《My Husband》29
Өдөр хоног харвасан сум мэт өнгөрч нэг л мэдэхэд төрөх өдөр минь нилээн ойртсон байв.
Төрөх өдөр дөхсөн тул надад хань болж намайг асрах гээд Жүхён манайд надтай цуг амьдарч ойр зуурын юмыг минь дөхүүлж өгдөг. Тэр байгаа болохоор надад их амар байгаа.
Хааяа нэг Сэүн ирж бид хоёртой хөгжилдөн манайд хоноод явна. Гэхдээ хааяа байсан ч одоо бол байнга манайд байх болсондоо. Бурхан надад ямар азаар ийм сайхан найзууд өгсөн юм бэ?
Шөнө дундын үед унтаж байтал доороос минь юм гараад би орондоо шээгээд ч байгаа юм шиг мэдрэгдэхэд шууд л сэрэв. Унтаж байсан болохоор бага зэрэг манаран нойрмоглоод юу болоод байгааг ойлгох гээд сууж байтал гэдэс бага зэрэг базалж эхлэх нь тэр. Одоо л юу болоод байгааг ойлголоо Ус гарчиж
Жүхёныг дуудаж нилээн чангаар орилон хөнжлөөсөө зуурч авахад хаалга онгойн Жүхён Сэүний хамт орж ирээд бас л юу болоод байгаад гайхан хэсэг зогсож байснаа ухаан орон шууд л Сэүн намайг тэвэрч аван гарах хаалга руу зүглэхэд Жүхён утас түрийвч машины түлхүүр гэх зэрэг зүйлсийг хамж аван бид гэрээс яаран гарцгаав.
Маш их өвдөлтөн дунд тарчилан явсаар нэг л мэдэхэд би эмнэлэг дээр ирэх нь тэр. Надад үнэндээ энэ эмнэлэг дээр ирэх тийм ч сонин биш байна. Би хурдхан шиг энэ өвдөлтийг алга болгохыг хүсэж байв ч хүсвэл хясна гэгчээр огт зүгээр болохгүй улам л хатгуулан базалж өвдөн намайг зовооно.
Төрөх орон дээр тарчлан хэвтэж байхдаа би үр минь яагаад гарахгүй байгаа юм бэ? гэж бодон нулимс унагана. Хажууд минь Кай байсан ч болоосой. Эмч нар түүнийг оруулаад ирж болохгүй юм байхдаа. Эсвэл тэр ирээгүй юм болов уу? Бурхан минь гэж би ахиж тэвчиж чадахгүй нь ээ.
Маш олон цаг тарчилж хэд хэдэн удаа ухаан алдаж эмч нар хацар луу алгадаж намайг сэрээч хүүхэд чинь бүтэх нь гэж зөндөө хэлэх ч миний ухаан санаа орж гарч байв.
Ахин нэг өвдөлт мэдрэн ухаан орж гарахад эмч өөдөөс хараад хүүхэд чинь бүтэх нь байна шүү дээ ахиад жоохон дүүлээд өг л дөө хэмээн гуйн хэлээд эс тэшвээс та хоёр хоёулаа үхэх нь
гэж хэллээ.
Эцсийн хүчээ дайчлаад 5 минут гаран маш хүчтэйгээр дүлхэд дотроос минь нэг юм гараад явах нь мэдрэгдэж би өөрийн эрхгүй сульдсаар биеэ суллан зөөлхнөөр мишээв. Учир нь эмч надад маш гайхалтай мэдээ дуулгасан юм.
- In Serial45 Chapters
Yet another ”reincarnated as a monster” story, however, this time, it’s a carnivorous plant
Bob was a very social person, however, he had no friends. he liked being with people, no matter how tiring he found it, and was constantly looking for new friends. but, he never did find any. he remained a loner for the most of his life, being social only on the internet where people couldn't reject him due to his frightening visage, and with his one and only friend, Muffin the snake. one day Bob was out for a walk, smiling and greeting people as he would whenever his and their eyes meet. shame his eyes were so cold and lifeless he would have scared off God Himself, had He not taken a liking to Bob. as luck would have it, this would be the last time he would walk. ever. what happened was simple. he walked into a sword. how this happened is irrelevant, just be assured that this took his life without fail, and soon Bob was no more. at least he thought so. heyo mayo, the Author Palt here, coming right in with the news. yes, I'm making another one and yes I am ashamed. however, I have a few good reasons. oneI've always wanted to make one like this and two, I've got a certain something coming up that i have to flex my writing muscles for. thus, I've picked up writing again. ain't it fun!? if you have any comments about anything like plot holes or unrealistic characters, just comment bro. I love criticism. and on that note, I'll just say that this will be kind of like "i reincarnated as a dragon's egg" but also not. well, whatever. let's have fun together, awwite!?
