《My Husband》21
Тэр эмэгтэйн хэлсэн үгийг сонсоод л би шууд доош газар унав. Бурхан минь гэж Сүжоны Жунинд хэлсэн үгсийг худлаа гэж надад хэлээч гуйя. Энэ удаад л энэ бүхэн зүүд байгаасай..
Би өөртөө энэ бүхнийг худлаа гэж итгүүлэн, хаалганы нарийхан завсраар харахад Жунины итгэж ядсан төрх харагдана.
Удалгүй Сүжон Жунины гарт нэг цаас болон нарийхан юм атгуулав. Миний бодож байгаа зүйл биш л байгаасай.
Жунин гаран дахь зүйлээ хэсэг харж байснаа шууд л Сүжоныг тэвэрч аваад дээш нь өргөн эргүүллээ. Тэр жаргалтай харагдаж байна. Түүний минь нүүрэнд томоос том инээмсэглэл тодорч зогсолтгүй Сүжоныг үнэснэ. Атаархаж байна.
Хүмүүс аав болсноо мэдээд хайртай хүнээ ингэдэг гэдгийг одоо л анзаарлаа.
Жунин үнэндээ тэр үед намайг зүгээр л тэврээд өнгөрсөн нь магадгүй миний урмыг хугалахыг хүсээгүй байх тийм үү?
Би үүнээс илүүг харж зүрхэлсэнгүй хамаг юмаа аваад чимээгүйхэн өрөөнөөс нь гараад гүйж эхэллээ. Араас Жүхён дуудаж байсан ч хамаа алга би зүгээр л урагшаа харсан зүг рүүгээ гүйнэ...
2 сарын өмнө түүнийг гэртээ ирж хоноогүй шалтгааныг би одоо л ойлголоо. Тэр надад худлаа хэлсэн. Зөвхөн баяр тэмдэглэж найзуудтайгаа хамт байсан гэж хэлсэн биз дээ?
Эцэст нь хэн нэгэн миний гараас татахад би эргэн харав. Өөдөөс минь нулимс дүүрэн нүдтэй Жүхён харан зогсоно.
"Хэцүү байгаа бол уйлдаа найз минь. Чамд ямар байгааг би ойлгож байна тийм учраас ханатлаа уйлаад ав. Нулимсаа барих хэрэггүй"
Та нар Манай Кристалд битгий уурлаарай. Жунинд ч мөн уурлаж болохгүй шү за юу ккк
КАЙСТАЛ ЭСВЭЛ ЖЭНКАЙ аль нэгээр нь төгсгөнө. Та нар алийг нь дэмжиж байна хха
The Lightning Brigade
Your name is your burden. One you can never escape. A destiny akin to a storm, ensnaring the unwary and crushing the weak. A power to claim, but at a cost too terrible to name. Power to be a hero. To be a protector. A savior. A monster. Anything you choose to be. To stand apart and be known. To do what you believe is right, no matter the scorn. All you must do is weather the storm. This is the tale of those who fight monsters. Those who become monsters. Who always were. The Lightning Brigade
8 198King Merc
Follow a kids adventure to becoming the Mercenary King
8 117Re: Hero's Weapons: Reborn
*Not good for kids under 18. Gore and such. I mean it. Unless you can handle it. I can. I'm the author.* Have you ever wondered what life would be like as a heros weapon? "Where is this place?!" Steven was your ordinary person. Had a good life, job, family, he had is good. That was until he died. Not by a truck, falling, or heart attack. He was murdered. That was the time when his life got hella alot worse. Now being able to turn into a sword and a shield, he makes the oath to find his way back home, convince his sister that he's her brother, and maybe pick up a Harem of two along the way. *Contains reference to other Royal Road stuff, and anime and manga.* (Some has been rewritten to make sense)
8 182Fabrication
Welcome to the Winter Sector. This is your first time here, isn’t it? Waking up in the lands of snow with little to no thoughts of your past must be rough. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. The vast plains of snow hold dominant around here, little to no bumps to be seen, no hills or craters. A white desert. Mountain ranges can be seen from afar. A forest somewhere down a cliff. Rare caverns here and there. Also, structures can be found abandoned. Going through these white lands is dangerous alone, perhaps get yourself a guide, or hold a map and a compass. But no matter how better you traverse, the abstracted distance would never change. If you had the unlucky start of waking up here, then let’s hope you find someone to give you clothes and shelter. The is beyond survivable. Unlike the other sectors, the Winter Sector doesn’t care to make things easy for newcomers. There are going to be tons of questions, most of which would be unanswered until you reach the end of the road. Unnatural things, abnormal dreams, anomalous scenes. This isn’t the world you were born in. Though it might look it, it won’t act like it.
8 248Hadar #Watty2014
Fina is a Enforcers Daughter, she's been harshly trained by her father all her life. On the night of the change, to which you could find your soul mate- Fina finds hers. He's of course the soon to be Alpha, however he doesn't want her. Its not sweat off Fina's back, she's more worried about her Family finding out then being rejected. Her feet carry her to a deeper part of the forest, one she shouldn't of gone into. When things twist and stories become a reality Fina will have to pick what side she wants to be part of.
8 363Callie and Arizona, simple love story.
hi(: So, this story is just about Callie and Arizona, and how they fall in love with each other. Arizona gets into a car accident and thats how Callie meets her. Will they admit their feelings for each other? Will they end up together? I don't know, read and find out. Please let me know if you like it, if you want me to write more, etc
8 163