《My Husband》29
Өдөр хоног харвасан сум мэт өнгөрч нэг л мэдэхэд төрөх өдөр минь нилээн ойртсон байв.
Төрөх өдөр дөхсөн тул надад хань болж намайг асрах гээд Жүхён манайд надтай цуг амьдарч ойр зуурын юмыг минь дөхүүлж өгдөг. Тэр байгаа болохоор надад их амар байгаа.
Хааяа нэг Сэүн ирж бид хоёртой хөгжилдөн манайд хоноод явна. Гэхдээ хааяа байсан ч одоо бол байнга манайд байх болсондоо. Бурхан надад ямар азаар ийм сайхан найзууд өгсөн юм бэ?
Шөнө дундын үед унтаж байтал доороос минь юм гараад би орондоо шээгээд ч байгаа юм шиг мэдрэгдэхэд шууд л сэрэв. Унтаж байсан болохоор бага зэрэг манаран нойрмоглоод юу болоод байгааг ойлгох гээд сууж байтал гэдэс бага зэрэг базалж эхлэх нь тэр. Одоо л юу болоод байгааг ойлголоо Ус гарчиж
Жүхёныг дуудаж нилээн чангаар орилон хөнжлөөсөө зуурч авахад хаалга онгойн Жүхён Сэүний хамт орж ирээд бас л юу болоод байгаад гайхан хэсэг зогсож байснаа ухаан орон шууд л Сэүн намайг тэвэрч аван гарах хаалга руу зүглэхэд Жүхён утас түрийвч машины түлхүүр гэх зэрэг зүйлсийг хамж аван бид гэрээс яаран гарцгаав.
Маш их өвдөлтөн дунд тарчилан явсаар нэг л мэдэхэд би эмнэлэг дээр ирэх нь тэр. Надад үнэндээ энэ эмнэлэг дээр ирэх тийм ч сонин биш байна. Би хурдхан шиг энэ өвдөлтийг алга болгохыг хүсэж байв ч хүсвэл хясна гэгчээр огт зүгээр болохгүй улам л хатгуулан базалж өвдөн намайг зовооно.
Төрөх орон дээр тарчлан хэвтэж байхдаа би үр минь яагаад гарахгүй байгаа юм бэ? гэж бодон нулимс унагана. Хажууд минь Кай байсан ч болоосой. Эмч нар түүнийг оруулаад ирж болохгүй юм байхдаа. Эсвэл тэр ирээгүй юм болов уу? Бурхан минь гэж би ахиж тэвчиж чадахгүй нь ээ.
Маш олон цаг тарчилж хэд хэдэн удаа ухаан алдаж эмч нар хацар луу алгадаж намайг сэрээч хүүхэд чинь бүтэх нь гэж зөндөө хэлэх ч миний ухаан санаа орж гарч байв.
Ахин нэг өвдөлт мэдрэн ухаан орж гарахад эмч өөдөөс хараад хүүхэд чинь бүтэх нь байна шүү дээ ахиад жоохон дүүлээд өг л дөө хэмээн гуйн хэлээд эс тэшвээс та хоёр хоёулаа үхэх нь
гэж хэллээ.
Эцсийн хүчээ дайчлаад 5 минут гаран маш хүчтэйгээр дүлхэд дотроос минь нэг юм гараад явах нь мэдрэгдэж би өөрийн эрхгүй сульдсаар биеэ суллан зөөлхнөөр мишээв. Учир нь эмч надад маш гайхалтай мэдээ дуулгасан юм.
Hate You, Love You.
Adelaide Montessori Prep, school for the children of the rich and upper-class members of the social ladder.
