《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 11:


The team had came back from the mission, only to have pissed-off looks, bags under their eyes, messed up hair, and slight cuts on their arms. Once they had landed the Quinjet on top of

STARK Tower, they had evacuated it and slouched on couches in the living room.

"What the hell was that." replied Stark as he threw himself on a loveseat and stared into space, wide-eyed.

"I think Fury was actually trying to kill us this time." answered Clint.

"Kill you? That would be more like an understatement. I think having a little get away from here would be a better way to put it." Fury stated as he walked out from the elevator.

"What are you talking about?! This was not some vacation, going on a wild goose chase is not a vacation! You could at least spilled a little more of information out before we went on it." Natasha huffed, as she was clearly irritated with Fury. "Why did you even want us to meet you here anyway?" the room filled with Yeah's.

"I wanted you guys to see someone." Fury simply replied. "Agent Animal." The elevator Dinged! and out came someone.

"Hey guys.." No one understood how it was possible, but standing right in front of them was the person they lost a year ago to Ultron's actions.

Morgana, their real Morgana.

They all couldn't believe their eyes. A sob escaped from someone's mouth, as the Avengers turned to see Natasha on her knees, covering her face with her hands.

"Is this a joke?" someone decided to speak up. "What kind of sick game is this?!"

"Ve thought you were dead Mishka! Dead. You were shot in front of me, you bled right in front of me!" Exclaimed Pietro as he clearly was not happy about the fact that his teammate faked her death.


"You're just like Fury, faking your death without knowing how it would hurt others."

"I had to, left over HYDRA people were looking for me! If I didn't do this, they would have me right now. Do you actually think I wanted to go back? Well you're wrong!" Morgana defended herself. Still, to the team, it didn't change the fact that they were lied to.

"Do you know how terrible we felt? Pietro and I blamed ourselves, thinking it was our fault that you died! Natasha has been sobbing her eyes out every night, she doesn't even sleep sometimes. If you think I'm going to forgive you that easily, you're gonna have to try really hard." Clint informed Morgana as he got up from the couch and left. Though, not before helping Natasha up from the floor and leading her out the room.

Slowly, members of the team started to leave the living room. In the end, it was only Tony and Steve who stayed back with Morgana. Even Fury left, knowing there was nothing for him to do.


"So, what did you do while being gone Cruz?" asked Stark as he, Morgana, and Steve sat in the kitchen.

"I went to Puerto Rico and visited my parents' graves. It's been a while, I supposed that I should at least visit them while I'm still alive." replied Morgana.

"Question, so were those wounds fake or also illusions?" Tony asked.

"No those were real. I spent about six months healing and the rest getting back to my training." Morgana responded.

"Well you were gone for a year, you know."

"Yes Tony, I was aware of that."

"You didn't think it would be that bad would you?" Asked Steve.

"I mean I couldn't stay around here, I would have been tracked down and taken. I couldn't have let that happen, five years with HYDRA was enough for me. Though I just wished that my disappearance and return wouldn't have turned out like this." Morgana sighed.


"Well your back, and thankfully because it was kinda quiet around here." answered Tony.

"Da, it was. Here, Clint wanted you to have your necklace back. You probably wanted it." Pietro said as he entered the kitchen and handed Morgana her necklace.

As she grabbed it, their fingers slightly touched and she felt a slight tingle inside. Although she never felt something like that, she didn't blush.

"Um, well thank you and please tell Clint I said thank you too. If he doesn't respond, it's fine." Morgana said as she put her necklace on herself.

"You kids should go to sleep, it's really late now." Steve said as he looked at the clock.

"Well good night then guys." Morgana replied, as she and Pietro left. They walked back to the rooms, while The Speedster tried to make small talk.

"We really missed you alot Mishka ."

"I know, I've missed you guys too."

"But you missed me the most didn't you?" Pietro snickered.

"Oh yah, I definetely missed your extremely cocky ego and horrible looks." Morgana smirked as she saw the fake look hurt on her companion's face. "I'm just kidding dude!"

"I thought you actually meant that I was ugly, when I know you think I'm the hottest on the team." Morgana laughed at his childish self.

"Sure Pietro you just keep thinking that." He then chuckled and the two kept walking to their rooms. It was then that Little Widow noticed that they had passed Pietro's room.

"Hey Pietro, wasn't your room back there?" She asked.

"Ya I know, but I wanted to walk you to yours." He replied as Morgana looked down in embarrasment.

"Oh, well okay." She replied, as they arrived at her door. "Well good night Pietro."

"Good night Mishka." He answered with a smile. Morgana returned it and closed her door, faintly hearing the low whistles of Pietro as he went down the hall.


Kinda short chapter, but Morgana's back!

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