《Blue Friday》Thank God Its Friday
Beca yawns just as she parks her car at Amplify's private parking area. Looking down, she grabs her coffee, a to-go cup from her favorite coffee shop. Just what she needs to get a much needed kick early in the morning. It's a beautiful Friday morning with the sun out and the clouds high up above the sky.
Sunglasses on, holding her coffee on the right, hand bag and car keys on the left, she finally steps out the car before shutting the door with a click. She presses the lock in the remote because, in spite of the tight security within the company, one can never be too sure these days anymore.
Making her way inside Amplify's glass doors, she goes through the motions like a routine. Greeting people with a nod since she's not known for smiling at such an early hour. Well, she's actually not known for genuinely smiling at any hour, to be honest. Fake smiling is more her thing but that's still better than nothing.
Once she reaches the floor of her office and the elevator bell dings, her chin naturally goes up, shoulders squaring and her face unreadable before she confidently strides all the way to her newly furnished office. The room goes silent as she walks in like a radio on pause before pressing play again as soon as she closes the door of her office.
Amplify has taken upon a new layout, their office undergoing some huge physical changes. New art pieces are brought in, brand new wide screen computers, new sleek shiny work desks, a larger lounge and comfortable recreation area for the creative minds, and of course, a chic office with a view for its overall producer of live events.
Unbuttoning her black coat, she hangs it on the hanger then places her bag by the stylish cabinet behind her and puts her coffee cup on the table, careful not to position it near important papers, organized neatly at the center of her minimalist modern-esque work desk. Her office looks fancy, too fancy for her taste but at least they stuck to the black and white color scheme she requested. The only request she made, as a matter of fact. Although, they did put in a little of Amplify's signature green color in little shades here and there. A little smudge of life which clearly, they think she doesn't have.
Blue would have been better.
Settling down her office chair facing the view outside, she sighs, leaning back and closing her eyes for her much needed ten minutes of silence. It's part of her personal list of rules. Rules which she strictly abides by.
Speaking of peace and good vibes, she picks up the remote control to press play towards her electric vinyl player and Youmi Zuoma's album, Willowbank, plays in the background.
The digital wood clock in the shape of a cube on her desk reads exactly eight in the morning. That means it's time to work.
Straightening up, she swivels her chair to face her table and review papers notifying her about suppliers, events, budget cuts, requests, announcements and sponsors.
Like clockwork, Jesse strolls in, with his violet NASA themed necktie and all, carrying all their schedules and well, more papers for approval before greeting her a good morning. This year's music festival is happening in five months and major preparations are already being arranged. This also means that the whole office will start being busy stressing out and working 24/7 on it. Especially when their main promotions and marketing position is vacant. As usual.
Which then brings Jesse to clear his throat.
"The applicant that has passed our initial interviews and assessments is here," he announces before placing all the files and evaluations from HR.
Beca braces herself for all the possibilities as she opens the file. It's another female. She slowly exhales, wondering how long this one's going to last. Their last promotions newbie had been fired for the questionable number of absences. The one before that walked out, screaming and crying, yet again. Of course, Beca gets called a bitch, and other names that are far worse than the first one, and security had to intervene after the crazy lady tried to throw a printer towards the glass walls of her office. And then there was the one before that, well, it's probably best not to speak of it. Basically, nothing new.
"When would you like me to send her in?" Jesse asks while she starts skimming all the information written.
Nothing she hasn't seen, honestly. Fresh college graduate. Has underwent a number of trainings, seminars and part time jobs. Big dreams. Loves music. Hardworking and dedicated. Blah. Blah. Blah. She already sees the advantage this individual could bring to the table and it's definitely not experience or achievements.
This one has youth which means someone who can relate to their biggest audience demographic. Although, disadvantages would be having to be open to more mistakes and could be easily pushed around by those whose had far more experience under their belt. But then again, there's this thing with new graduates, a hunger to prove that they can do whatever it takes. If she's a fast learner, thick skinned and has the confidence to face anyone in this industry then this might be the promotions newbie Beca had been praying for.
She hasn't failed a music festival event once and she's not looking forward to a first time.
"Now. Send her in now," she finally says, deciding that it's best to meet people in the morning, while her temper is still calm. Late afternoon Beca is the least patient and accommodating person in the office.
Jesse nods before walking out the door. He comes back a minute later with a young brunette following behind him. The file says she's 23 years old and was, interestingly, a part of an all-female a cappella group. They've won nationals. Beca raises her eyebrow at that. A cappella people are mainly nerds with talent.
It reminds her of someone. Another college a cappella alumni who worked under her for the same position two years ago. Probably the only person who, up until this point, has managed to impress her. The only one who actually deserved the position.
The potential newbie walks in and Beca quickly returns her focus back to the present. She can already tell that this one is definitely not thick-skinned. This one looks soft, fragile and has her head full of dreams that it almost reminds her of Benjie. She bets that it'll only take a day before she, unfortunately, makes this one cry.
