《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter fifteen



Y/n: I need to park this thing close but hidden

I said while slowly driving my motorcycle as to not attract any unwanted attention. I turn on the lights on the bike and look around. I see an old burned down house with some tarps in it near the entrance of the block.

Y/n: meh good'n'uff'.

I quietly drive next to the house and park it. I cover it in the tarp and it looks well hidden.

Y/n: per-*cough*-fect..........fuck that one hurt more.

I lift up my mask and wipe my mouth. I look at my sleeve and see it covered in blood.

Y/n: *sigh* what is going on with me.

Y/n: maybe there asleep?

I take off my mask and was about to take of my boots but the lights suddenly came on. I look up and see Gaige, Veronica, and Beatrice sitting on the couch. They all had their arms crossed while looking at me.

Y/n:.....*sweat drop*.....Mierda


Y/n: ummm....places......

Veronica: *raises eye brow*


Y/n:...... I got lost?

Beatrice: *raises eye brow*


Small timeskip. A/n POV

Y/n: oh come on. You don't have to do this..... at least let me have some coffee first.

Y/n was seen upside down as Veronica was holding him by one foot. Meanwhile Gaige and Beatrice were looking through his pack.


Beatrice and Veronica's eyes both widen as they stare at the tequila then at y/n.

Y/n: ay ay ay no toques mi tequila! *flails arms* If you break or throw it away I won't forgive you!

Y/n: no no no no! Don't touch that! Youknowwhatforgetthetequila. Just please don't-


You know what forget the tequila

Gaige opens it as fog comes out and y/n goes limp from defeat.


Gaige stands up with the bottle and walks some where.

Y/n: wait wait wait! At least Put it in the box! PUT IT IN THE BOX!

Gaige: *in the distance*

She comes back and grabs the box and put the bottle in the box.

Y/n: okay, that's better......



Y/n:...... a project. Which I can work on and finish as soon as I get to my room....so please Bájame.

Y/n: O O F!

Y/n: it's fine. Actually let me go finish my project.

He stood up and picked up the radios. Then he went to his room with them, Leaving the girls in the living room confused.

The girls were now sitting on the couch bored out of their minds and watching tv. Gaige had the remote and was flipping the Channels.

Tv: today's weather- blazing hot with a chamar of dust clouds-


T.v: now to prime your human meat your gonna-




Y/n: muchachas if I can have your attention.

Y/n: may I introduce to you......

Y/n: TA-DA!!! *jazz hands*


Y/n: what are you- ew no! This is not what you think.

Y/n: here's what it really is.

He backed away as grace looked at him. He smiled and held up two thumbs.

Y/n: go on.

Grace took a deep breath.


Y/n smiled as the girls eyes widened. Grace covered her mouth/ beak and looked at y/n.

Y/n: it worked.

Grace: it worked, IT WORKED. IM TALKING.

Both the deathclaws stood up from the couch with shock.


Y/n: como lo hice? Fue fácil realmente.

He walked to grace and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Y/n: you see.

Y/n: I made these from scratch. Is it alright if I borrow this from you for a minute grace?

Grace: y-yes.

He took of the collar from grace's neck and showed them the inside.

Y/n: I made it so these.

Some weird cubes pop out from where the throats would be located.

Y/n: would receive the motion formed in the neck and When these cubes receive your throats motion and what your trying to say they will push, but not to hard, your throat into position so you can talk and communicate.

He then closed the collar in his hands.

Y/n: I also added some small features like; a radio, some air cooling, custom colors so you can change the color of the screens, A music player, a voice changer so you can make it sound more like your voice, and finally..... actually Gaige ven acá.


Gaige gets up from the couch and walks forward as Y/n, kneels, searches his pocket


Y/n: hold up. Kneel in front of me while- oh wait Lo tengo.

Gaige kneels as he pulls out a USB and looks at Gaige. He walks up to her and hold her face plate.


Y/n: alright now bear with me I don't know if this works but tell me if it does.


Couple of seconds later her eye turns back to its lime green and y/n pulls out the USB from her neck.

Y/n: okay ves un triángulo verde?


Y/n: okay good the trackers working.

He stands up and looks at the girls.

Y/n: I added a small tracker incase any of us got in trouble or got lost. It doesn't say the name of the location or if your in a building. *mumbling* Which is a problem so I'll have to find a way to fix that and then-

He started to mumble to himself thinking of any solutions in case there were some problems with them. He kept mumbling but felt a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and looked to see it was graces hand. She put the collar back on.

Grace: thank you y/n..... I mean it. If there's any way I can repay you I will do it.

Y/n: no no está bien. Think of it as a gift.


Y/n: yeah?


Y/n: what? You didn't think I left the rest of you out did you?

Small timeskip

Y/n: annnndd.... almost....*taps screen* okay, done.

I step back and stands at the kitchen. All the girls were now in the living room, meaning Beatrice, Veronica, grace, Mia, and Olivia, y/n told them about the collars and they were happy. Y/n watched as they were all actually having a conversation. He gave a smile and yawned.

Y/n:....*yawn*.....in gonna make myself some coffee.

He goes to one of the cabinets and grabs was about to grab some coffee but he felt a hand grab his arm.

Y/n: huh?

Y/n: oh....*yawning* what is it Gaige?


Y/n:..... heh yeah your right...... it's rare to see you like this.

Y/n: night girls

The girls all stopped talking and looked at him. They smiled and waved.

Everyone except Gaige and y/n: night y/n

Y/n: actually good morning....heh.

Y/n: fuck I'm tired.


Gaige hooked the trench coat onto the door. Y/n then took of his pants and put on some shorts. He yawns again and lays down on the bed. He was about to close his eyes but saw Gaige standing near the door.

Y/n: something wrong Gaige?

Gaige started to fidget.


Y/n: I would let you put with your new body being more metal you'll feel cold-


Y/n: *blinks*..........what?


Y/n: .....

Y/n:....hmm....well okay then.

Gaige pirked up as y/n scooted over to make some room for her.

Y/n: get in here.

Gaige walked over and laid down with y/n. Y/n wrapped the covers with them. The position they were in right now was them facing each other. Gaige looked a bit tense and y/n noticed this.

Y/n: qué pasa



Y/n: I missed you too. All of you girls.

Y/n: thanks Gaige........for helping me and keeping me *yawning* sane.

Gaige looked at him and saw him already out we might not be able to see it physically but in her head she was smiling.


She cuddled back into his chest as she started the heat module for him.

And that's a wrap.....

Also some news, incase some of you read my (high school x reader) story then you should already know what it is, I'm sorry for not publishing and I might not be able to publish new chapters weekly.........

but just because I'm not publishing weekly doesn't mean I'll stop. I'll publish new chapters when ever I can.

Until next time.

(Also small hint for a future chapter)

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