《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 9:


As I was getting ready, a knock came to my door.

"Morgana? It's Steve, would you mind giving the twins their new attire?" Rogers asked.

"Sure." I said as I quickly finished and opened the door.

"Here kiddo." he said as he handed me the clothes. I thanked him and walked towards a room in the STARK Tower, where the Maximoff twins were staying in.

"Hey, these are for you." I said as I walked in, only seeing Pietro.

"Thank you Mishka." he said, while getting the clothes from my hands.

"Why do you keep calling me that? Is it my new nickname or something-"

"It just suits you Morgana." he leaned closer to me, and smirked. I cocked an eyebrow.


"Da." (yes)

"Well suit up, because we're leaving in a bit." I said before turning to look for Cap and the rest. Once we all got together, we boarded the Quinjet.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are, we'll be riding into heavy fire. But that's what we signed up for, people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." informed Cap as we were situating inside. After arriving, we exited and started to evacuate the civilians.

"Hey Mishka, partners?" I recognized the Russian accent coming from Pietro and turned around. (little bear)

"I guess." I sighed sarcastically and smiled at him, while he just grinned back in his cheeky manner.

"Then vhat are ve vaiting for?" he asked as he motioned for me to hop on his back.

"If you drop me you won't hear the end of it." I warned him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist.

"Hold on tightly." he whispered before running off. We started to evacuate the city, but it was tougher than it looked like; some people wouldn't listen nor cooperate with us.

"Ve are under attack, clear the city now!" Pietro warned some people in a police station, as we stopped at multiple buildings.

"You all need to leave now." I said, as we went out. Seeing that no one was leaving, Pietro then sighed and went in. The only thing I heard from outside was gunshots.

"Okay, let's go." said Pietro as he came back out and I hopped on his back.

We then started heading back towards the team, when many of Ultron's robots came out from the ground.

"Hey Pietro, we've got company." I warned him as he skidded to a stop. He then cracked his neck and ran forward. I retracted my claws at once, and slashed every Ultron Jr. in our way.

Both of us then continued to fight robots, when suddenly the ground started to shake and part of the city was going up while the rest was staying down. I hopped off Pietro's back to see the destruction.


"The city going for a ride." I told him. "Ultron's not going to stop until he destroys everything."

"Then we fight to the end." Pietro replied as he motioned for me to hop on his back again. "Claws out Mishka, we are going to need them."

"Then, speed up." I answered with a smirk as he ran along a rode, where we dismantled more robots.

"Cap, you've got incoming." warned Tony through the ear piece.

"Incoming already came in." Answered Steve with a grunt. Pietro then ran towards a wall and let me down as he tried to catch his breath.

"Estas bien?" I asked him, putting my hand on his shoulder. (Are you okay?)

"Vhat?" he asked in between breaths.

"Are you okay?"

"Da, I'm fine. You're heavy for a midget you know." (yes)

"I am not!" I complained as he slightly smiled at me.

"The rest have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." Announced Rogers through the ear piece. Once Pietro regained his breath, I hopped on his back for the millionth time that day and we were off.

Through the ear piece we heard Clint say, "We're clear here." To that, Rogers answered, "We are not clear here, we are very not clear." After destroying multiple robots, we met up with Wanda and Clint.

"How are you both?" asked Clint as Wanda hugged her brother.

"Good, you?"

"Fine, hey Pietro, take the girls with you. Okay?" Clint asked.

"Da, let's go." He answered as I finally multiplied and ran after them both. To get to our destination, I made an illusion there and took it's place. There were police officers fighting against robots, and once we arrived, we took over.

"Hold your fire!" said the man in charge, as we fought. However, one of the cops didn't listen as he shot Pietro through the arm.

Pietro, dumbfounded and a bit pissed off, looked around the area to see who fired, when his eyes landed on a man still holding his gun. Speedy looked at him and spread his arm apart, as if saying What the hell?.

The three of us then headed towards Steve when Tony yelled through the ear piece, "I have nothing great, maybe a way to blow up the city. That could keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys could keep it clear."

"I asked for a solution, not for an escape plan." answered Rogers.

"The impact radius is getting bigger every second. You will have to make a choice." informed us Stark. I then heard my mom talk, "Cap, these people are going nowhere. Stark's going to have to find a way to blow this rock."

"Not till everyone's save." Rogers answered.


