《My Husband》28
Үнэндээ би түүнийгээ хэзээ ч бохир заваан амьтан гэж бодож байгаагүй ээ
Зүгээр л түүнийг явуулахын тулд тэгж хэлсэн юм....
Тэр минь миний хувьд энэ хорвоогийн хамгийн сайхан залуу. Түүн шиг хүнийг ахиад олох их хэцүү.. Зууд ганц л тохиох гайхамшиг шүү дээ түүнтэй учирсан минь.
Түүнийг явснаас хойш би аль болох хоол сайн идэж дулаахан хувцаслахыг хичээсэн ч нэг л болж өгөхгүй нь энэ бүхэнд минь Жунин л санаа тавьдаг байсан болохоор..
Сар бүр эмнэлэг явж хүүхдээ үзүүлдэг болохоор хувцсаа өмсөөд эмнэлэг оров. Гэхдээ харахыг хүсээгүй дүр зураглалаа хараад зүрх зүсэгдэж бие минь чичирхийлнэ.
Жунин надтай харц тулгараад үг хэлэх гэсэн ч би түүнийг үл тоон шууд л эмнэлэг рүү гүйсэн ч шат нь хэтэрхий өндөр болохоор өөрийн эрхгүй тээглэн унах нь тэр.
Хажуунаас нэг хүн түшиж аван босгоход баярласнаа илэрхийлэхээр тэр хүн лүү харвал Сүжон зогсож байв. Түүнийг гэдэс ч бас нилээн томорчээ.
Тэр надруу өрөвдсөн гэмээр нэр тийм харцаар харснаа
-Энэ шат хэт өндөр юм. Чи зүгээр үү? Жирэмсэн хүн биеэ бодох хэрэгтэй ямар нимгэн хувцас өмссөн юм бэ? хүйтэн байна.
гэсээр өөрийнхөө ороолтыг хүзүүгээр минь ороож өгчхөөд өөдөөс минь нэг л тийм дулаахан харцаар ширтээд эелдэг гэгч нь инээмсэглэх нь тэр.
Би Жуниныг бид хоёрыг харж байгааг мэдээд сандарч өөрийн эрхгүй бардам зан минь хөдөлж Сүжонд муухай ааш гаргахыг хичээсэн ч би чадсангүй зүгээр л түүнийг үл тоон эмнэлэг рүү оров.
Тэднийг цуг байгааг харах их хэцүү юм. Миний зүрх хэдийн шархалжээ. Хэзээ ч эдгэхгүйгээр.......
The Axe Falls
-This story does -not- have a Harem.- -This is not a finished product and will contain spelling/grammar/editing errors-Dominic has lived his life in a backwater village without any hope of attaining a strong Class. His life was destined to be lived as a Villager at worst, or a Farmer at best. A young man lacking in prospects, wealth, or a future. Destined to live and die without much to show for it. Except over the next day, he's going to get everything he hoped for, while also losing anything he depended on. He'll go from being a nobody to a Prince-In-Hiding, becoming the last of a long thought extinct Royal line. To wield the family's weapon and take back the throne that was stolen from his ancestors. It's time for the axe to fall, and heads to roll.
8 378Kingdom's Gates
Gates appear all over the world. A Gate system has been activated. but in the rural mountain, a young soldier that has returned from the battlefield where he lost his best friend tries to start a new. With a gate appearing nearby it changes his life.
8 76The Crown of Sorrow
The air itself burned. All was ash and dust. The remains of his home, his friends, his loved ones, his comrades, his enemies, mixed and intermingled. One spec of ash indistinguishable from the next. He had fallen to his knees, among the aftermath of the ruin of his own making. He no longer knew how long it had been since he'd fallen, how long he remained beyond everything else he ever knew. The ashes of his life coated his body, making him appear as a gray uneven statue, a monument to his own sorrow. Ages pass, Life returns to the barren world,but how will the sins of the past affect its future? Saora of Valskaar begins another routine patrol of Valkaars borders. Accompanying rising a star of the Long-Riders, Captain Luke, as his Shield Maiden, unaware of the spiraling events that will change her life, and possibly end it. (This is my first novel, though the idea for it has been in the back of my mind for years, This is my attempt to put it to paper. Looking forward to any constructive criticism, however, i already have in mind, the entire plot and tone of the story, any revisions based on feedback will likely only be considered upon completion. As of now starting out, i haven't really settled on a timeline for regular updates But I aiming for at least two chapters a week at about 2000 words each. I will promise at least one chapter of that size at least once a week, until completion. I'm rather determined to put this story on paper ( or web page i guess).
8 144Demon Hero
Some things aren't meant to be. Some things are. A hero isn't meant to be a demon, and a demon isn't meant to be a hero. But sometimes, what's isn't meant to happen will happen. In the span of an incomprehensible amount of time, a blur in the space-time continuum happened. A passing soul got sucked into another universe. On that day, a demon king died, but a hero was born. -- Note: Will need to see if this is something people would want to read to continue.
8 119Assorted Stories of Enthadar; The Legendary Planet
Erevan Burkwood was born a Crow, an omen of death, and as such his father left the civilized world with him. Taught him to fight monsters with spell, blade, and siege weapon. Now as a man he ventures into the world with a ballista on his back and knowledge that he is a Champion. One of the few who can use the Waystones and travel the world with ease.
8 140psy·cho·log·i·cal
Psychological-Related to the mental and emotional state of a person* What happens to life when a happy wife isn't really a happy wife?.... " I'll fucking do and you know I would, watch that pretty but yet annoying ass mouth of your's Hiaden "
8 210