Her finger presses on her temple at the thought because despite her track record, Beca hates making women cry. Her parents raised her well despite their imperfections. But when it just comes to working at such a challenging environment with such a huge responsibility to deliver, she cannot make any promises.
"This is our overall producer of live events, Beca Mitchell. She will be spearheading Amplify's annual music festival and all the live events we will be holding all throughout the year," Jesse introduces as the newbie instantly smiles widely at her.
However, it awkwardly fades underneath the emotionless front Beca always has.
The newbie quickly stretches her arm and offers her hand for a handshake, "Emily Junk. It's an honor to work for you! I've been watching Amplify's music festivals for a long time and I'm just in awe at how you guys manage to create such awesome, awesome events!" she enthusiastically says, her happy energy already making Beca queasy. Also, this one is turning out to be very chatty. Jesse happily mumbles a 'why, thank you' and Beca shuts him up with a pointed look.
God, she hates the overly happy puppy ones the most. Those are the most dangerous ones, to be honest. Which, by the way, is based on experience and definitely a valid observation.
Maybe she should install double heavy duty locks on her apartment door later. To be sure.
For the meantime, she stares at the outstretch hand for a moment too long. Long enough to be considered uncomfortable for the newbie who seems caught in between not knowing if she should keep offering or slowly and embarrassingly lower her hand.
But before she decides Beca, reaches for the small yellow smiley bowl on her left—the only vibrant colored object in the room which she got as a gift for the new office. She picks a strawberry candy out of the small pile of fruit flavored candies and offers it to the newbie.
Looking surprised and uncertain, the young woman, Emily, takes it, eyes widening as she mumbles a genuine thank you as if she has given her a raise.
"The extra sugar is for the energy you'll be needing later but," Beca pauses as she takes out a neatly compiled folder. "You don't seem to need it."
She hands the folder to the newbie who scrambles to take it, "We're having a meeting later this afternoon. I want you to review all that and perhaps share some suggestions about it. The festival is in five months and we hired you in the last minute so it is much appreciated if you get the hang of things fast. I need reliable people and failure is not an option. Either you become the best or... unemployed. Also, you will get yelled at, at some point. Get used to it," she says, going straight to the facts. No need to butter things up at this point.
Emily gulps and visibly pales at the thought of the horrible reality laid out in front of her. But in spite of that, the young brunette nods, eyes filled with determination and somehow there's something in there Beca hasn't seen in a while. Passion.
"I'll do my best and I will not fail you," she says, straightening up as she holds on to the candy. It's almost endearing, like baby gazelle, and Beca really doesn't want to make her cry any time soon.
"Good," she comments briefly, eyes now fixed back to her papers. "Show her to her table," Beca says towards Jesse who pauses before he walks out the door to meekly say.
"Can I have some candy too?"
Beca eyes him for a moment, squinting a bit as he smiles sheepishly, "Just one! I need energy too! Preferably, mango. "
"Did you make that call I asked of you yesterday?" she asks monotonously.
"Of course I did, boss. It's already on paper," he says, pointing towards the papers he gave her. Beca throws him a mango flavored candy which he catches excitedly.
She sighs, sometimes she does feel like she's managing a bunch of big babies. Leaning back, her fingers drum on the table as she goes deep in thought. They still as she goes to adjust the lady bug ring on her middle finger, softly brushing at the little red rubies on its wings. Her lips curve up a bit.
Hopefully, this music festival will be just as fun, if not more, as the others before it.
It's six in the evening and Beca starts speeding up the last of her work for the day. Jesse and CR have already hastily left after she told them to go ahead. Besides, CR has brought her own car today anyway. It also happens to be the last Friday of the month after all, and Posen is going to start babbling about punctuality soon.
Organizing everything back in place, Beca starts shutting off her computer and checks her watch for the millionth time. Just before she turns off the light of her office, she hastily grabs her bag and her phone before rushing towards the elevator, willing it to come up fast.
Once she mumbles a 'good evening' to the security guard, she is almost running to her car. This night is the one night where she cannot afford to be late. She curses the traffic along the way until she stops by one of her destinations tonight.
Sunshine Blooms.
Trying to catch her breath, she only gives one look at the smiling lady behind the counter who already knows what she's here for.
"I almost thought you won't make it on time. I was just about to close for the day," she says fondly before carefully handing her beautiful bouquet of blue roses, wrapped in lovely special paper with a small teddy bear seemingly hugging it beneath.
"I would still be banging on the door even if you did," she replies with a smile of her own before rushing back out, muttering a quick 'Thanks!' as she does.
One last thing more, she tells herself as she rounds a corner and again mutters curses at the slow movement on the street. Her phone is blasting notifications every second. One quick look, shows that it's Stacie raining down threats at her. There's five missed calls from Aubrey and tons of 'where are you?' from all their friends on the group chat.
