《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 6:


I looked out the jet's window as we were arriving at the new hideout. Once we landed, I examined my surroundings, feeling the warm air hit my face. There were many trees and patches of grass, but in the middle of it all was a cute little country-like house. We followed Clint to the home as I kept looking around.

"Where are we?" someone asked as we walked up the steps to the unknown habitat.

"A safe house?" replied Tony in an uncertain way.

"Welcome home everyone." all of us followed Barton inside. "Honey? I'm home!"

"Is this a joke?" asked Tony.

"I don't think so..." I muttered.

On contact, a heavily pregnant woman walked into the room, folding towels in her hands. Once she saw him, she smiled happily.

"Hi, we have company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." he apologized cheekily.

"Who is she." I heard someone ask behind me. I chuckled to myself as I knew something the others did not know.

"I don't know. I think she's an agent of some kind, in fact I bet she is." said Tony suspiciously.

"Guys, this is Laura." Clint introduced us to the woman proudly.

"I know all your names." She said looking at us all. Her gaze rested on me and her smile widened.

"Ooh, incoming!" warned Barton.


"Hi sweetheart! Hey buddy!" greeted Clint.

"And those are- smaller agents." finally realized Tony. I laughed at loud and he glared at me.

"Sorry for barging in." apologized Rogers.

"Yeah, we would've called ahead but we were busy having no idea you existed." replied Tony.

What an ass, I thought.

"Yea, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. I figured it's a good place to lay low." Clint said, as he put his arm around his wife.

"Do you remember me?" asked a small voice below me. I looked down to see Clint's daughter, Mia, smiling at me.

"Of course I remember you sweety! You've gotten so big since the last I saw you." I said, knowing who Clint's children were. "How old are you now?"

"I'm six years old!" she proudly answered.

"Wow! Kiddo, I really missed you." I said.

"I know, alot people do!" she said. I laughed and ruffled her hair lightly.

"Morgana! I know you weren't going to leave me hanging." I turned to see Laura smirking softly, with her hands on her hips.


"Of course not!" I chuckled as I hugged her, cautious of the baby.

"How have you been?" she asked. "You haven't been giving Natasha trouble I hope."

"Iv'e been good, and no I haven't! If I did, she would have complained to you by now." I admitted. She smiled and touched my shoulder.

"I know, I was just messing with you." she laughed.

"Is my old bedroom still here?" I asked. When I was younger, Natasha and I would visit sometimes, and I would have my own little hideout.

"Yes! You are very lucky I saved it from all the remodeling Clint has been making."

"Phew! I didn't know if it was still here." I replied in relief.

"If you're feeling yucky, you could take a shower if you want." Laura suggested.

"Oh that would good, thank you." I thanked her.

"You know where the room is."

I walked down the hallway and opened a door to the left. Immediately, I recognized the lavender and vanilla smell of the peach-colored room. Self-consciously, I sniffed the scent and was brought old memories.

I smiled and looked around the room to find the same small bed with a white flowery bedspread, a white dresser in a corner with a matching nightstand, a small closet, and a white rocking chair. To the right of the room was a small bathroom, where I entered.

Yup, I thought, nothing changed in here.

I went back into the room and looked for clean clothing to change into. Eventually, I found a pink plaid shirt and blue ripped capri jeans. I also grabbed two towels, undergarments, and went to take a shower.

After stripping down, I entered the shower and turned the cold water on. I stood there for a couple minutes, closing my eyes as the fresh water hit me.

Suddenly, I heard yells and felt something sharp stab my back. I screamed and retracted my claws, slashing at the unknown thing that touched me, only to be my mind messing with me. Hearing things fall, I opened my eyes and saw the shampoo bottle on the ground.

Knock, Knock.

"Are you okay in there Morgana?" asked what it sounded like to be Laura.

"I'm fine, the shampoo bottle fell on my head. Sorry if I yelled, I was just caught by surprise." I lied, feeling bad after.

