《The Fading Sunshine》Chapter 8


**time skip to Monday

I woke up at 6 so I had plenty of time to get to school and get in the bus. I rolled out of bed and put my jerseys, knee pads, and shoes and threw them in my bag. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw the bruises on my neck. I'll have to find a way to cover those before I leave.

I grab my mothers old concealer and try to cover up the bruises from this weekend. I had covered about half of them when I ran out of makeup. "Shit." I say to myself. I'll just have to wear a sweatshirt on the bus and just hope no one notices.

I left the house around 7:15 and walked to the school. My dad hadn't woken up yet so I my morning was already going better than I thought it was going to go.

I arrived at the school around 7:45, the bus scheduled to leave at 8:00 so I have 15 minutes to spare. I decided to go up to the clubroom to charge my phone before we left. I played a couple games on my phone while it charged and waited for the rest of my team mates to arrive.

When the clock hit 8:00 I headed back down to the bus and sat next to Kageyama. We always sit next to each other on the bus ride to games.

I pull my hood on my sweatshirt over my head and draw the strings so that my neck is covered.

"What the hell are you doing? You look like an eskimo." Kageyama said.

"Oh haha, I guess i'm a little cold this morning." I said. This wasn't a complete lie, I was actually cold. But he didn't need to know about my other reasons.


"Oh, well do you want my sweatshirt too?" Kageyama asked sincerely.

I didn't know Kageyama was one to care...

"O-oh yeah sure, if you're not gonna wear it." I laughed softly.

He reached into his bag and pulled out his sweatshirt. I put it on and saw how big it was. I guess I had forgotten about our height difference.

"Aww look at Hinata in his boyfriends sweatshirt, how cute. I didn't know you gave a shit Kageyama." Tsukishima chucked.

"Shut up Shittyshima." Kageyama barked at Tsuki.

"Hey guys, let's not start the morning off by fighting." Daichi said from the front of the bus.

"Whatever." Tsuki muttered.

After that the bus was quiet except for the occasional snore from the sleeping boys.

*** Kageyama's POV

I was one of the first ones on the bus so I went to my usual spot and saved the seat next to me for Hinata. I don't really remember when I started saving him a seat, but at some point we came to an unspoken agreement that we would sit next to each other on the bus.

Hinata walked into the bus at 8:00 on the dot and made his way back to me. He sat down without smiling or saying anything which very unusual for him. He pulled his hold over his head and pulled the draw strings and just looked ahead. What the hell is wrong with him.

"What the hell are you doing? You look like an eskimo." I said. I didn't know how to him if he was okay so I went along with my usual remarks.

His face went from emotionless to his normal happy smile within seconds of me speaking to him.

"Oh haha, I guess i'm just a little cold this morning." He said with a soft laugh.


That was understandable. It was a little chilly on the bus, it usually was. "Oh, well do you want my sweatshirt too?" I may have been a little chilly, but if he's still cold even with his sweatshirt on than I think he needs mine a tad more than I do.

"O-oh yeah sure, if your not gonna wear it." He said.

I reached into my bag and handed it to him. He pulled it over his head and it nearly reached his knees. I had forgotten I'm two sizes bigger than he is. "But he looks kinda... cute." I thought to myself.

NO. What am I thinking. He doesn't like me like that. Why would he, I tease and ridicule him.

"Aww look at Hinata in his boyfriends sweatshirt, how cute. I didn't know you gave a shit Kageyama." Tsuki said from the back of the bus.

Of course I care, I may not show it well but Hinata knows I care deep down... Right?

"Shut up Shittyshima." I barked back at him.

"Hey guys, let's not start the morning off by fighting." Daichi said sternly from the front of the bus. "Whatever." muttered Tsuki.

Soon the bus took off and we were on our way to Tokyo. Most of the team fell asleep, including Hinata. But I couldn't fall asleep so I pulled out my earbuds and listened to some music as I stared out the window.

The bus took a sharp turn and I felt something on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Hinata's auburn hair. He must have fallen over. I tried to move him back upright but every time I tried to sit him up he would start to stir. I finally decided just to leave him be and let him sleep.

I soon drifted off to sleep as well and when I woke up I heard snickering and a clicking noise. I opened my eyes and saw Suga, Takana, Nishanoya and Yamaguchi standing over Hinata and I while snapping pictures.

"Go away, you're gonna wake him up." I said as I glared at them.

"Aw one of the love birds woke up." Nishanoya said.

"But actually dude, y'all are already cuddling on the bus. Just date already." Tanaka laughed.

"We're just friends, I just didn't want to wake him up so I left him." I said, getting aggravated at the four of them.

"I'm sure, I'm sure." Takana said.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone and give you some privacy." Suga giggled as he pulled the other three away.

I glanced over at Hinata to make sure he was still asleep. My face flushed pink as I looked at him. "Your so cute sometimes." I whispered quietly, grinning to myself.

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