8 109 - In Serial13 Chapters
[PUBLISHED] Substation Seven: Condemnation
You can get your hands on the complete novel at https://mybook.to/substation7book1 Claire Aireneth needs to write her entire thesis in one week. As a student of the prestigious Royal Academy, her work on magitech automatons needs to not only hold sway with her professors, but keep in step with her late mother, who practically wrote the book on humanity's mechanized companions. If she fails, she'll have failed in her only self-given purpose: to become as good an engineer as dear ol' ma. Focusing the other half of her energy on keeping herself from keeling over in an anxiety attack, she does her best to weigh in her options. After hours of thought, she's at the verge of giving up hope on it altogether, until she realizes she has a unique edge on her fellow peers when it comes to doing research in a unique environment; A very unique environment. Her father is the kingdom's only magitech substation rounds officer: an incredibly important job that only requires a single person. It's through him that the magic powering the city's tens of thousands of devices operate smoothly from his small weekly adjustments, for it's industrial automatons that do the rest of the work for him. It's illegal to go down there, but Clare feels as though she has no choice. Going undergound into the substation system, she finds much, much more than a few simple androids busy with their menial tasks. She finds the kingdom's true form, a secret buried so, so deep, that it will stop at nothing to remain concealed. She runs dead center into a vast conspiracy that not only brings her walled off country into question, but her very perception of reality. It just so happens that this new reality doesn't like her one bit. On hiatus until someone asks me for some more! PM or email me and I'll make it happen! Kellinkston.com
8 153 - In Serial6 Chapters
Martial World
This story is about a guy who gets whisked off to another world to find out that he is so strong that the only battles he loses are the ones against himself, as our MC finds out this new world might not be so bad. The more time he spends there the less he finds himself missing his home.
8 99 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Four Year Plan (Completed)
"Will you get off of me. This isn't apart of the deal Landon. You don't get to fuck me." "I know I know. But let's just imagine." I stood up with a dress in my hand trying to leave his embrace. But he kept my hips on his pelvis. "It's dark, we're on my bed. Your small frame under me-""Landon." He ignored me. "As I pound viscously into you." I couldn't help but to imagine to. A wave of heat flashed over me and he chuckled. "You're thinking of it too now, aren't you?" He asked breathing into my neck. With that I pushed myself off of him. "Asshole." I muttered slipping on the sundress.Highest rank: #9 in interracial-romance #6 in interracial
8 198 - In Serial24 Chapters
Shades of Gray
The last thing Graham Calloway remembers is being shot with the crackle rod by a brain-washed Carmen Sandiego. He wakes up in a hospital, where the Chief of A.C.M.E. lets him know that Carmen is okay. Graham eventually speaks to Carmen himself and they decide to go their separate ways, though the decision is painful for them both.But they aren't apart for long before V.I.L.E. rears its ugly head. Danger once again causes their paths to meet, and Graham and Carmen find that their feelings might run deeper than just friendship. But there's not much time for soul-searching when V.I.L.E. is threatening to steal something more important than money: Their lives.Disclaimer: All rights to Carmen Sandiego (the TV series) and its characters belongs to Netflix.
8 305 - In Serial32 Chapters
Fate's Encounter
After a life altering event that left her bloody and broken, Zena vows to never let herself be that weak again. She needs no one to defend herself. She needs no one to save 'the damsel in distress' anymore. At least...not from humans...Xai'an is a half breed Yautja. Born of an honorable female who never wanted him and a massive breed of Bad Blood for a father. Though he is met with ridicule for his mixed blood, no one is foolish enough to directly challenge him. He alone has the honor of a Kiande Amedha Queen skull to flaunt in his trophy room, after all. As the clan's Enforcer he is sent to deal with a band of Bad Blood's orbiting over Earth only to discover their forbidden plot. Now he must stop it from destroying the small blue planet. What he didn't anticipate though...was a tiny Ooman female that would eventually consume his thoughts...he would soon discover that she would be his greatest hunt yet because... he had to have her.***This will be my first 18+ MATURE CONTENT fiction I've ever published. This story will also determine how others enjoy my writing to see if I will post some original works on hereI also do not own nor reserve any rights to the Predator universe. This is not cannon nor will it be entirely accurate. Only OC and story plot are mine.***#1 in alienvspredator (as of 4/19/21 vvv)#8 in interspecies #13 in avp#1 in predator#33 in scifiromance#34 in xenomorph#54 in alien
8 98