"I'm not saying we should leave." I heard Natasha tell him. "There's worse ways to go, but where am I going to get a view like this?"

"Glad you like the view Romanoff, it's about to get better." I heard Fury say. Along with Pietro, I ran towards the sound of a helicarrier. "Nice right? She's dusty but she'll do."

"Fury, you son of a bitch." commented Rogers as he laughed, relieved.

"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury asked as I laughed at loud.

"This is SHIELD?" asked Pietro, as he looked at the sight, wide-eyed in wonder.

"This is what SHIELD is supposed to be." Steve answered, as I looked at my home proudly.

"This is not so bad." Pietro said as he smiled.

"Let's load em' up."

"What, your not going to say I missed you mom! or Are you okay mom? . Jeez, Morgana, and all the things I do for you." I heard Natasha say behind me. As I turned, she smiled and spread her arms apart, waiting for a hug.

"I missed you and your cranky self." I muttered, as she laughed.

"Well, that's not the answer I was expecting but I missed you too, you little butt."

"Sorry to interrupt, but we are not done saving the day." I heard Steve say behind us. I chuckled.

"Let's go." We then started to board the people on the boats. After that, we headed towards the middle of the city, where the core was located. Some robots were already there, and I multiplied to take on many at once.

Out of nowhere, Ultron had appeared.

"Is that the best you could do?" asked Thor as he ripped one apart. Suddenly, it seemed as his question was answered as tons of the robots came our way.

"You had to ask." I muttered as I glared at him and his stupid question.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted, all of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron said.

"Like the old man said", started Stark , "togther." Hulk roared and the fight was on. I retracted my claws and started to fight robots again.

With the help of Tony, Vision, and Thor, they blasted Ultron. When he still wasn't done, Hulk punched him far away. In the end, the robots near the core were either blasted, torn apart, or had flown away.

"You guys get to the boats, I'll be right behind you." said Steve.

"What about the core?" asked Clint.

"I'll protect it, it's my job." answered Wanda as she looked at Clint. He nodded and left with Natasha and Steve. Pietro then came out of nowhere and I dissolved my illusions.

"I'm not going to leave you here-"

"I can handle this." said Wanda as she blasted an incoming robot. "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before. You understand?"

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you." replied Pietro as I laughed at the conversation in front of me.

"Just go. And Morgana?" she said.


"Watch out for my brother please."

"No problem, let's go Speedy." I said as both Pietro and I walked out of the building, and headed towards the boats.

At the boats, a mother couldn't find her child, and Clint had gone to get him. Meanwhile, Ultron started to shoot in Hawkeye's direction. The Avenger had seen the bullets coming towards him, and prepared for the contact as he held the child in his arms. Before he was even shot, it seemed as if time had slowed. Pietro had put a car in front of them, and was about to take the bullets on himself when one of Morgana's illusions pushed him out of the way.

At the same time, the real Morgana was about to multiply into more illusions but wasn't able to as she actually took the impact instead. At the core, Wanda had felt something inside her stir, and immedietaly knew something was wrong. When Clint opened his eyes and looked to his left, he saw Morgana on her knees, with bullets holes in her.

His eyes immediately widened in terror, as he put the child down and went to her. Her breathing was slowing down, as she found it hard to move while being on the floor. Pietro still on the ground, got up and ran to Clint and Morgana. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

"C'mon kid, don't do this to us! Not before we win the war. Please Morgana!" cried Hawkeye as he held the girl in his arms.

"Mishka, come on don't leave us! We need you! Can't you heal yourself?" asked Pietro, his eyes full of tears as he knelt on the floor besides them.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Yes you can, I've seen you before!" exclaimed Clint.

"I can't, don't you see!" she sobbed, and with all her power left, Morgana tried to heal at least one wound. Instead, it would only continue to bleed. "I-I-I-I-I-"

"Vhat is happening to her?" asked Pietro when his teammate's appearance started to flicker rapidly. "Old man, this is not normal."

"No, it's not." answered Clint. "I don't know why this is happening, maybe something damaged her nerve system. She's losing lots of blood. We need to call for back up."

"No, don't. They can't help me in any way." She informed them. "Just go back to the team, it'll be okay." And those were her last words before she completely disappeared in front of them. The only thing left of her was a cross necklace that she was wearing around her neck.

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