《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 4:


I looked at myself in my body length mirror, straightening my dress. This evening was one of Tony Stark's fabulous parties, and I guess I had to actually dress up for this. If you didn't already know, I'm not a huge fan of parties, but Natasha forced me to go.

"It'll be fun." she said "You'll have a good time." she said.

I didn't know whether to believe her or not, but I just ended up going. Satisfied with my look, I went downstairs to find guests already entering the 'party room'.

"You actually came kiddo, I thought you would bail on us!" said Tony, slightly drunk already, as he walked towards me.

"Well, I would've been scolded by my mom if I didn't." I replied.

"Don't listen to her, she could be a party poooper sometimes." his words slurred a bit.

"I guess that's just why I never leave my room." I said as I turned around and left. Roaming around, I eventually found members of the Crew, but ended up sitting down on a couch quietly with a glass of water in my hands.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" asked someone above me. I looked up and saw a guy with a black suit on, curly brown hair, and light blue eyes.

"No go ahead." I replied as I slightly smiled.

"Thanks....Um so, how do you know Tony Stark?" he asked.

Having to make a quick lie, and not reveal my identity I said, "My mom, well adopted mom, is friends with Tony so I guess she decided to bring me along."

"Oh well, MY mom is the head secretary of here and she is Stark's favorite." he bragged.

"I'm sure she is." I muttered to myself sarcastically.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, I just wondered where my mom was." I replied quickly. To that, I just got a nod and seconds of silence.

"How about we just ditch this place and go somewhere else?" the weirdo offered.

"How about I get up and stop hearing you talk?" I growled as I knew the kind of game he was trying to play. No one ever messes with a person who doesn't have a good temper, and they weren't going to start now.

I got up and saw his shocked expression- it was as if he never had gotten "no" for an answer. Slightly smirking, I got up form the couch and left.


Being sick of this, I went to the bathroom, where I multiplied into another me (dressed up and all) and let my twin go out. For those who don't know, my illusions not only look like me, but they could also talk like me and use the powers I have.

Quietly slipping out like a mouse, I ran to the comfort of my room, where I stayed there until I no longer heard the sounds of the guests.

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I made my illusion come towards my bedroom, where I made it disappear and ended up taking it's place. I then walked back to the living room, seeing the Avengers all sitting on couches.

"Whatever man it's a trick!" exclaimed Barton as I sat down on a couch, next to Thor.

"Please be my guest." chuckled The Asgardian as he pointed to his hammer.

"Really?" Clint challenged.


Not wanting to ask what they were talking about, I simply kept my mouth shut, until I realized that they were referring to Thor's mighty hammer. All of the Avengers looked at each other as Clint finally accepted the challenge and got up.

"Well Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony said as I chuckled with the rest.

As he tried to pull up the hammer, he chuckled of embarrassment and said,"I still don't know how you do it."

"Notice the silent judgement?" asked Tony as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Please! Stark, by all means!" Clint pointed to Stark as if Tony wanted a try.

Acting like a total boss, Tony got up. "I was never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's just physics." He went towards the hammer and put his hand on it as he looked at Thor. "Let's get this straight, if I lift it, I rule Asgard?"

"Yes of course." said Thor as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I will be instituting premonapta."

As Tony pulled, he had put both feet on the table, but it didn't work.

"I'll be right back." he said as he eventually got his Iron Man fist, which didn't work either. After that, he had gotten Rhodes to use his Iron fist to help.

"Are you even pulling?" asked Rhodes.

"Are you even on my team?" responded Stark as he looked at him.


"Just represent, pull!"

When they both couldn't get it, it was Bruce's turn to try. He exclaimed as he tried to lift it and held his hands in the air, only to get disapprovals amongst the crowd.

Cap had then offered to go. It shocked everyone, especially Thor, as he made it move just the slightest bit. Along with The God, my eyes widened as his attempt. I decided I would try- with the help of my illusions, but still it wouldn't budge.

"Well, I tried." said my illusions, along with the real me, at the same time.

"The answer is simple, who ever shall carry Thor's fingerprints is worthy." said Tony.

"Yes, that is a very interesting theory, but I have a simplier one," he started as he lifted his hammer with ease,"Your're all not worthy."

"Awwww." said everyone as we didn't want to hear those words. It was just then, that a loud noise went throughout the living room, as we covered our ears. Coming out of a room, an unknown robot started walking towards us all.

"How could you be worthy? You're all puppets, tangled in strings. Strings."

I released my claws just in case anything was about to happen.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. I had a dream, there was this terrible noise and I was tangled. In Strings. I had to kill the other guy." the crazy robot said.

"You killed someone?" asked Steve.

"It wouldn't have been my first call. Much down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." he continued.

"Who sent you?" asked Thor.

It was suddenly then that we heard Tony's voice coming through the robot.

"Ultron." said Banner all of the sudden.

"In the flesh. Or no, not yet..not in this chrysalis." informed the robot as he looked around. "But I'm ready, I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" asked Natasha.

He then looked at us and said, "Peace in our time." On contact, two of the Iron Legions burst through the walls. I multiplied into three others, and all four of us took on a robot.

"Cap!" said Clint as he threw the shield to Steve, who used it to cut a robot in half.

"That was dramatic, I'm sorry, it appears it didn't get through. You want to protect the world but you don't want to change it. How is humanity seen, if it's not allowed to work? Especially with these puppets? There's only one path to peace- The Avengers Extinction." the maniac stopped there as Thor threw his hammer at it, but not before saying, "I had strings, and now I'm free."

"What did you guys do?!" I exclaimed, a little ticked off as we had to experience that.


"If Ultron is on the internet and has our file and records, he probably knows more about us than we know about ourselves." I shook my head as I put my claws away that I still had out, and dissolved my illusions.

"What if it decides to access something more exciting?" asked Rhodes.

"Nuclear codes?"

"We need to call some people." someone said.

"He said he wanted us dead..."

"He did not say dead, he said extinct." corrected Steve.

"But he also said he killed somebody." added Barton.

"There wasn't anybody else in the building." stated Maria.

"Yes there was." said Stark as he suddenly pulled a holographic image up, out of nowhere. "Jarvis."

"He was our first line of defense."

"I still don't understand, if you build this robot, then why is it trying to kill us?" asked Dr. Cho.

Tony, that bastard, just laughed.

"You think this is funny don't you?" threatened Thor.

Wrong move, I thought.

"No, probably not right. This is very terrible, probably bad." said Tony, as he slightly coughed.

"This could have been avoided if-"

"No, I'm sorry! It's a problem that you don't get why we need this. We're the Avengers! How do you plan on doing this?"

"Together." said Steve.

"What if we lose?" asked Tony.

"Then we do that together also. Look he's right- it's looking for us. The world is a big place. So let's start making it smaller. Let's find Ultron, Together."


I just wanted to thank everyone who has been keeping up with story, it really means alot! Also thank you to all those who have voted for it too. Again, until next update :)

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