《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter fourteen


Y/n: *blows out smoke* I'm a badass.

Y/n: nnnnnnnice.

Y/n: ouch

Y/n: *fist pump* yes- oooohhhh.....

Y/n: *sharp inhale*....my bad.

???: what the hell?!

???: what the hell happened in here. y/n?!

Y/n:..... how you know my name?

???: it's me....Amber?

Y/n: ooohhhh.......Amber..... I'm sorry I couldn't tell because you don't have your mask and hood on.

Y/n: yeah I was just testing my guns, you know making sure they were okay, and then I maaaaaay have over done it.

Y/n: amber?

Amber: y-yes!

Y/n: you okay?... you were staring at my pecho for a while now.

Amber: *blushes more* y-yeah! A-anyways what was the weapon you used?

Y/n: this one.

???2: we heard the explosion and ran over here asap.

???3: yeah.

???1: w-what happened? Is everyone okay?

Y/n: amber.... is that-

Amber: yep. Cora, Lola, and viola.

Y/n: oh okay cool.

Y/n: hola chicas. It's nice to see your real faces.

Y/n: should I....... put... my coat back on?

Amber:.....yeah that's probably-

Lola and viola: no

Lola: this is better

Viola: agreed

Cora: I-I-I'm w-w-with t-them

Amber: *sigh*

Y/n:.....okay.....well I have to-

G. Lilith: What is going on in here?

Amber, Lola, viola, and Cora: general Lilith! Ma'am.

Y/n: s-sup.

G. Lilith: team beta.... your friend Samantha has just recovered and is at your cabin right now. I suggest you go catch her up on things.

Amber: yes ma'am

G. Lilith: tell me y/n.... what weapon did you use?

Y/n: t-this one.

G. Lilith: also nice build.

Y/n: t-thank you!

G. Lilith: hmm.....

G. Lilith: its out of ammo.

Y/n: that's weird..... I don't even know if this thing needs ammo.

Y/n: oops!

G. Lilith:hmm... perhaps that gun is special

Y/n: special pshh maldita cosa stabbed my palm when I first got it.

G. Lilith: then perhaps it has your DNA. Meaning only you can use it.


Y/n: yeah probably...... can you let go of my hand now?

G. Lilith: where are you going?

Y/n: back home

G. Lilith: how?

Y/n: on my bike..... obviamente

G. Lilith: actually that's the another reason on why I came in here.

???: done!

Y/n: where is it?! Where's my bike!?

???: ooooohh.... that was your bike..... yeah it's over there.

Y/n: Qué hiciste?!


Y/n: what did you do?!

???: I upgraded it.

Y/n: you call this an upgrade!? You fucking scrappped my bike!

G. Lilith: Freja....

Freja: hello g!

G. Lilith: please tell me what happened to y/n's bike

Freja: like it told him. I gave it an upgrade.

G. Lilith: stop joking and tell me where his bike is.

Freja: oh... your no fun.

Freja: I present to you....


G. Lilith: hm.. I'm impressed

Y/n: Freja was it?

Freja: Freja Carter.

Y/n: te amo

Y/n: esto es asombroso.

G. Lilith: I see you've taken a liking to him.

Freja: *slurring* hee schmeels so guud... and heesh shoo mashculine. *giggles*

Translation: he smells so good and he's so masculine

G. Lilith: well your gonna have to wait your turn.

Freja: what you mean? You got eyes on him?

G. Lilith: well that and every girl who's seen him.

Freja:... so what your saying is.....it's a race?

Y/n: hey Freja where are the ke- oh wait never mind found them.

Y/n: well I best be going now before the sun rises. Do you have any extra walkie-talkies?

Freja: oh let me check.

Freja: here you go.

Y/n: I'll be on channel...36 okay?

G. Lilith: seems good to me.

Y/n: great contact me if you need time on a mission or anything. He'll even if you just want to talk. I'm bored most of the time.

Freja: oh I'll defiantly contact you~

Y/n:..... moving on. Hasta la vista!

G. Lilith: wipe your mouth.

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