《My Husband》28
Үнэндээ би түүнийгээ хэзээ ч бохир заваан амьтан гэж бодож байгаагүй ээ
Зүгээр л түүнийг явуулахын тулд тэгж хэлсэн юм....
Тэр минь миний хувьд энэ хорвоогийн хамгийн сайхан залуу. Түүн шиг хүнийг ахиад олох их хэцүү.. Зууд ганц л тохиох гайхамшиг шүү дээ түүнтэй учирсан минь.
Түүнийг явснаас хойш би аль болох хоол сайн идэж дулаахан хувцаслахыг хичээсэн ч нэг л болж өгөхгүй нь энэ бүхэнд минь Жунин л санаа тавьдаг байсан болохоор..
Сар бүр эмнэлэг явж хүүхдээ үзүүлдэг болохоор хувцсаа өмсөөд эмнэлэг оров. Гэхдээ харахыг хүсээгүй дүр зураглалаа хараад зүрх зүсэгдэж бие минь чичирхийлнэ.
Жунин надтай харц тулгараад үг хэлэх гэсэн ч би түүнийг үл тоон шууд л эмнэлэг рүү гүйсэн ч шат нь хэтэрхий өндөр болохоор өөрийн эрхгүй тээглэн унах нь тэр.
Хажуунаас нэг хүн түшиж аван босгоход баярласнаа илэрхийлэхээр тэр хүн лүү харвал Сүжон зогсож байв. Түүнийг гэдэс ч бас нилээн томорчээ.
Тэр надруу өрөвдсөн гэмээр нэр тийм харцаар харснаа
-Энэ шат хэт өндөр юм. Чи зүгээр үү? Жирэмсэн хүн биеэ бодох хэрэгтэй ямар нимгэн хувцас өмссөн юм бэ? хүйтэн байна.
гэсээр өөрийнхөө ороолтыг хүзүүгээр минь ороож өгчхөөд өөдөөс минь нэг л тийм дулаахан харцаар ширтээд эелдэг гэгч нь инээмсэглэх нь тэр.
Би Жуниныг бид хоёрыг харж байгааг мэдээд сандарч өөрийн эрхгүй бардам зан минь хөдөлж Сүжонд муухай ааш гаргахыг хичээсэн ч би чадсангүй зүгээр л түүнийг үл тоон эмнэлэг рүү оров.
Тэднийг цуг байгааг харах их хэцүү юм. Миний зүрх хэдийн шархалжээ. Хэзээ ч эдгэхгүйгээр.......
- In Serial35 Chapters
Sins of the Father
Tell my story? Now that's an idea. I am called many things: the Lord of Souls, the Shadow of Death, the Undying Dreamer... I sired the Awakened of old. I have turned beggars into kings and kings into legends. I have argued the nature of man with the fathers of philosophy and spoken of gratitude with the first Sage. Since the dawn of my existence, I have walked the path of power with regard for little else. During the Great Trial, humanity's greatest hour of need, I dragged them from the jaws of their self-inflicted ruin for the sake of my beloved. Even now, few know the truth of it all. I am not a saint or a god. I am a watcher, a judge, a tormentor, and a killer. I am the Father. *** This is a cultivation story about an inhuman entity on its journey of power and self-discovery. The Father's story starts in ancient history and ends in a distant future but the majority of will take place in a near-future post-apocalypse setting. That said, the Urban Fantasy and Post-Apocalypse tags will be hinted at but won't come into play until Advent 3.1: The Great Dream. They'll come fully online at the start of the 3rd arc or 4.1 (story isn't there yet).
8 205 - In Serial57 Chapters
Above All Shadows
The plan failed. Nebula’s dead, Thor captured – StarkAfter the Infinity War, the Avengers made one last attempt to take down Thanos. They failed.Loki, stranded back on Earth, and certain that his brother won’t survive another encounter with the Mad Titan, believes only one possible solution remains – time travel. The problem with experimental magic, however, is that you can never be sure of the consequences. Loki ends up far further back than he had intended. He finds Asgard at peace, his mother among the living and Odin about to proclaim Thor king.After years of flitting from one calamity to another, Loki finds a spark of hope. This isn’t just about Thanos. Here is his chance to start at the beginning and, this time, do it right. But turning that hope to reality isn’t going to be easy. [Marvel Cinematic Universe, time travel attempted fix-it, not-Endgame compliant]
8 237 - In Serial31 Chapters
Witch's Psyche
After saving herself from the brink of death through the use of magic gifted to her by a dear friend, a witch called Kait wakes up from stasis hundreds of years later. She tries to cope with her new circumstances by living with an ordinary family. However, when their drama hits its peak, her unstable emotions cast a spell that causes trouble for them all.
8 214 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Wounded Knight.
To those who find this journal know this. This world holds many secrets; some written in the pages of this book. Others meant to be dsicovered over and over again. If one is willing and strong enough then maybe they can push through the trials and see this world.
8 140 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Almighty Boulder
The only road for the strong is to get stronger while the weak gets crushed as stepping stone for anyone daring enough to go down the road.Our MC is not human, elf, demon or any of the more generic races, he's simply a rock; a rock wanting to achieve his dream and becoming the Almighty.
8 85 - In Serial6 Chapters
chef d'oeuvre | JeongMi | by festoon
"She is a work of art."An adventure of two ordinary girls struggling to live a satisfying and pleasing life. One is a violinist who is a bright and bubbly girl. One is a passionate cold painter who strives for her dreams and is ambitious who wants to prove herself to her parents using art.A story of life and love, ambitions and apathy, greed and selflessness, invulnerability and helplessness, success and failures. What if the paths of Jeongyeon and Mina meet?Follow their struggles, efforts, experiences, growth, and romance in this story. :chef d'oeuvre means masterpiece:!! DISCLAIMERS !!*slow burn romance *photo not mine (book cover)*work of a FICTION*I don't know much about music and art so there might be errors and inaccuracies but I have enough knowledge about it*English isn't my first language
8 173