《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 12:


Three weeks had passed since Morgana had came back, and things were still kinda rocky. Some of the Avengers were coming along and talking to her, when the rest would act if she still wasn't there.

This group consisted of: Clint (the leader), Thor (who tried to be mad but really couldn't ignore his little munchkin), and Natasha (the one who was just confused about everything). They wouldn't talk to her and it was kinda sad.

"They're like "The Plastics" of the Avengers. But don't worry about them, the only thing that matters is that your back." Tony cheered Morgana up as she laughed at his "Mean Girl" reference.

Morgana had returned back to her training and was currently sparring with the twins.

I stepped to the side, blocking a punch coming from Wanda as we were practicing hand-to-hand combat. Pietro, and his lazy ass, was sitting on the bench sleeping as he was supposedly "watching us".

"Hey Speedy! Why don't you get up and spar with your sister or me? You've slept since we got here." I told him, while blocking another blow from Wanda.

"Mm? No, I'm tiiredd.." his words slurred as Wanda and I chuckled at him.

"Usted es perezoso!" I exclaimed as he opened one of his eyes, looked at us and shook his head. (You are lazy!)

"I don't vant to..." he mumbled.

"Well I don't care, get up."

"Pietro, come." Wanda said, as he huffed defeated and pushed himself up. Walking over towards the two of us, he stumbled and almost fell.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from giggling as Wanda burst out laughing.

"Vhat, you think that is funny? I think it will be more funny when I beat you Mishka." Pietro smirked.

"Oh yah, it sure will be Pietro." I answered sarcastically. Wanda went to sit down as I circled Pietro on the mat. "No powers or weapons, just hand-to-hand. Do you understand?"

"Da, let's go." He lunged at me, as I side stepped him, grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back. He grunted in pain as I twisted his arm and held it there in place.

Suddenly he pulled his arm over his head and flipped me. I landed on the ground with a THUD! and gasped as the impact was hard.

As he was inching towards me, I kicked his feet from under him and smirked as he fell too.

Quickly getting up, I waited for him to attack him. Unfortunately he cheated and used his speed to run to the other side of the mat.


"If your going to play dirty, then I'll play too." I muttered as I retracted my claws and lunged at him. He ran my way and we collided. Fortunately, I didn't stab him.

When we fell to the floor, I opened my eyes to find myself on top of him. I pinned him down as I smiled victoriously.

"I think I win." I declared as he sighed slightly.

"Maybe your right, but I think I might have won." He replied, as I was confused with his words. Suddenly, he turned me over so he was on top and I was on the bottom.

"That's not fair." I growled at him.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Not everything is fair Printsessa." I shivered at close he was to me. (Princess)

"When you play right, everything is fair." I muttered.

"Not when you play with me." Pietro smirked as I struggled from his grasp.

"Get off me!" I whined.

"Nyet, you have to do something for me." He said. (No)

"En tus sueños." I made an illusion on the other side of the mat, took it's place and dissolved the one under Pietro. (In your dreams)

I turned to see him face-plant on the ground, and groan as he held his nose. Looking at Wanda, we both bursted out laughing as Pietro glared daggers at us.

"One does not simply mess with Morgana de La Cruz, and not expect anything in return." I smirked at him, having my hands on my hips.

"You are mean Mishka." Pietro mumbled.

"But no more than you buddy." I answered as I walked over, stuck my hand out, and helped him up.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Let's go you two I'm hungry." Replied Wanda from the bench.

"Let me go take a shower, I'll see you guys in a bit." I answered as I grabbed my water bottle and headed out the door.

Taking a long chug, I heard Pietro and Wanda arguing in the training room about god-knows-what. I giggled and continued walking to my room.

As I rounded the corner, I bumped into a person and dropped my water bottle.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to the person, grabbing my fallen item from the floor.

"Morgana." Looking up, I saw Natasha wide-eyed.

"Mom." I replied.

"I'm sorry for being an ass towards you these da-."

