《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 8:


"I'm going to say this once-" started Rogers as Pietro, Wanda, Steve, and I walked into the lab. On the way, I learned what their names where and that they were twins. Now I know why they are always together.

"How about nunce?" interrupted Stark.

"Shut it down!"

"Nope, not going to happen."

"You don't know what you're doing." said Steve.

"And you do?" asked Banner. "She's not in your head?" he added, pointing at Wanda.

"I know your angry," she started.

"Oh, we are way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce said as Wanda's jaw tightened.

"Banner, after everything that's happened-" Rogers was cut off.

"Nothing is compared to what is coming-" Stark added.

"You don't know what's in there!" exclaimed Wanda.

"Why don't you shut them up Pietro?" I asked him quietly as he rolled his eyes at them.

"Gladly." He then took the opportunity of them arguing, and went around the room, unplugging all the cords that the cradle had.

"No, no. Go on, you were saying." he said as he threw a cord that was in his hands. I then smirked, waiting for everyone's response. From below, a bullet came up as Pietro fell through the glass floor.

"Pietro!" exclaimed Wanda as I gasped.

"What, you didn't see that coming?" taunted Clint as he smirked at the sight of Pietro lying on floor.

"I'm re-routing the upload." announced Stark as he turned to face the computer. Steve then threw his shield around the room, which hit Tony. Then, Tony blasted him.

"Go ahead, piss me off." threatened Bruce as he held Wanda in a choke hold.

"Don't you dare Banner." I warned him as I retracted my claws and walked towards him. Tony and Steve started to fight, as Wanda blasted Bruce in the chest.


Out of nowhere, Thor came in and jumped on the cradle as he conducted lightning with his hammer.

"Wait!" exclaimed Banner as he was cut off. Once Thor brought down his hammer, there was silence for a few moments until something or someone burst through the cradle.

"What the hell is that?" I whispered to myself as I saw a red person looking around the room. Once it's eyes landed on Thor, it lunged at him, only to be thrown across the room. Before it hit the window, it stopped and stared at it's reflection.

Rogers was ready to run to it, when Thor put his hand up to stop him. We all waited as it still was looking into the window. Slowly, all of us circled the thing. Pietro came from downstairs and stood next to Wanda and I, at the same time that Bruce came down from the stairs.

"I'm sorry, that was... odd. Thank you." he said to Thor, once it floated to the ground. Unexpectedly, the person grew a cape similar to Thor's.

"Thor, you helped create this?" asked Rogers a bit ticked off.

"I've had a vision, a whirlpool that sucks in the world and in it's center is that." said Thor as he pointed to a stone on the new person's forehead.

"What, the gem?" asked Bruce.

"The mind stone, it's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power of the universe. Stark is right." said Thor.

"Oh it's definitely the end times." sighed Bruce.

"You Avengers can not defeat Ultron."

"So what are you Thor?" I asked, "Are you not an Avenger?"

"Not alone." the red person said.

"Why does the Vision sound like Jarvis?" asked Steve.

"I figured it's Jarvis' matrix, to create something new." explained Tony.


"You think I am a child of Ultron?" asked the person.

"You're not?"

"I'm not Ultron, I'm not Jarvis either. I am-"

"I looked in your head, and saw annihilation." Wanda said.

"Look again." he offered.

"Ultron himself came from the mind stone. It's nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-" Steve interrupted Thor.

"Is it? Are you?" he asked the man.

"I don't think it's that simple. I am on the side of life, Ultron isn't. He will end it all. Where is he?"

"In Sokovia. He's got Nat there." And with that answer, I lost it.

"If that bastard touches my mother, then I'll kill him myself!" I growled, as Pietro put his hand on my shoulder.

"He will kill you."

"Ultron must be destroyed, every form he's built, every trace of his presence. We have to act now." informed Vision. "And none of us could do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster, but I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, I'm not what you intend. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." said Vision, as he was giving Thor his hammer.

We all looked at him surprised, knowing that none of us could lift the All-Mighty-Hammer.

"Holy shit.." I whispered to myself as Thor took his hammer.

"Three minutes, get what you all need." said Rogers as we all started walking to our rooms in the Stark Tower.

"Good enough for me." I said.


Hey guys! Even though some of the things that Pietro said wasn't in the movie, I just had to put teeny-tiny moments between him and Morgana. The urge was killing me. Sorry if there's two parts, but Wattpad wouldn't let me publish everything in one chapter. Anyways, I hope you liked them both!

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