《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 5:


The whole team was sitting around when Steve showed us something awful.

"What is that?" everyone asked.

"It's a message." Steve said. On the picture was Strucker, with the word peace written in blood above him. "Strucker's dead."

"Damn, he pulled a Banksy at the crime scene." commented Tony as I glared at him.

"It's a smoke scene, why would he do this right after giving us a speech?" asked Momma Widow.

"Obviously he said something we missed." replied Steve.

"I bet he-" Suddenly you heard a small noise. "Yup everything about Strucker has been erased." Natasha said.

"Not everything." Tony informed us.

"Please don't tell me you mean..." sighed Maria.

"I do mean."

"What?" I asked.

"The archives." Tony answered for me. "Follow me."

He then led us to a room in the back, that was filled with filing cabinets. Holy Crap, I thought, this is alot.

"This is your big plan?" asked Barton.

"Yep, now let's get to work. We need to find anything and everything we can about Strucker." told us Tony, as he started looking through files. I looked at the others, and shrugged as I ended up doing the same thing. They eventually followed me.

"This is pointless!" exclaimed Thor as he tossed a folder across the room.

"I think I'm going to have to agree with Thor." said Banner as he opened yet another file. "This is pointless, we have hundreds-"

"Wait!" said Tony as he was looking at the file Banner had had in his hands. "I know that guy, back in the day I used to work off the African coast. Black market arms."

"There are conventions." said Tony as we all glared at him. "He was talking about something new- he wanted to find a game changer."


"What this?" asked Steve as he was pointing to something on the man's neck.

"A tattoo." said Tony simply.

"That can't be a tattoo." I said as I tried to look over Steve's shoulder. "That's a brand."

"In African dialect, thief. Although in a much less friendly way." said Bruce.

"What dialect?" Steve questioned.


"I'm not following, what comes out of Wakanda?" asked Bruce.

"The strongest metal on Earth." answered Tony.

"Like, strong metal, as in America's shield?" I wondered.


"What does this guy know?" asked Steve.

"Enough for us to worry. Suit up, we leave in ten."


Once we got to the warehouse in Wakanda, I multiplied 5x and spread my illusions around. Meanwhile, the real me was closely listening to Ultron.

"Don't compare me to Stark, he's a sickness!" yelled Ultron.

"Aw Junior, you're going to break you old man's heart." said Tony sarcastically as he slowly landed from the air. I retracted my claws and held them close to my sides.

"If I have to-"

"You don't have to break anything."

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." said Ultron.

"Smart ass." I muttered to myself.

"You beat me by one second." said Stark to Thor.

"Ah this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what is comfortable, like old times?" said a voice with an accent I knew far to well. It finally hit me, The speedy enhanced.

"You two can still walk away from this." warned Steve, as I heard him from my hiding spot.

"Oh we will." said an unknown female voice with the same Russian accent as the other.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." I heard Thor say reassuringly.

"I think you are confusing peace with quiet." said Ultron.


"Yeah, uh-huh. What's the vibranium for?" asked Tony.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." said Ultron as he fired Tony into a wall. I took this time to get out of my hiding place and fight the henchmen, along with my illusions.

Suddenly, I saw the same blue and white blur as before, but this time stuck my foot out as it was passing me by.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I asked sarcastically as I smirked and saw the boy sprawled out on the floor.

"Why is it every time we see eachother, your always mean to me?" he asked, wearing the same fake hurt look as before.

"Look, I'm not supposed to be nice to the enemy, especially on a mission." I said to him before I ran off to fight some henchmen. I didn't get far, as I felt a slight headache and my eyes close.


I opened my eyes to not find myself in the fighting arena. Instead, I woke up in a lab, being strapped down to an operation bed. No, I thought, this can't be happening again. This can't be happening!

"My dear little one, you woke up!" said a voice above me.

Baron Strucker.

"Alejate de me, no te quiero cerca!" I said in my native language. (get away from me, I don't want you near!)


Tears immediately rolled down my cheeks, as I felt my cheek burn.

Strucker only shook his head. "I didn't want to do this again, but you leave me no choice."

I started to scream in pain as I felt millions of needle pierce my skin. The needles were filled with some kind of liquid, that would supposedly make my skin as strong as metal , not allowing anything to hurt me. At the same time, it would hurt like hell.

"Para por favor, para!" I screamed in agony as the pain would not stop. (stop please, stop!)

I then heard a soft voice, "It's not real kid, it's not real."

~Real Life~

"Kiddo, it's not real wake up." I woke up breathing hard, as I felt someone shaking me.

"H-He was hurting me again, a-and I c-couldn't do anything." I said shakily as I wiped the salty tears from my cheeks.

"It's fine, your okay." said Steve as he put his arm around my shaking shoulders, and led me to the jet. Natasha saw me and ran towards me.

"Are you okay, are you hurt?" she asked worried about me as she cupped my cheeks with her hands, checking for any wounds.

"Only mentally." I replied as I walked past them and sat down in a corner. The plane was really quiet, which was odd because it never was. Steve came and handed me a blanket.

"Here you go Morgana, you look cold. " he said.

"Thank you Cap." I replied as I gratefully took it. He smiled and left.

I had no idea how I got that nightmare, but it was awful. My worst dream had felt like it came to life suddenly, and I couldn't wake up from it on my own. I shook my head, trying to get the image out.

"Don't worry, we'll have you guys to the safe house in no time."


hey guys! Unfortunately, due to all the preparations for the last days of school, and having a busy week of softball, I probably will not have a chance to update during the weekdays. Maybe on Saturday or Sunday, but I'm not sure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will do my best!

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