《My Husband》19
Түүнд жирэмсэн болсноо хэлсэн өдрөөс хойш 5н сар өнгөрчээ. Энэ хугацаанд гэвэл миний гэдэс зөндөө томорч 6н сартай болсон учир сарын өмнө ажлаасаа чөлөөлөгдсөн.
Мөн Жунин ажлаасаа тараад гэртээ ирэхдээ үргэлж амин дэм бэлдмэл гэх мэт аль амттай шимтэй юм болгоныг л авчирч байгаа.
Үнэндээ надад энэ нь их таалагдаж би түүндээ өдөр бүр дахин дахин шинээр дурлах шиг л болдог.
Би одоо өөрийгөө энэ хорвоо дээрх хамгийн жаргалтай эмэгтэй гэж бодож байна.
Хамгийн чухал нь Жунин түүнтэйгээ ерөөсөө уулзахгүй байгаа. Би үүнийг ам бардам хэлж чадна.
2сарын өмнө нэг л удаа тэр гэртээ хоноогүй ч гэсэн Сэүн болон бусад найзуудын хамт аав болсон баяраа тэмдэглэсэн гэсэн.
Одоо надад хүүхдээ гарахыг хүлээхээс өөр сонголт алгадаа..
Дараагийн хэсэг их гоё байх болноо Та нар мнай кайд уурлаж болохгүй шү за юу Зза уншигчид даа хайртай шүү. 💜
- In Serial36 Chapters
Eterna's Source
Sery is a Source, born with immense magic but unable to use it. Enslaved for her power, her life is one of abuse and exploitation until one day, everything changes. Veltyen, a sword-mage, rescues her, releasing her from her chains. He takes her to join the mage guild Eterna, where she learns she can help others without being used. As her magic boosts the guild to entirely new levels of power, trouble brews. Other guilds want Sery's power, and they are willing to destroy Eterna to get it. As Sery comes into her own and explores the unique powers of a Source, she makes unexpected innovations that will change society, and life as she knows it. (This story has strong romantic elements, so if you don't like romance, you probably won't like it) - Cover art credit goes to Chryiss
8 149 - In Serial126 Chapters
Tales of Astora: Legacy (FINISHED)
This is a series of multiples books compiled together. It starts out with the basic setting of a fantasy adventure world but I assure that as things continue, you will be in for quite a surprise :) : Book 1 (Finished): Over the course of time, countless heroes have risen to defeat the demon lord. Their names, recorded in history. Tales of their achievements are known across the land. But what about the demon lords who have fallen? What of their side of the stories? One such tale is about a young boy born of Dark. What would he do now that all the powers of the old demon lords of the past belong to him? Would he pursue the path of Dark he was destined to? Or would he reach out to the Light at the cost of his own life? There is no other path. And yet he seeks it, insatiably. Book 2(ongoing): Tales of Astora: Insurrection
8 138 - In Serial48 Chapters
Urban Wolf: On The Run
June had cursed her bad luck for nearly all her life. One dark night, she set foot on the train platform to escape her past… But it seems whatever dark cloud’s been hanging over her followed her. The train ticket took her to Halych, the illustrious city that thrives in the daylight and hides great darkness in its shadows. It’s just her luck, then, that she ends up in an underground gang war against a drug cartel. It’s just her luck, then, that the swordmaster can’t seem to escape the blood, the danger, and all the choices she didn’t want to have to make. But worst of all is how—despite all her soul-searching—she can’t even escape her own shadow. Chapters will be released in a serialized manner... And remember, comment as you see fit! Every shard of feedback helps more than you know! Disclaimer: Cover art is not mine.
8 112 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Intelligent Ogre (Dropped for remake)
This novel is having a remake I will have it up soon. I decided to have a remake because when I read my story again it felt like I tried too hard to make it understandable (low English level) for all yet it just looked bad. So, I decided to start over and add a new beginning, characters descriptions, etc. Even the plot and system I made was changed. I hope to see you there.
8 119 - In Serial20 Chapters
Playboy •
(18+) არვიცი თავი ასე, როგორ შემაყვარა, ამ ფლეიბოიმ...
8 209 - In Serial9 Chapters
Fly You To The Moon (Diaval Fanfic)
8 87