《Hockey Imagines》André Burakovsky ~ WC



I remembermeeting Y/N when we were both 3. Our parents were best friends with each other, so it was by nature that we would be best friends. I still remember that time she forced me to have a tea party with her after she played a round of hockey with me, which she won 3-2. And I also remember when we were at a wedding for another family friend, Y/N and I were "slow dancing" with each other, but it was cute yet I think I stepped on her feet a couple times.

It was time for the senior prom and yes, I was at the dance with her. We won prom king and queen by surprise, I wasn't expecting to be named in the prom court. Prom was one of the best moments of my life, besides meeting Y/N and the day I asked her to be my girlfriend. But, a few weeks after, I have to leave for the NHL....

I was still with Y/N, but she was on the other side of the border... She was in Canada, studying to be a sports journalist, specializing in hockey, while I was in D.C., playing for the Capitals. She's never left my mind, day and night. It was always the Y/N channel 365/24/7 in my head.

We were finally reunited for the summer, as the Capitals were out of the playoffs in the 2nd round. Y/N was out for summer break and she surprised me with a visit. She was going to stay with Wilson, Latta, and I in our apartment. I guess you could say, it was a typical love story, but I was always a sucker for her. She looked up at me, blushing as she stood on her tiptoes, reaching up to kiss me. I love her with all my heart....

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