《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 10:


I woke up with a start, sweating, as I had a nightmare. This always happened to me, and I don't know how to get rid of them. It was then that it hit me: today, one year ago, was when Morgana supposedly died. I was devastated.


"We have a problem guys, a big problem. Morgana has disappeared, I repeat Morgana has disappeared. No one knows where she went, but she was shot before that happened." I heard Steve say through the ear piece.

"What?!" I couldn't believe what I had heard. She couldn't be dead, I thought, she couldn't be! My little girl couldn't have left me.

Out of anger, I pushed myself to fight harder, not only for her but for the benefit of the people of Sokovia. Once the fight was over and the war was won, we went back on the Quinjet and everything was quiet.

No one talked about the fact that one of our own was gone, and I liked the silence. If I were to cry about it, it wouldn't be around others. After we arrived at the new SHIELD headquarters, I immediately got off the plane and left for some alone time. I replayed the moment when I was told the news, and started to sob quietly.


Once shaking my head out of my thoughts and back into reality, I noticed something warm on my cheeks and realized that I was crying. God, I really have to stop with this. Not only has her death effected me emotionally, but physically as well: I can't sleep at night and everywhere I look, she's always there. Getting up from under the covers, I put my slippers on and headed to the kitchen for some coffee.

"Good mornin- Yikes! Didn't get much sleep last night huh Romanoff?" I recognized the sarcastic voice to belong to Tony. I only glared at him in response.

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you." warned Steve.

"Actually, I didn't. Did you?" I asked Stark.

"Oh yah, I slept like a baby." he answered as-a-matter-of-factly.

What an asshole, I thought. Just as I took as sip from my mug, the twins entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." said Wanda, as Pietro yawned then nodded. The room had filled with Good mornings or grunts.


"Hey, Wanda, why don't you do some girly shit with Nat, like go shopping or something?" suddenly Stark asked. "It could keep you guys occupied for a while."

"Da, that is a good idea. If Natasha is willing to." she answered.

"Yah," I took a sip of coffee, "that is a great idea. Why don't we get ready in a bit, I'll meet you in the living room at 10."

"Sounds good." Wanda said with a smile as she and her brother left the room, with cups filled of orange juice and pastries in their hands.

"How are you feeling?" asked Steve once the twins left.

"Well, considering that today is Morgana's one year, I'm trying to hold up. It's not the same you know, I feel when I do something or go somewhere, a part of me is missing. It's hard, knowing you won't see someone again is hard." I looked at the floor the entire time I talked.

"I feel you, and yes it's hard. But sometimes you have to accept it." Steve replied softly. I smiled at him sadly.

"Yah well, I can't let it beat me up can I?"

"Not at all." I quickly finished my coffee and left the kitchen. Once in my room, I quickly took a shower and changed into a black tank top under a grey hoodie, some black jeans, and black hightops. I then grabbed my purse and went down to the living room, where I waited patiently for Wanda.

"Sorry to keep you vaiting Natasha, but Pietro hid my purse and my wallet." I turned to see Wanda standing behind me, shaking her head. I chuckled.

"Let's go." When we stepped outside of STARK Tower, it was already raining, so we immediately ran to the truck. We then drove off.

"So, where are we going exactly?" she asked.

"The mall, and wherever else you want to go." I replied.

"Okay, that sounds fine." Once arriving at the mall, we started going from store to store. By the end of the third store, both of us were already carrying a lot of shopping bags. Then, we entered Macys. While walking around and looking at perfume's, I bumped into someone.

"Oohh! I'm sorry!" I said as I looked up at the person, only to have their back towards me. The person turned, and my eyes widened.


"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going." she replied. Brown hair with matching brown eyes, a perfectly sculpted face, a small stature, and her cheeky grin. Morgana.

"M-Morgana?" I asked, not believing my eyes.

"I'm sorry what?" she replied and smiled. I turned just for a second to look for Wanda and tell her who was here, when I turned back and Morgana was nowhere to be found.

"W-W-Where is she?"

"Vhere is who?" Wanda asked, once she came and stood next to me.

"She was just here!" I exclaimed at Wanda. "Morgana was just here!"

"Natasha, I don't see her. Why don't we go buy what you saw and we could to another store." she offered gently.

"O-Okay." I replied, as I bought a Michael Kors watch. I know, expensive. I had gotten tired of shopping and Wanda had bought enough things, so we decided to go home. But, not before stopping by Starbucks to get some frappes. After that, we then hit the rode.

"Give it back Pietro!" Once we both got out of the elevator, Clint was running after Pietro, which was a very stupid thing to do considering that the kid has super-speed.

"No running in the Tower!" yelled Tony after them, as Pietro was laughing like crazy while holding something in his hand. Deciding not to engage in their little problem, I went looking for Steve.

"I'll see you later." I told Wanda as she tried to calm her brother down. I walked around STARK Tower, until I eventually found him in the lab.

"Hey Natasha, how was shopping?" Steve asked, as I entered the lab.

"That's what I came to talk to you about." I replied, as he started to look concerned. "I saw Morgana, but I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me or if it really was her."

"But Natasha, she died."

"I know, but why do I keep seeing her?! That's my problem, when I go somewhere, she's there for one moment and the next she's gone!" I exclaimed. "I'm getting tired of it! What if she really didn't die, what if she's alive somewhere. I need answers and I need them now!"

"Natasha, calm down. She's in a better place now, where nothing bad can happen to her. We have to let her go. You have to let her go."

"This is all my fault, I could have done something to save her! If I did, she would have been her with us, probably training or doing whatever teenage girls do in their spare time. But I-" I was cut off by him.

"Are you hearing yourself? That was not your fault, nor was it Clint's or Pietro's. Morgana saved them and that little boy. You were too far away from her to do anything about it. So stop torturing yourself with all of this." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"You're right, I need to stop this." Steve smiled reassuringly as Tony burst through the room.

"Yeah, sorry to interrupt but dinner's about ready and I wouldn't want to have my goddamn time of preparing it wasted."

"Actually sir, I helped out." I heard FRIDAY, the new Jarvis, reply.

"Ya well, I did most of it. Anyways, chop-chop." Tony said as he exited the lab and into the hallway.

"We better go before Stark gets a heart attack..." I told Steve as he nodded and we went into the living room. Everyone was already there: The Twins, Thor (Surprisingly, who came to visit), Clint, Tony, Vision, and Rhodes, and were all either seated on a couch, standing, or sitting at the bar. Steve and I walked in, having all seven sets of eyes looking at us.

"Hey guys." said Steve as the others were snapped out of their "trance" or whatever they were in and greeted us both.

"Fury wants us to go on a mission." Tony said, breaking the awkward tension in the room.

"What? When did he tell you this?" asked Steve.

"The old man's trying to keep us busy even after the big fight with Ultron." said Clint.

"Do you know where to though?" I asked.

"Beats me, but he said he'd send us information later."


Sorry if this seems like a crappy chapter, but the next one will be better! Until next time!

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