She steps on the breaks in front of a restaurant and hisses another batch of curses as she bumps her hip at the door when she hurriedly steps out. She jogs to the entrance and again breathlessly reaches the counter, a hand to her injured hip. Not the first time, she's going to have a bruise there, by the way.
Her eyes narrow however, when Bumper Allen, The Crescent Cat's manager, faces her. "Ah, the grumpy little monster has come," he says dramatically but just before he goes into one of his dramatic anti-hero monologues, Beca cuts him off like a blazing knife on butter.
"Just give me my damn order or I'm going to call Amy so she can squish you to death," she demands coldly while he visibly grimaces. It does still baffle her how Amy's ex-boyfriend, her long time arch nemesis, got the manager position to one of the best restaurants in the city.
"Paolo! Give this pesky raccoon her order so she can leave now," he says before muttering, "I don't want to fail the annual health inspection," emphasizing every word annoyingly.
Beca is handed her take-out which she gratefully receives at the kind employees before eyeing Bumper with a death glare, "Just a suggestion, you might want to get rid of the huge rodent walking around your restaurant first," she says motioning over at him. His employees snort around him as she turns around to walk out with a smirk. She could hear his angry yells even as she drives off.
Everything about his disgusting nature is forgotten when she finally reaches the Barden Theater, thankful for the parking slot reserved for her. She checks her reflection on the mirror for the last time before finally opening the door of her car. However, she pauses for a second, eyes glancing anxiously at her bag. She makes a quick decision in the last minute as she opens it to grab a little black box and carefully puts it carefully inside her inner jacket pocket. With a beautiful bouquet of blue roses and take-out in tow, she finally rushes inside the theater.
The play has already started by now and Beca instantly knows which part she has arrived to. She almost has the entire script and scenes memorized by now. Her footsteps slow down as she walks at the side, carefully makes her way to the front. With her eyes transfixed on the stage, she takes her time. It's a full house tonight, a success for such a much awaited premiere and her heart beams with pride at that. This production has been highly publicized for months now, calling everyone to get tickets to one of Lily Okanakamura's original masterpieces. She's certain to find big names in the theater industry and celebrities watching tonight.
This would also mark the official debut of the Victor Barden troupe's rising star on her first ever major role in a massive production.
The set is grand and colorful as one of the actors finishes his heartwarming monologue to start singing, the pit orchestra playing its powerful first notes with their violins. There's a flurry of colorful satin as dancers run across opposite ends and swirl around.
The actor reaches a high note, impressively holding it for a few seconds before slowly settling down. The lights dim a little until a spotlight turns on and the dancers part, a sea of color split in the middle of the staircase to make way to a new voice. One that Beca has the luxury of hearing every single day for the past two years.
She stops breathing for a moment, a smile breaking her lips as she stands in the side, forgetting to even go to her seat up at the front where the rest of her friends are. She's sure most of the audience has fallen into some sort of trance at this point. Just like her.
Chloe is impossibly stunning underneath such bright lights. Her auburn locks curled perfectly and her dress, a dazzling shade of deep blue that glimmers whenever she sways. Her voice doesn't waver even as she takes a step down the stairs and Beca's knowingly smiles because she couldn't count the times she had given positive reassurance about that staircase issue. Chloe had been obsessively worried that she would slip down of from nervousness or miss a step and die of embarrassment, on her debut nonetheless!
'Babe, babe, babe! I don't know what I'd do if I fall. My life would basically be over! I might as well run to the airport, go to Brazil, change my identity and enjoy about five months of vacation, at least,'
'Chlo, it's three in the morning. You will make it down those steps like the awesome star that you are and I will be there to cheer on you. Please, go to sleep, you psycho. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world,'
'Or, or! I can pay someone to cut the lights out like, like a black out!'
'If you don't shut up about failing when you are in fact the most talented performer I know, I will kiss you,"
'Yes but I just can't help—'
Chloe, in fact, makes it down effortlessly and Beca smiles even widely. The grace and elegance she exudes when she connects with the actor comes naturally as they dance perfectly. It is such a captivating performance that it makes her want to do fist pumps and scream in delight. But that would be a distraction and Chloe cannot be distracted right in this important scene.
She's so wrapped up in the performance that she almost jumps at someone's touch.
"There you are. I was about to go set out a search party only to find you drooling over here," Tessa says as she proceeds to hook an arm around Beca's neck, dragging her to the front seats, not embarrassed or conscious about passing by audiences who eyes them irritatingly for blocking the view.
She pushes her towards one of the plush red cushioned seats next to Stacie as Aubrey angrily whispers at her 'Where you've been?' while Rachelle reaches over to hand her tissue. Tessa snorts and snickers at the gesture.
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