《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter sixteen



The screen starts of with nothing but blackness.

Then suddenly y/n's voice is heard and the screen shows him laying down on a concrete floor eating raw pota-toes. He was also only wearing a pair of blue jeans and a dirty white t-shirt

Y/n: I know what your gonna say....

Y/n: Cómo diablos terminé aquí?

He finished eating the potato and reached into a sack and pulled out another one.

Y/n: well it's a looooong story....


Y/n can be seen laying down in his bed. He gets up but he felt stiff so he got out the bed and stretch as lots of pops could be heard.

When he finished stretching he looked back at his bed to see Gaige still deactivated.

Y/n smiled and rolled his eyes.

Y/n: *whispering* que voy a hacer contigo

He walked over to her and tapped her head.

Y/n: *normally* Gaige. *tap tap* wake up.

Gaige's optical sensor powered on with its slight green glow and It kept glowing brighter. Eventually it was fully lit and she sat up.

Gaige: *streches and yawing*

Y/n: why are you yawning?


She moved to the edge of the bed and stood up in front of y/n.


Y/n: well I am going to go make a supply run for some medicine....

Gaige *disappointed*

Y/n turned to face her and saw

Her head down looking at the ground. He then sighed and walked to her.

Y/n: Gaige...


She looked up and y/n hugged her. She was by surprise and stiffened.

Y/n: when I get back I'll spend some time with you and the gang..... *breaks hug* okay?

Gaige was still stiff and didn't respond.

Y/n: Gaige?

Still no reaction so this time y/n snapped his fingers in front of her. This broke her out of the trance and got back to normal.


Y/n: estas bien? You just froze.


Y/n: okay good, now can you please leave so I can change?


She quickly ran out the door of the room as y/n shook his head with a smile on his face

Y/n: aye, aye, aye.

Small timeskip

Y/n is now seen out side the bunker with his gear on, his mask, trench coat, backpack, combat boots, doomgun, and his pistols. Near the stair case to the entrance was Gaige, Beatrice, and Veronica.

Y/n: alright I'll be back in an hour or more. Si no, then use the radio in my room to get some help looking for me. Okay?


Beatrice: take care y/n.

Veronica: don't worry he'll be fine.

Veronica walked up to y/n and put a claw on his shoulder.

Veronica: but if you don't. I'll be sure to make you feel better~


She then licked her lips and y/n nervously sweated. He then lifts her claw and backs away.

Y/n: oooooookay... well I'll see you girls later.


Gaige then walks down the bunker stairs and back in.

Beatrice: bye y/n.

She follows Gaige inside leaving Veronica last.

Veronica: don't forget *wink*

Y/n shook as she went back into the bunker.

Y/n: I don't remember her being this flirty with me........

Y/n then walks over to where he covered the bike in a tarp. He uncovered it and stared it.

Y/n: aquí vamos

He got on it and started to drive away.


We see y/n's bike parked out side of an old pharmacy. Meanwhile he was inside with one of his pistols out. He was looking through the aisle.

Y/n: nope....mhhhh... nope..... maybe?....oh here we go.

He grabbed a container and shook it, hearing the pills inside. He looked at the hanging aisle sign and it said painkillers.

Y/n: hopefully theses he-*violent cough* fuck! *coughing*

He put a hand on the aisle and lifted his mask so he could cover his mouth with a hand.

(You don't have to watch the video if you don't want to, it's just an idea)

Y/n: *violent coughing fit*

He eventually calmed down and brought his hand out to look at it. His entire palm was drenched in blood.

Y/n: *out of breath* fuck.....I'm gonna need more pills.

He wiped his hand on his sleeve and brought his pack so he was holding it in his hand, he also lowered his mask so it was covering his face again. He unzipped it and then got as many containers and pushed them all into it.

He zipped it back up and was about to leave until he saw something on a shelf that caught his attention.

Y/n: huh.....

He picked it up and looked at it.

(Don't try to translate it)

Y/n:..... *chuckling* I'm taking this..

He then reaches over his shoulder to put it in his back pack.

Y/n: *still chuckling* what a find.

He walks out the pharmacy and was about to get on his bike but he heard a can drop from inside followed by running coming towards him. so he aimed white fang inside and fired with out looking.




Y/n turned his head and saw a scavenger on the floor with a bullet hole in his shoulder.

Y/n: oops.... I missed.

He then aimed his gun and shot the scavenger through the fore head.

Y/n: there we go.

