《My Husband》20
Дахин нэг уйтгарт өдөр эхлэн би гэрээ цэвэрлээд өдрийн хоол хийн Жунины ажил дээр аваачиж өгөхөөр болов. Тэр минь ажлаа хийгээд хоолоо ч идэж амжаагүй байх гэж бодсоор гэрээсээ гаран машиндаа суун асаагаад хөдөллөө.
Ажил дээр ирэхэд хүн бүхэн надтай мэндэлж хүүхдийг минь асууж байв. Би ч эелдгээр мэндчилж явсаар Аиринтай тааралдах нь тэр.
"Хүүе Жэнни сайн уу? Гэдэс нь бүүр том болцон байна шүү дээ яая ямар ч хөөрхөн юм. Юу хийж яваа юм? "
"Өө харин Жунинд өдрийн хоол хийж ирээд өгөх гээд л явж байна кк Чи цуг хооллох уу? би ахиухан хоол авчирсан."
гэсээр бид лифтэнд суун түүний өрөө лүү явав.
Лифтнээс буугаад Кайн өрөөнд очиход нарийн бичиг Сүжон харагдсангүй. Ажлаасаа гарсан ч байж магадгүй юм. Гэхдээ ширээн дээрх нэрийг харахад тэр ажлаасаа гараагүй байв. Магадгүй өөр ажилтай байгаа байх.
Шууд Жунины өрөөнд ороход тэр өрөөндөө байсангүй. Аирин бид хоёр буйдан дээр суух гэтэл амралтын өрөөнд нь чимээ гарах шиг боллоо.
Бид хоёр тэрийг Жунин байх гэж бодон шууд орохоор очтол эмэгтэй хүний дуу гаран бид нэгэн лүүгээ гайхсан харцаар харав...
Би та нарт нэг spoilor өгөх үү? Хха дараагийн хэсэг дээр бүр маш том тэсрэлт болох болно кк
- In Serial11 Chapters
Not as it seems
Stranded inside the world he'd been writing about for years, Arwen is left at the mercy of the characters and setting he'd so lovingly created. Now trapped and powerless save for his knowledge of the secrets the world holds, he has to find his way back home. Hopefully to make it there in one piece. But things aren't going to be easy, as the further he plunges into his world, the more he will realize things aren't quite what he thought them to be. This story is a case study on a realistic approach to isekai as well as what it means to "know" someone / something, and to "KNOW" them. There will be hard themes and uncomfortable truths, and just like with real life, it will show things as they are unfiltered.
8 162 - In Serial26 Chapters
Sufficiently Advanced
A Novella about magic vs aliens vs science. It's a raucous, campy sci-fi read involving humans gaining magic, a possibly pizza-hating alien empire, the decapitation of the US Federal Government, eldritch abominations, lesbian space witches and some medium-hard science.I wouldn't say it's not serious, but I wouldn't say it's serious. Eh, it's not serious. Wait... it's getting serious.
8 178 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Third Spire
It has been decades since the Wizardly Order rose and helped the Realm to banish the monstruos Elfey from its lands by building the Five Spires. The kingdom has prospered greatly in the time since, advancing both in the magical arts and the more mundane technology. The Wizards have grown too, gaining influence and spreading throught the Realm, Wizards' Towers dotting the landscape on many regions. But as the Realm grows and starts looking beyond its borders, the Wizards are faced with one insidious enemy inside its own borders. Master Garner, a wizard in the scarcely populated far West of the Realm, feels the situation getting out of hand, and a violent purge forces him out of his beloved Tower. The wizard takes his apprentices and allies in search of uncertain safety in the Third Spire. Some sources of inspiration for this story, for variable reasons: Riyria Chronicles, The Wandering Inn, Gentleman Bastard series. Note: First dedicated attempt at writing. I'm looking for feedback, and I will appreciate if you point out any mistakes. Updates: Tuesday, and every other Thursday, as life allows it.
8 103 - In Serial12 Chapters
Danse Macabre and Unlife
"In a world of magic ruled by primodial beings made of mana, humanity was on the rise, slowly forming their society. Creating, learning and cultivating. Forming religion. Then came the birth of the human god. A mother godess. Humanity unitied under her rule and they prospered as she birthed the pantheon of demigods to aid humanity.Yet the mana of the world did not see the new creature of faith and her offspring as its own. And a conflict of new and old began. And is still on going as humanity clashes with beings and races decending from mana in a war in stalemate." Viktor is an orphan under apprenticeship of the miller of Kutlava as the eldest apprentice, soon to finish his apprenticeship. Yet the slow life of a miller that is ahead of him after his apprenticeship in some village or town in need of a miller seems to not suit his tastes as he's been frequenting the adventures guild of the city aptly monikered as the "Vagrant's Guild." So begins our story about Viktor and the Grimoire Phylactery of the Danse Macabre. In a world of mana and gods waging war a forgotten magic craft returns beyond its grave after humanity had turned to religion and forgotten the times before gods. May the dance of death commence. Royalty free Cover from:https://pixabay.com/illustrations/fantasy-halloween-5683876/By KELLEPICS Also posting this on scribblehub under the same name: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/193406/danse-macabre-and-unlife/
8 156 - In Serial11 Chapters
Abyssal Era
Planet earth seemed so very normal, but a strange dream heralded the mysteries that were to come. Follow alongside Alex, who soon gets transported against his will. Bloody battles and unseen creatures pave his way. His aptitude allows him to survive but not all do. Some may ask why the things had happened or why so many had to die in the tutorial. Yet, these questions became irrelevant as the very earth crumbles to dust. Now all the survivors fight for their survival in the abyss. Did the tutorial try to prepare them for this? Bloody battles become a norm, and striving onwards is the new goal in this harsh world. Alex fights and tries to help the people, only to lose it all. Authors Note: Abyssal Era is the first novel I´ve written that I find acceptable myself. Yet I keep learning with every new chapter. Please note that English is not my native language. Nonetheless, I hope it´s enjoyable to read. Any feedback is welcome, so please go ahead. The cover is from Stefan Keller (Pixabay)
8 164 - In Serial91 Chapters
The Blue Path: Step 1
Reality is a prison. Zero Space is the only way out. The Haven - a fortified skyscraper. It's humanity's last stand, and it won't be standing much longer. Jay might not live to see the end of the world. Not in his condition. He’d rather spend his remaining time playing a VR game called Zero Space. At least there, he can be a gun-toting bad-ass named Shae. But when Jay finds a forbidden new power, it reveals a secret side of Zero Space, filled with sentient AI, scheming monsters, and murderous players. Zero Space may be more than just a game. It could be the key to saving the world. Or ending it. --- - New chapters every other Thursday at noon(ish). - Comments and feedback very much welcome! - Check out the Discord Server for early chapters and discussion: https://discord.gg/CKVGsCrMEX
8 97