《My Husband》21
Тэр эмэгтэйн хэлсэн үгийг сонсоод л би шууд доош газар унав. Бурхан минь гэж Сүжоны Жунинд хэлсэн үгсийг худлаа гэж надад хэлээч гуйя. Энэ удаад л энэ бүхэн зүүд байгаасай..
Би өөртөө энэ бүхнийг худлаа гэж итгүүлэн, хаалганы нарийхан завсраар харахад Жунины итгэж ядсан төрх харагдана.
Удалгүй Сүжон Жунины гарт нэг цаас болон нарийхан юм атгуулав. Миний бодож байгаа зүйл биш л байгаасай.
Жунин гаран дахь зүйлээ хэсэг харж байснаа шууд л Сүжоныг тэвэрч аваад дээш нь өргөн эргүүллээ. Тэр жаргалтай харагдаж байна. Түүний минь нүүрэнд томоос том инээмсэглэл тодорч зогсолтгүй Сүжоныг үнэснэ. Атаархаж байна.
Хүмүүс аав болсноо мэдээд хайртай хүнээ ингэдэг гэдгийг одоо л анзаарлаа.
Жунин үнэндээ тэр үед намайг зүгээр л тэврээд өнгөрсөн нь магадгүй миний урмыг хугалахыг хүсээгүй байх тийм үү?
Би үүнээс илүүг харж зүрхэлсэнгүй хамаг юмаа аваад чимээгүйхэн өрөөнөөс нь гараад гүйж эхэллээ. Араас Жүхён дуудаж байсан ч хамаа алга би зүгээр л урагшаа харсан зүг рүүгээ гүйнэ...
2 сарын өмнө түүнийг гэртээ ирж хоноогүй шалтгааныг би одоо л ойлголоо. Тэр надад худлаа хэлсэн. Зөвхөн баяр тэмдэглэж найзуудтайгаа хамт байсан гэж хэлсэн биз дээ?
Эцэст нь хэн нэгэн миний гараас татахад би эргэн харав. Өөдөөс минь нулимс дүүрэн нүдтэй Жүхён харан зогсоно.
"Хэцүү байгаа бол уйлдаа найз минь. Чамд ямар байгааг би ойлгож байна тийм учраас ханатлаа уйлаад ав. Нулимсаа барих хэрэггүй"
Та нар Манай Кристалд битгий уурлаарай. Жунинд ч мөн уурлаж болохгүй шү за юу ккк
КАЙСТАЛ ЭСВЭЛ ЖЭНКАЙ аль нэгээр нь төгсгөнө. Та нар алийг нь дэмжиж байна хха
Daniel Earnhart is fifteen, two weeks away from his sixteenth birthday. And that means two weeks away from beginning his Pokémon journey! But of course, it all goes wrong. And before he knows it, he's stranded and alone, with only the Pokémon he's been so lucky to partner with to help him survive. Will he survive this brutal beginning to his journey? Can he turn it around, and can he even thrive? Join him as he makes his way through Sinnoh, fighting his way through circumstance, rivals, gyms, and even the occasional criminal, and truly becomes a Pokémon Trainer! I've modified the world of Pokémon heavily. There are some elements from the games, given that's what I'm most familiar with. But overall, I've tried my best to turn it into a real world. Frankly, I don't know how well, I've done that, but here it is. I will happily take suggestions and advice! I will admit, that I already know what the whole team is gonna be. I will happily accept guesses and I'll even promise to let you know if you guess right! Thank you for reading and enjoy!
8 153I Am a Hungry Ghost
I am from Buffalo. That's about the furthest you can possibly get from whatever Wuxia-or-Xianxia world this is. So how did I end up here? No idea. All I know is I have three goals. Number three, stay alive. Number two, don't get killed. Number one, eat all the delicious food. I'm just trying to do my part as the small-business owner of my restaurant. Please tell me how to stop getting tangled up with arrogant acolytes, demon princes, veiny, long-nailed witches, and apocalyptic conspiracies... Be warned, this story has some violence.
8 137Tearha: Titan War
A war had raged on for centuries in an isolated part of the world. Under a smog of burning rust, the continent of Katoki tore itself apart with Titan battles between mechs and golems. With Adelaide Wiltkins and Joashden Stalewaver at her side, Lucinda Baerrinska returns to the Titan War she escaped from in hopes of finding a doctor to save her comatose sister, only to arrive to a new threat. Elsewhere, deserter Shou Kenta performs an experiment that could change the outlook of the war and put an end to the conflict but finds himself back in the crosshair of the army he had escaped from. As the players move onto the board, the wheels of the eternal conflict begin to tremble.
8 127Oh, I'm A God?
Just out of sight from our own, is a fantasy world where gods rule kingdoms and monsters lay outside its walls. Somehow, our normally shut-in protagonist Bell has been transported to this dangerous world, and with that the gift of energy of the archon god of space. Now Bell must learn to use his newfound power to try to make friends, defeat enemies, and navigate this corrupt world from destruction. Authors Note - This story uses a unique writing style called "Stream of consciousness" You get to read the inside of the protagonist's head and truly experience the world as he does.
8 156The Legend of the [Place Holder]
The End came for me, I do not remember any of it though everything else has been engraved into my soul, or that is what I believe, for how else would I have perfect recollection of my previous world without carrying my brain over too? I was born to a happy family of 4 becoming their 5th member. I am the youngest of my siblings (obviously) and will remain the youngest for the foreseeable future. My mother is known as the Blood Tyrant to her friends and Talina of the Mists to her enemies. I personally think thats the wrong way around but what can I do about it? My father is a goofball with no apparent ambition or drive. His goal in life is to torment my mother and make the Blood Tyrant smile. There must be a good reason my mother keeps him around, I just don't know what that reason is. There is a secret hidden from me by my family and everyone else I meet in my little world. But little do they know that I am already aware of it. I may have been a crawling, bawling, eating, annoying, farting little poop factory but I was also aware of everyone around me, learning, watching, stalking. I learnt the secret kept from me and I will reveal it to you all. We have MAGIC and the biggest secret and the greatest crutch - ADMINISTRATION.
8 208Tablets and Confidentiality
i should really just change my bio because literally all i write are destiel drabbles.i suppose this one is sad, but meh. angst is what i live for. ehehehehe. fret not, however, there is happiness. :> **TRIGGER WARNING: DRUG USAGE**i also kind of wrote myself into this one because it's almost 2am and i hate my life and i wanted to. deal with it.inspired by this post: http://swxshbucklingcats.tumblr.com/post/120985182721/vyles-ray-inspired-au-where-human-cas-cant
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