmly.

I felt an arm snake around my shoulders and from the corner of my eye, saw Pietro looking at the screen. Purposely, I snuggled into his side, and stayed there until something happened.

While Pietro had his arm around me, one of the scary parts came on. He screamed like a child and clung to me.

"I didn't see that coming!" He cried, as he hid his head in the crook of my neck.

I had to laugh as he was trying to hug me, like that would stop the screams from the screen.

When more scenes like that would occur, he would bury himself more into my side and mumble prayers in Russian.

By the end of the movie, he was practically sitting on my lap silently having tears run down his cheeks.

"Pietro you're heavy, man." I muttered, hoping he would hear so he could get off me.

No luck.

"Pietro please get off me." I whined.

"Not until it's over Mishka..." he mumbled.


And yet again he jumped and grabbed a hand full of my shirt.

When the movie FINALLY finished, The Sokovian Speedster ran out. (But you know, without his powers.)

As the place started to get lonely, Wanda, Natasha, and I went to look for Pietro. Looking around the crowd, we saw Pietro walking towards us.

"How'd you like the movie?" Asked Natasha.

"It vas okay." Pietro answered hesistantly.

"Are you sure? Because the way that you were hiding all over Morgana didn't seem like you were okay." I laughed as Pietro started blushing madly.

"Come on Coconut Pie, let's go home." That night I slept perfectly, but knowing how Pietro was after the movie, he probably wouldn't be sleeping tonight.


So quick question, since this is a Pietro fanfic, what should his and Morgana's ship name be ??

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