8 504Age of Charon
Rebirth was not something that he had thought possible. Perhaps, he had had some vague hopes of reincarnation cycles as the more desirable option to afterlife. But being reborn in what he believed to be a fictional universe had only seemed as the premise of stories.Waking up to a void of nothing, no light, no body, no feeling, and then being thrown into the midst of what had once seemed a mere fantasy— it was too much.As an A.I., how much could he change? Could he save Tony? Could he save the world without his sacrifice? Or should he not do anything? What if his existence was the butterfly that would destroy the timeline, and with it, the universe?Was this even a choice? Was he to play the villain? So the timeline could remain intact?Could he even do that?"You doing ok, kid?" Tony asked him."I'm fine, Tony, really."No, no, he couldn't. ~~~Disclaimer: The MCU universe and its characters do not belong to me. I only enjoy playing in this world once in a while.
8 193Birds of Prey
A UNN fleet on routine patrol near the outskirts of Coalition space encounters a previously uncontacted civilization, but while the aliens seem friendly, the Betelgeusian hive fleet that's sizing up their homeworld is not. Undersupplied and months from the nearest reinforcements, the fleet must coordinate with the locals in order to organize a last-ditch defense of the planet.
8 133Of Dragons and Gods: A DnD Inspired Reincarnation Isekai LitRPG
A student named Jaxon Lee passes away after saving a little girl from a burning building. The last thing he remembers is the word, “Aries”. Upon awakening, he finds himself reincarnated in a fantasy world, as a ten-year-old boy, surrounded by monsters and magic. Hostile monsters are not his only concern, however, for his sudden arrival will usher the world towards chaos, reigniting a conflict dating back to the planet’s very inception, awakening the ancient dragons and the very gods themselves. Isekai with D&D elements. Sometimes lighthearted, sometimes dramatic. Hopefully a fun read. This is a work in progress, subject to edits, possibly major, though hopefully not. Any feedback regarding plot, characterization and continuity is greatly appreciated! Will include an OP MC, power levels, spell casting, magic academy, adventuring, dungeons, fighting monsters, romance, comedy. Suggestions welcome. Tagged with sexual content for the sporadic sexual scenes. Will be vanilla but graphic. Not the focus of story.
8 112Falling for you (Sonadow)
Sonic the Hedgehog is moving to a new highSchool. And a new neighborhood where he meets a black and red Hedgehog he soon has a crush on. He also meets a couple new friends on the way and enemies.Warning: this contains some scourgexsonic ,Mephilver and obviously Sonadowcharacter list ↓Sally acornBunny rabotJet the hawkWave the swallowStorm(Sonic Riders zero gravity)Alenna (sonic's mom)Black Doom( hedgehog in this story)KnucklesSliverShadowSonicScourge ( Archies comicsTailsMephiles (sonic 06")BlazeAmyRougeCreamFiona the fox ( Archies comics)characters belong to Segadon't read if u don't like it No hurtful comments plz!![PG -13] Contains some Sexual scenes (later on) Sonadowness ^-^ EnjoyP.S None of the pictures are mine
8 114The Last Light of Eden (Sky Children of the Light)
(This story IS still being updated! Sorry it's taking so long to write chapters!!!)Long ago, before even the elders landed on the isles' peaceful shores, a darkness plagued the land of Sky. Creatures of evil and hate roamed freely, destroying all that was bright and good in the world. However, ancient stories tell of seven creatures, children of light, who sealed the darkness away, but at a terrible price. . . The seven children were locked inside the Eye, cursed to forever stand guard at its' gates. . . Until now. When the gates to Eden open once more, and a strange, glowing child falls to the lands of Sky, it's up to an odd group of heroes to reseal Edens' doors. But, with the darkness spreading fast, and the Krill constantly on the hunt, will they stop the spreading shadows in time. . .?(Thanks so much for 5K views!!!)"Sky Children of The Light" created by ThatGameCompany!!!Sky au created by me! =)Cover art also by me! (Art Software: FireAlpaca) Chapters will update irregularly due to school, homework, and lack of Coffee. I apologize for the inconvenience! =) If you guys have any comments or find any errors in my writing, feel free to let me know! =D Thanks!
8 158