《My Husband》18
Тэр минь дөнгөж сая бидэнд бурхны нандин бэлэг ирсэн гэж хэллээ би одоо яах ёстой вэ?
Жэннигийн өмнөөс баярлаж байсан ч сэтгэл дотор минь зөрчилдөөн болж цаанаасаа л би сэтгэлээр унаад байх шиг санагдана...
Түүнлүү харахад тэр минь нүдээ тас аньсан байв. Магадгүй ямар хариу ирэхээс айсан байх тийм үү?
Түүнийг гомдоохгүйн тулд би хүчээр инээмсэглэн зөөлхөн бас удаанаар цээжиндээ наан тэврэв. Түүний минь санаа амарсан бололтой санаа алдсаар намайг зөрүүлэн тэвэрлээ.
Дараа нь тэврэлтээ салгаад духан дээр нь үнэсэх үед тэр нүдээ нээн миний царай руу удаан гэгч нь ширтсэнээ гунигтай гэгч нь инээмсэглэх нь тэр.
Ураг аюулгүй төрөх болов уу гэдэгт л санаа нь зовсон байх.
Гэхдээ түүнийг гуниглахад би өөрийн эрхгүй шаналж байна. Энэ эмэгтэйг гомдоохыг хүсэхгүй байна. Хайрлана гэж авч суучхаад өөр эмэгтэйд хайртай болчихдог би их тэнэг юм.
Daraagiin hseg Jenniegiin talaas yvah bolno. Namaig Follow hiigeerei❤️
Doom Guy Isekai
A very familiar soldier, used to battling the 'endless' hordes of Hell, is eventually overrun and dies. But his war isn't over yet.
8 146Braza the Architect - Magical Crafter, Builder, and Adventurer!
This is the story of an older man who lived a hard but full life, being reincarnated into a fantasy world as a human-lizard hybrid. The new world is violent, magic is real, a game-like development system crushes physics and natural law under its ambivalent thumb, and myth and legend don't just meet, they chase you down to eat you.Follow Braza as he tries to make a very different life for himself in a familiar but ultimately alien world. In this story the protaginist will not just be a muscle bound monster. He is not a proper hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the good of a stranger, but neither is he a maniacal villain. He is trying to survive, and he is trying to give himself and those he deems himself responsible for a seat at the table of the"goodly", the "civilized" races. He is trying to create a secure home for his people, to arrange beneficial trade agreements, explore ancient ruins, decipher ancient runes, push the boundaries of magic to create a better life for everyone around him, to learn about the history of the world and the multiverse, and ultimately attempt to become powerful enough to take on a being that even the gods themselves fear. This is my first story and it blends many different elements and styles. It's a bit darker than most of what I have read on Royal Road, but even with that, I hope you give it a try, and I hope you like it!
8 228Seeking Clarity
A boy wakes up in a hospital. He can't remember anything at all. Memories slowly come back as he wanders the building, and he attempts to piece together why he is there....At least, that's how it starts.
8 127Magical Girl Selector
After waking up in a strange room with no memory, Lexar is offered a contract that grants him the power to explore the world of infinity. In exchange, he has to find those with potential to save one world from its impending apocalypse.
8 107The Path of The Sinners
'Fractal Lands' is a new world, created, nurtured, and released by the company, Liber. Seven friends decide that this world, might be the escape that they need. A world without the constrictions dictated within their own.A world where they can be free to choose their own paths.A world when the impossible, becomes possible. A world in which, not even the sky holds the limits.That is the world of 'Fractal Lands'. That is the land, they seek to conquer.Mature tag due to swearing, violence, and possible events I may come up with later
8 185Vem är jag?
Te är en 16 åring som inte har tillåtelse att ha vänner. Te är en 16 åring som kan bli varg.Te är en 16 åring som har både nya och gamla sår på sin rygg.Te är en 16 åring som aldrig träffat någon som henne, tills en flock flyttar in i samhället.Ophelia är en varulv som aldrig haft ett permanent hem.Cole är en fuckboy som inte vill bli kär.Nike är en Alfa som söker efter något eller någon?Mason en perfektionist som aldrig syns.Zack en bror som skulle göra allt för sin syster.Isolde en mor som bara ville ha en duktig dotter.Petri en far som inte förstår.Om ni inte gillar blodiga scener eller misshandel, läs inte denna boken/novellen
8 182