He sat on his bike and started it up. He then drove away.


Y/n is seen riding his motorcycle..... until it suddenly started to slow down.

Y/n: what?


He looked at the gas and his eyes widened as he saw it was on empty.

Y/n: no, no, no, no, NO!

The bike came to a complete stop.


Y/n lowered his head and tightened his grip on the handles. He then shot his head up and screamed.


Small timeskip.

Y/n is now walking while pushing his bike beside him.

Y/n: este día comenzó muy bien, and this happens!

Y/n: I swear if I didn't bring my music this would have been worse.

He stopped and pulled out his earbuds from his pocket. He put them on and pulled out his phone to play music.

He put his phone back in his pocket and kept walking.

He looked up and saw the sun was going down. He got tired and saw wrecked building close by with a hole in the wall.

Y/n: better relax for a bit.

He walked over to the building and brought his bike inside. He parked it and looked around

He then looked around and saw it was empty. So he sat down near the wall he put his bike.

Y/n: *sigh* I need some pain killers.

He reached into his back pack and pulled out a container. He opened it and held it over his hand. He then shook it as two pills fell in his palm. He lifted his mask so he could eat the painkillers.

Y/n: *gulp* god I wish I had some water. My throats is so dry from all that coughing.

He then rubbed his neck and lowered his mask. He stopped rubbing his neck and looked at his hands....

Y/n: you know...... I actually feel pretty lonely out here.

He then leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and started to drift to sleep.


???: hey...




???: HEY!

Y/n:*wakes up* huh what's happening.

Y/n looked up and saw a gun barrel pointed to his face.

Y/n: oh......well then.

He slightly leaned to the left to see who was holding said gun.

???: the fuck you doing in my house?

Y/n: well I was just resting and-

???: okay well your done resting so get the fuck out.

Y/n: alright..... I was heading out anyways.

???: good now why-

Y/n stands up and he is way taller then the girl by 2 or 3 inches.


Y/n:..... you really like the word fuck.

???: whatever, just leave.

Y/n: alright alright. Ya me voy.

Y/n walked over to his bike and grabbed the handles. He looked outside and saw it was getting darker. He looked back and the girl still had her gun aimed at him

Y/n: *sigh* well......here's hope to not getting ambushed.

He then started to walk away from the building.


Y/n: it's so goddamn dark! I can barley see anything!

His only source of light was the moon..... and it was doing a shitty job. At first y/n tried to turn on the light from his bike but guess what... they didn't work!

Y/n: jeez.... if this is gonna be every supply run, then I'm gonna have to bring extra fuel.

He kept walking until he heard.


Y/n quickly pulled out his guns and aimed them to where the sound came from...... he held them aimed and never looked away.

Y/n: quién está ahí?

Just then he heard footsteps running behind him. He turned and fired but hit nothing.

Y/n: damn this darkness!

He heard foot steps running beside him and he tried to aim his guns but whoever was attacking him knocked them out of his hands by punching them.

Y/n: fucker!

He kicked the person and the got launched far. Y/n took this as a chance and tried to look for his guns.

Y/n: Dónde están?

He saw them glowing on the ground due to the moon.

Y/n: found you.

He then walked over to them and was about to pick them up. Until yet again he heard.


Y/n: Huh!

He looked up just in time to see a bunch of guns lights shooting at him. Everything slowed down and his eyes widened.

Y/n: *slom mo* ooooohhh.....fffffuuucccckkkk!

Everything when to normal speed and all the bullets hit y/n. He closed his eyes as he felt each bullet hitting him.

Y/n: *getting pushed back by bullets* ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! ow!

They all stopped firing and He just felt all the impacts. He opened his eyes and looked at himself

Y/n:..... that's it?

He patted himself down and felt a bunch of cables attached to him.

Y/n: oh shi-

He then started to get electrocuted.


He tried to pull the cables out but they were messing with his muscles, by tightening them, and the electricity bouncing between them gave a small amount of light. But he still couldn't see.

Y/n: * pained yelling*

???: enough!

The electricity as y/n fell to his knees and then to his side, Smoking, he then felt himself start to black out. But before he did. He heard someone talk.

???: what should we do with him?

Y/n, with what little energy he had, looked at a figure walking towards him.

???: take him to the arena.... we get paid and they get a new fighter.

Then y/n passes out.


Before I end this chapter I've got a question for all of you.......

Are you people actually enjoying this story?

And you don't have to lie or give me petty.

    people are reading<Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)>
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