"Oh okay, well if you need anything just yell."


Not wanting to make another scene, I hurriedly washed my body and hair and exited the shower. After drying, I changed and left the room. Closing the door, I felt something, or someone, come face-to-stomach with me. I looked down and smiled as I saw, none other than, Mia.


"Hi Mia!"

"Hi Gana, do you want to draw with me?" she asked me shyly.

"Sure, do you have any paper and crayons?" I replied.

"Yes! Let's go get them." she said, as she held my hand with her tiny one. Mia led me, more like pulled me, to the living room where she had a tiny table with even tinier chairs. On it was a mess of papers and crayons, along with drawings of cute little flowers.

"Sit down Gana, and have a cup of tea!" Mia said as she pushed me into a teeny-tiny sit, in which not even half of my arse fit on.

"What do you want to draw?" I asked the Little Barton.

"Hm, what if we draw each other! Then we could show each other it after." she suggested.

"Okay, sounds like a deal." I replied as I sipped on the cup filled with tea, or just air.

After about ten minutes of messing up multiple times on her picture and having a pile of crumpled paper, I was done. I looked over and saw her holding the picture in her hands.

"Are you done?" she asked me in that adorable little voice of hers.

"Yes, are you?" I asked back.


We traded papers and I had to smile as I saw a cute drawing of me, being surrounded by many colorful flowers.

"Wow! You are a really good drawer." I complimented her as I glanced over, only to see a look of confusion on her face.

"What is this?" she asked, criticizing my terrible drawing of her. "This looks nothing like me!"

"Sorry kiddo, I'm not the best drawer." I apologized.

"It's okay, my daddy isn't the best either. But don't tell him I said that." she whispered to me as I laughed.

"I promise I won't tell him." I replied, pinky-promising her.


"Aww, look at the big girl still drawing!" I heard Tony say sarcastically.

"Aww, look at the big boy still acting like a butt-head!" I sarcastically shot back as Mia giggled. Tony just glared at me while I smirked.

"Don't you have something better to do than criticize me, like helping the boys cut wood?"

He just huffed like a child and left the room.

No que no, I thought. (I thought so)


"Looks like Ultron took you guys out of play to buy himself time." said Nick Fury, after having a seat in the dining room/kitchen. "My contacts say that he is building something, and the amount of vibranium he made with is just not one thing."

"What about finding Ultron though?" asked Rogers.

"He's easy, he's everywhere. The guy's multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. It still doesn't give us an angle on any of his plans." said Fury disappointed.

"Hey clean up after yourselves guys." I said as I picked up dirty dishes and cups from the table.

"My apologies Lady Morgana." said Thor.

"It's okay man."

"Is he going after launch codes?" asked Tony.

"Yes he is, but he's not going to get them. I contacted our friends at Nexus about it." said Fury.

"What's that?" Steve asked. I listened closely to know more about this "Nexus".

"The largest internet information place."

"What about an ally?" asked Mom.

"Nope." replied Fury.

"This is good news boss, but I thought that seeing you would mean a plan." said Black Widow defensively.

"I do, I have you!" Fury exclaimed. "Back in the day I had eyes and ears everywhere- and yet here we are, back on Earth with nothing but our strength and wit to fight him. Ultron wants nothing but destruction, but the only thing in the way is you guys- The Avengers. You all are what's keeping all of this from a global grave. So stand, or I'll whip the platinum bastard."

"Language Fury, I'm still a kid with sensitive ears you know." I warned Nick sarcastically.

"I don't appreciate this from you de La Cruz." answered Steve. I put my hands up in response, as I smirked.

"But the thing is, what does he want?" asked Fury.

"To become better, better than us. If he can build bodies, he can be protected." answered Cap.

"He doesn't want to be protected, he wants to evolve." Bruce said.

"Evolve?" Fury asked.

"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" added Banner.


Hey guys! So after a looonngg time without updating, I FINALLY did. Sorry for all the wait, but I was really busy. Until next time!

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