"No, I should be sorry for all the trouble I gave you. I mean, I literally put you guys through hell as I was told. I hope that we're okay?" In reality, I could have told her that I missed her, I felt terrible for everything, I should've never done anything like that etc., but I just kept things simple.


"Of course I forgive you kiddo." She got all teared up and I hugged her. "I missed you."

"And I, you mother." She punched my shoulder playfully and put on her "serious face".

"But if you ever do any crap like that again, I Will kick your ass after." She warned me.

"Yes ma'am." I laughed and saluted her. She smiled and left, as I went on my way.

After showering and what-not, I changed into simple blue jeans and a white tee. Hearing my stomach grumble, I put some shoes on and left for the kitchen.

As I walked through the hallway, I felt some wind rush past me and automatically knew it was Pietro.

"Hey Mishka." He said as he turned around and stopped by my side.

"Hey Pietro."

"I suppose you are going to dinner, da?" He asked.

"Yes, and you are too?"

"Yes of course, I am starving." Pietro replied as he held his stomach. I laughed and continued walking. "How about I give you a lift over there?"

"I'm okay, thank you though."

"No, no. I insist." I was surprised at his eagerness.

"Well, okay then." He smiled mischievously and I immediately regretted his offer. He carried me bridal style as I put my arms around his neck for support.

Meanwhile, he put one hand behind my neck in order for me to avoid getting whiplash.

"Hold tight Morgana." And with that, he ran off. I was starting to get worried once we were taking forever to get to the kitchen.

After a while, he gently put me down and I looked at my surroundings. We were at the park.

"I thought you were taking me to the kitchen, not here?" Pietro just smiled at my question. "Why are we here?"

"You're going to make it up for me, for the time that you were gone."

"So I came back three weeks ago, and today is that day? Geez Pietro, way to wait a long time." He shrugged and took my hand, leading me along the park's walking path. "So what are we going to do?"

"Take a little walk." It was the afternoon and in a hour, the park lamp posts would turn on and make everything look pretty. We walked along the path, until we saw a man selling hot dogs. "I'm hungry Mishka."

"Did you bring money?"

"Duh." We both laughed and went to get a hot dog. After that, we then sat down and stuffed out faces.

"Here, you have something on your nose." I giggled as he had ketchup on the edge of his nose, and went cross-eyed just to try to see what was there.

As I swiftly took wiped it off with my thumb, his eyes never left my face. Embarrassed, I went back to eating.

"I'm done, are you?" Pietro asked as he got up from the bench and was ready to throw away his garbage away.

"Yes." I replied as I also got up, grabbed his tin foil, and threw them away.

"I could've done that you know."

"I guess you were just a bit slow this time hun." I teased him, smirking.

"Slow, Pietro Maximoff is not slow." He pouted like a child.

"Well you just were. Let's go Speedy." Seeing that it was a bit chilly, I shivered slighty. Pietro seemed to notice this and wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. "Thank you Pietro."

"No problem Morgana." After deciding that we would leave in bit, we ended the afternoon with chatting, walking, and laughing at those who fell on either their bikes or skateboards.

He then motioned for me to be carried, and I let him do so. But, quickly reminding him to avoid having me get whiplash.


We laughed, as we entered the STARK Tower.

"But did you see the boy?" Pietro asked for the millionth time, as he was referring to a little kid.

"Pietro, he fell and hurt himself." I reminded him.

"Yah but it was funny Morgana." He pointed out.

"Where have you two been?" We turned to see Natasha, Steve, and Tony in the living room. While mom had a worried look on her face, Steve seemed patient while waiting for a response, and Tony was wearing a huge smirk. "Do you know what time it is?"

"I'm sorry Ms.Romanoff, I should have known to not go out without telling you." Pietro looked down, as he was ashamed.

"We just went out for a walk." I replied.

"Well just tell me next time, okay? Good night guys." Momma Widow said as she hugged me and went to sleep.

"So what did you guys really do?" Tony asked once Natasha left, as he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at Pietro and I.

"Ohh, you're disgusting Stark." I scrunched up my eyebrows and left the room.


Here you guys go, hope you liked it!

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