《My Husband》21
Тэр эмэгтэйн хэлсэн үгийг сонсоод л би шууд доош газар унав. Бурхан минь гэж Сүжоны Жунинд хэлсэн үгсийг худлаа гэж надад хэлээч гуйя. Энэ удаад л энэ бүхэн зүүд байгаасай..
Би өөртөө энэ бүхнийг худлаа гэж итгүүлэн, хаалганы нарийхан завсраар харахад Жунины итгэж ядсан төрх харагдана.
Удалгүй Сүжон Жунины гарт нэг цаас болон нарийхан юм атгуулав. Миний бодож байгаа зүйл биш л байгаасай.
Жунин гаран дахь зүйлээ хэсэг харж байснаа шууд л Сүжоныг тэвэрч аваад дээш нь өргөн эргүүллээ. Тэр жаргалтай харагдаж байна. Түүний минь нүүрэнд томоос том инээмсэглэл тодорч зогсолтгүй Сүжоныг үнэснэ. Атаархаж байна.
Хүмүүс аав болсноо мэдээд хайртай хүнээ ингэдэг гэдгийг одоо л анзаарлаа.
Жунин үнэндээ тэр үед намайг зүгээр л тэврээд өнгөрсөн нь магадгүй миний урмыг хугалахыг хүсээгүй байх тийм үү?
Би үүнээс илүүг харж зүрхэлсэнгүй хамаг юмаа аваад чимээгүйхэн өрөөнөөс нь гараад гүйж эхэллээ. Араас Жүхён дуудаж байсан ч хамаа алга би зүгээр л урагшаа харсан зүг рүүгээ гүйнэ...
2 сарын өмнө түүнийг гэртээ ирж хоноогүй шалтгааныг би одоо л ойлголоо. Тэр надад худлаа хэлсэн. Зөвхөн баяр тэмдэглэж найзуудтайгаа хамт байсан гэж хэлсэн биз дээ?
Эцэст нь хэн нэгэн миний гараас татахад би эргэн харав. Өөдөөс минь нулимс дүүрэн нүдтэй Жүхён харан зогсоно.
"Хэцүү байгаа бол уйлдаа найз минь. Чамд ямар байгааг би ойлгож байна тийм учраас ханатлаа уйлаад ав. Нулимсаа барих хэрэггүй"
Та нар Манай Кристалд битгий уурлаарай. Жунинд ч мөн уурлаж болохгүй шү за юу ккк
КАЙСТАЛ ЭСВЭЛ ЖЭНКАЙ аль нэгээр нь төгсгөнө. Та нар алийг нь дэмжиж байна хха
- In Serial272 Chapters
12 Miles Below
The world is in ruins. Extreme sub-zero temperatures suffocate the surface, making even simple survival an ordeal. Frozen derelicts of bygone eras span across massive ice wastes. And the elite few hoard any technology rediscovered within. The only escape from the deadly climate is beneath the surface. But it’s another disaster underground. Monstrous machines lurk in the depths. Unhinged demigods war against them, dying over and over, treating it all like a game. The land itself shifts over time, more contraption than rock. And an ominous prophecy states that the key to everything waits at the last level - but nobody’s ever reached that far. When an expedition into the far uncharted north goes terribly wrong, Keith Winterscar and his father get trapped together in a desperate fight for survival. Stumbling upon an ancient power struggle of titanic scale; the two will need to set their differences aside while they struggle against Gods, legends, and the grand secrets of the realm that lies below. Updating Monday and Thursdays. Discord can be found here (This is a shared discord server with other books.)WARNING: This series is ridiculously filled with spoilers, every book has multiple reveals. One of the main draws of the series is to figure out why things are the way they are, and then slowly start narrowing down your own theories until the reveals hit. Discord was made for up-to-date readers since there's no way to really police spoilers. Don't join until you're current!!
8 261 - In Serial36 Chapters
The Iron Forge
Jeremy and Drovic walked two different paths in life until the fates decided that their courses should meet on the way to the Iron Forge. An ancient power used by the gods to forge the world and all its creations. Few rare people know of its power, and fewer are willing to sacrifice to gain it, while others want to survive another day. Watch as these two unlikely heroes are forced together to save not just themselves but the fate of all reality. I'm only a hobbyist writer. There may be the occasional error, and pacing may be poorly-handled; let me know, and I will make corrections. I am always open to constructive criticism and will do my best to respond to any questions/comments. I'm here to write stuff that makes my brain happy and follow my dream. Thank you for reading this far comments are always welcomed, and I hope you enjoy the book. A special thank you to HWPerfidy for creating the cover art for my book.
8 123 - In Serial18 Chapters
Obsolete Future
synopsis: In 13507, almost half of humanity lives among the stars as part of a project known as Terra Firma. For millennia, they were steadily supplied with new technology and crew members. Then, suddenly, 700 years ago, after many years of increasingly sparse and less detailed communication, Earth went silent, leaving its descendants in the dark, scrambling to maintain some semblance of civilization in the void of space. This period became known as the Great Silence. But when a strange ship crash-lands on a Terra Firma world, engineers Christine Hayes and Steve Robbins find themselves face to face with Earth’s second attempt to build a galactic empire. They'll have to make their way through a galaxy full of hostile aliens from dying worlds and the sadistic experiments of a mad scientist, fighting alongside extensively modified soldiers harboring dark and disturbing secrets about the new rulers of humanity, and those who carry out their increasingly unsettling orders. style: Abandoned love child of Tokyo Ghoul and Warhammer 40K reluctantly raised by Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner. frequency: Updates every Friday.
8 104 - In Serial18 Chapters
Make it Stop [PJO Mortal AU]
Percy is abused. Annabeth ran away. Jason is underpaid. Piper is ignored. Frank is in mourning. Hazel is teased. Nico is broken. Thalia is furious with the world. Leo is wishing he was gone.They all want one thing... a chance at a normal life.~Percy Jackson Mortal AU~-Lena
8 210 - In Serial21 Chapters
Mine (Z.H)
you knew i loved you but you hurt me anyways.The one where Niall is just an innocent & naive 16 year old and his boyfriend Zayn is possessive over him.
8 81 - In Serial12 Chapters
Vice Captain of Straw Hat Pirates
In the world of pirates, a young man reincarnates into a completely ordinary person's body. But coincidentally, he encounters Monkey D. Luffy. Hungry for adventures but also scared of death, he joins the Straw Hat Pirates as the vice-captain. ............ Straw Hats will follow the same routes with a lot of new changes.
8 138