《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter Thirteen


S2: what are you thinking about captain?

S1: hmm?...oh I'm just trying to come with an excuse to tell the general about....well...*slightly nods back* him.

S2: well...we can just tell her that he helped us. Although he does seem to pack some heat.

S1: my thoughts exactly.... how did he even acquire those types of guns?

S3: bet the Russian brought them over before the nukes went off

S4: They could have...

Y/n: hey.

Y/n: I'm eager to come along......pero.....can you please tell this dude to stop putting his hand near mah dick?

Y/n: I don't roll that way and it's weird...

S1: Jesus Christ! Samantha stand down!

Y/n: wait he's a she?

Samantha: *slurring* but he's so warm~.....

Y/n:umm.....not that I'm a doctor or anything but I think she losing blood ..........and getting delirious.

S4: he's right...

S1: shit then we have to hurry.

S1: general....come in general? Over.

Walkie-talkie: Aella here, what your situation? Over.

S1: this is amber. Leader of team beta, our situation, one injured soldier she losing blood fast. over.

Aella: well then hurry back to base. Over.

Amber: yeah but the thing is-

Aella: you priority right now is to bring that soldier back to camp and get her into the infirmary. Over and out.


Amber: alright you heard her. Let's get back to base asap.

Y/n: quick question before we go. How many of you are females?

Amber: we all are.

Y/n: oh.....sorry I couldn't tell with all the armor and masks......

Amber: its slightly our fault for not introducing our selves. I'm amber briggs. The leader of team beta.

S2: I'm Viola Lodowick.

S3: I'm Lola Walters.

S4: and I-I'm Cora Welch.

Y/n: and the girl that's touching my chest is Samantha.....

Samantha: *slurring* so masculine~.....


Amber: Samantha ford! Will you stop harassing y/n!

Y/n: so this is your camp?

Amber: yes. Now before we go in I must inform you that the general is very very very strict.

Y/n: okay I think I get it.

Samantha: *slurring* hey~

Y/n: yes?

Samantha: *slurring* how about we ditch them~...and I'll show you a good time~

Y/n: we should hurry before she passes out....

Amber: agreed. Viola, Lola. Get her of the bike and take her to the infirmary.

Lola: yes ma'am!

Viola: you got it!

Amber: what's wrong?

Y/n: before I come into the base......how many women are there?

Cora: I-its all women. Why?

Y/n: *sigh* no reason.....

Cora: that tent is the mess hall. We only have m.r.es and their decent.

Cora: that's the shooting range. The name says what it is but most of the time no ones in there.

Y/n: hmm.... I think I'll pay it a visit after this.

Cora: this is the infirmary, we only go in there if we're in critical condition.

Y/n: okay.

Amber: how is she?

Lola: she's fine.

Viola: docs say she just needs some stimpacks and rest. Should be fine in a couple of days.

Amber: okay good. Come on y/n, time for you to meet the general.

Y/n: *nervous chuckle* okay.....

Amber: Cora stay here with viola and Lola.

Cora: alright.

Y/n: so.....how long has this been a thing?

Amber: if your talking about the camp. Four or five months.

Y/n: ah okay.

Amber: alright we're here.

She walked in ahead of me. I was about to follow her but she brought her hand out.

Amber: wait here until I tell you.

Y/n: okay....

Amber: alright come in.

General: so this is y/n?

Amber: yes. He aided us when we got ambushed and ran out of ammo.


General: alright.....amber you are dismissed.

Amber: what but-

General: I said dismissed.

Amber: yes ma'am....

Y/n: p-permission to speak?


Y/n: who are you?

General: my name is Lilith alpin But I'm to be informed as general Lilith

Y/n: okay....um.... I have another question.

G. Lilith: go on.

Y/n: how come your the only person I've seen with a mask off?

General: all soldiers are to have their masks on outside due to radiation lingering around. But until the tents it's safe to not wear them.

Y/n: oh...okay...

General: now I have some question for you.

General: how is it, that you managed to live out in the waist land. By your self?

Y/n: o-oh I don't live by my self. I have my friends and their like family to me.

G. Lilith: hmm....

G. Lilith: how old are you?

Y/n: um.....last I remember.....22.....why?

G. Lilith: no reason. Now if you don't mind take of your mask.

Y/n: q-que?

G. Lilith: I said take off your mask

Y/n: o-okay okay, just please back up.

G. Lilith: wow....

Y/n: w-what?

G. lilith: nothing. It's just......your cuter the I thought~....

Y/n: G-Gracias.

Y/n: u-umm.

G. Lilith: my apologies. It's just I haven't seen a man in months....well a man that isn't insane.

Y/n: U-UMMM....

G. Lilith: I needed that.

Y/n: *mumbling* Ese fue mi primer beso.

G. Lilith: what was that?

Y/n: that was my first kiss!

G. Lilith: well let me tell you something. You taste a lot like chocolate.

Y/n: aren't you supposed to be strict!?

G. Lilith: I'm sorry but I couldn't resist myself and I'm only strict to my soldiers. You on the other hand are a different case.

G. Lilith: also. If that was your first kiss..... does that mean that your still a Virg-

Y/n: okay nope. I'm gonna stop you right there.

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