《My Husband》27
Та хэд тэр үед Жуниныг зүгээр л гараад явчихсан гэж бодоод байгаа юм биш биз? Үгүйдээ
Тэр үнэндээ яваагүй гэхдээ надаас маш олон удаа уучлалт гуйж намайг тэвэрч аван үнэсэх гэж оролдож байсан.
Гэхдээ бас намайг түүнийг үлдээсэн гэж бодож байна уу?
Бас л үгүйдээ.
Тэр надаас уучлалт гуйж явахгүй гэж зөндөө хэлсэн ч түүний дотор явах хүсэл маш их байсныг би мэдэж байсан юм. Түүний хүн чанар нь зулгааж байсан болохоор л тэр явахгүй гэсэн ч эцэст нь би түүнийг чангаар алгадаад
- Зайл! Яг одоо яв! миний нүдэнд битгий үзэгд чамайг харахаас нүд хорсоод байна. Чи явахгүй бол би энэ гэрээс явна!
гэж хэлээд хувцсаа баглаж эхлэхэд Жунин зүгээр л газар сөхрөн суугаад цөхөрсөн миний үйлдэл бүрийг ажиглаж байсан. Эцэст нь би хувцсаа баглаж дуусаад энэ гэрээс явахаар хаалга зүглэхэд тэр
- Чи намайг явуулахыг тийм их хүсээд байгаа юм уу? Чамд хэцүү биш байна уу? Би энэ хаалгаар гараад явах юм бол ахиж хэзээ ч буцаж орж ирэхгүй тийм байсан ч зүгээр гэж үү?
-Тийм ээ. Би чамтай хамт байхыг хүсэхгүй байна. Чи бол бузар амьтан. Би ийм бохир заваан хог шаарыг хүүхдийнхээ дэргэд байлгаж чадахгүй. Эс тэгвэл миний хүүхэд ч бас чам шиг хог новш болох байх. Тийм болохоор хурдан явж үз!
- Ж.жэнни би чиний хувьд тийм бохир заваан хүн юм уу?
- Би нэг хэлсэн юм аа ахиж хэлдэггүй!
- Намайг уучлаарай... Б.би тэгвэл ингээд явъя даа. Хэцүү байвал залгаарай. Дулаахан хувцаслаарай чи амархан даардаг шүү! Хоолоо сайн идээрэй чи их турж царай алдаж байна хүүхдэд маань муу бас чамд.. Хамаагүй хүнд битгий хаалгаа тайлж өгөөрэй. Эцэст нь ахиад намайг.. уучлаарай.
гэж хэлсээр тэр гарч одсон юм... Ахиж хэзээ ч ирэхгүйгээр
- In Serial29 Chapters
Quiet life, The Cycle Book 1
I lived my long life among the shining towers of steel. I raised myself high as I brought my enemies low. I faltered and picked myself up, only to soar to new heights. But in the end, I lie alone with nobody to hold my shaking hand—only the lonely sky bare witness to my dying breath. I think once more, why, what was the point in this life? What did I accomplish with my worldly deeds? A sigh and an unfamiliar yet familiar voice echo inside my soul. "You have yet to understand." Then darkness enfolds my consciousness once more. Nothingness comes to swallow me whole. It would seem I must try again, why doth these spirits or gods not tell me this lesson I must learn. Cover art by - gej302.
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Mythical Legion of Hades
A land of mythology and demigods collide fighting to defend their world's and survive. The shackles binding Tartarus was shattered by Mother Gaia during the fall of Greece, unable to repair the damage done the 12 major Gods and minor Gods sealed off the prison world and called upon their demigod children bestowing them magic and power. Legion Legate Mikael Verrater leads his men in bloody conflict against the forces of Gaia while struggling to keep his own men alive and his haunting past in check, all the while carrying the burden of eternal damnation. An escaped soul Natalia Vergeben is tossed into the world of bloodshed after forming her contract of damnation. She struggles to remember her past and just what horror she's committed as she battles alongside Mikaels Legion.
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Eyes of the Sign: A Portal Fantasy Adventure
Set in Earth's near future, Eli is snatched away from his life and thrown into a magical world filled with cultists, bandits, demons, and gods. Lucky for him, he has a sometimes helpful piece of technology implanted in his head, a strange combination of powers, and a few friends he makes along the way. Eli faces battles, magic, and technology while trying to survive in a new universe built around personal strength and bloodlines. Join Eli as he discovers the secrets behind the Oververse, the Greater Infinite, and humanity’s place in it all. *My release schedule is M/W around 9 am (PST). Here's a link to a simple map I made for Book 1 in case you'd like something to help visualize the journey. I hope you enjoy the story! Update on the writing: Book 1 (Eyes of the Sign): The total length is 44 chapters. Please note that the published version that'll appear on Amazon later this year will have slight differences due to a final edit/polish. Book 2 (TBD): Approximately the same length as book 1, the chapters follow right after the Interlude (ch. 45 - 90). New releases follow my regular schedule, though they are rough and unedited. Book 3 (TBD): Early development.
8 134 - In Serial200 Chapters
sad quotes :(
"Are you okay?"Always the same question."I'm fine."Always the same lie.❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀*None of these quotes are written by me unless stated otherwise*~ please support my other books as well ~🙈💕
8 216 - In Serial200 Chapters
SovietBritain quotes 2 // countryhumans
[If this is on a website other than Wattpad, then it has been stolen from me. The website you are on is most likely unsafe and I recommend that you get off it immediately.]Not me having to make another sovietbritain quotes book because I filled the last one up-
8 174 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Last Weapon
In the seemingly normal, always supernatural streets of Mystic Falls resides Briana, a sibling to the infamous legends, the Mikaelsons. She's burdened with a treacherous, murderous purpose that she refuses to admit. With a destiny decided by witches she hears from no longer, she has irresponsibly avoided her duties for centuries. Now, she is ready to plan, kill, and fight to do what she knows she has to.The only problem is, the residents of that ho-hum town are growing on her, especially the infuriating Damon Salvatore and the painfully human Jeremy Gilbert. Her count of friends grows, and she's tempted to throw her destiny and responsibility behind her.Briana will struggle between the choices, love and friendship or duty, in this first installment of The Last Weapon. Be sure to check out its sequel, Shadow of Death!
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