《Blue Friday》Thank God Its Friday 2
"" -Rookie Season
Summer hits California and newly concocted iced drinks with the most ridiculous names are being introduced to beat the heat. Instagram is loitering with memes about the beach and Baywatch bodies. Summer road trips are being planned here and there while the Hollywood industry is busy releasing music and movies people would look forward to this season.
Of course, Amplify with its trendsetting culture has gotten into the summer vibe as well and has just welcomed the season with their 'Temple of Apollo' event, named after the infamous Greek god. With about fifty club DJs mixing their beats from dusk till dawn while people celebrated with the bar's summer themed alcohol concoctions as they danced to the music and splashed into the massive pools.
The event was a blast and yet again the woman behind it was mainly to blame for it. Amplify's golden girl or, as the others prefer, one shot kill weapon. In her leadership, the company's live events department has only gotten excellent reviews. However, working for her is no joke. Like, seriously, no joke and everyone within the company knows that a success as huge as that isn't achieved by being a pushover. No, Beca Mitchell is the last person on earth you'd call a pushover. She is actually, what you'd describe as strict, harsh and cold, a force you do not want to ever go against. Beca doesn't ask. Never. She demands.
Which is funny because behind all that prestigious title, the infamous reputation she carries and intimidating crisp iron-pressed suits she dons, the great overall producer of events, Beca Mitchell, succumbs to my demands.
My name, you ask?
It's Bella. Bella Mitchell.
Well, actually it's Bella Mitchell-Beale now.
Beca just got married to Chloe, the prettiest redhead I've ever seen. Which means, I get to officially call her mine now too. They are both mine. Although, I still love Beca a little bit more because we had a longer history together but she doesn't need to know that. She can keep getting jealous over Chloe's affections for me. Speaking of affections, I do miss Stacie and Aubrey too. They should come by more often. The more women, the better.
Maybe, I should stroll by the new neighborhood later and look for Aubrey's house.
Oh, and I now also have a brother named Mallows which sucks because he is a slob and still gets half the attention from Beca and Chloe. He sleeps all the time and makes a mess over the counter. He keeps sitting on my box as well even if he is too fat to fit in it which is why I demanded a new box. It is way fancier and it's yellow. Well, as long as he doesn't charm the hot ladies two doors down from our new home then all is bearable.
Speaking of new home, today is moving day and there's a lot of boxes I can jump into which means I love moving day. Moving day for me is like Christmas for humans. But then I also love shiny Christmas balls so...
Anyway, sorry for getting off track. The new house is bigger. Not as big as I would have loved it to be but it will have to do. The windows are wider, I can hop on bigger platforms which Beca had bought because I do deserve only the best. There's a backyard, a pool, more posts with my name written on it for me to scratch, and a second floor. Honestly, I can do without the pool. Water is not my friend. On the other hand, if I push Mallows in it, would he swim or would he... sink?
As of this moment, Beca and Chloe are busy moving stuff around. I bet Beca is dying. She looks like it too. Unfortunately, she's never been athletic or at least, physically fit. Maybe I should catch a bird later and feed it to her. All that scrap she eats looks bland and I doubt you can get energy from that.
But... I think it's a little too late for that. The worst did just happened. Beca just collapsed on the mattress laid out on the bedroom floor. The same mattress she has been hauling up to the second floor half an hour ago. How she even led a team and carried huge events behind her back, I have no idea. She can't even assemble the bed, for god's sake! Maybe I should go check on her. She can't die. It's her job to serve and provide for me for the rest of my life.
Beca, you can't die.
"Hey, baby," Beca huffs, tiredly opening her eyes as I press my nose on her cheek and thank god, she's alive.
Do you need milk? A dead bird, perhaps?
"I'm fine. Just tired," she says and really she does look like shit so I lick her hair because I can't have her looking like shit. The Mitchell-Beales are supposed to look presentable and clean at all times. We have a reputation to uphold.
Something Mallows obviously doesn't understand.
"I love you," Beca mumbles, reaching to stroke my cheek and combing her fingers gently through my fur. It feels pleasant.
You better. I demand all your love.
Ah, Chloe. My beautiful Chloe. I demand all your love too.
"Babe, as much as I like seeing this cuddle-fest going on right now, we really need to put this bed together," Chloe points out before kneeling down next to Beca on the mattress so she can kiss me on the head.
Yes. Kisses! More. I need more than just one, pretty goddess.
"Can't we just sleep on the floor tonight? We've been working and sweating our asses all day and I'm hungry," Beca lazily says as she rolls on her side and props her head up with her hand.
Her question gets a kiss from Chloe and this is the part where I eye them in annoyance because I'm sitting right in front of them. I need love and attention too! No, scratch that. I should be the center of attention.
"I'll order pizza then. And after that, we put up the bed," Chloe says in that tone of finality and this is the part where Beca has to comply. She has no choice. Chloe knows what's up. She learned that from me.
Beca just do it. Be nice. Chloe is ours now. She cannot leave this family. Ever.
"Alright. Pizza, bed then I can finally pass out for real. Got it," Beca sighs, movements sluggish despite conceding and Chloe's lips curve into a smirk.
I know that smirk and it's not something I'm comfortable with because I totally know where this is heading.
"Okay," Chloe slowly begins and I really should leave.
"That's too bad though. I really wanted to test... the bounce factor of this mattress and durability of the frame but I guess we can do that some other time," she innocently shrugs and really, my insides are turning sour and my ears are bleeding.
I've already gone through so much trauma over the past few years because they kept testing the quality of their bed... and the sofa... and the kitchen counter... and the shower stall... and great, now Chloe is leaning closer to Beca, lips on her jawline as she whispers a low and sultry, "I'll go call delivery,"
Beca straightens up, looking wide awake than ever before, a burst of energy seemingly passing through her right at this moment. It's only a matter of seconds until she's pulling a squealing Chloe back down with her on the mattress and... I'm out. I won't wait for those annoying giggles to turn into another traumatic memory.
Annoying lovers.
Of course they end up not being able to finish anything. Maybe except for a particular activity that they've suddenly had all the energy in the world to engage in for hours. The bed's frame still remains unassembled, the mattress still lying next to it on the floor and several boxes still loiter all over the place. But the humans don't seem to mind at all as they enjoy pizza in the living room, probably the only part of the house that looks decent. The sofa they have ordered has arrived early this morning and Beca's favorite fluffy white carpet adorns the floor. The color theme has changed too. Beca's usual black and white aesthetic has added shades of grey, dark blue, pink and red. Which isn't bad. As matter of fact, it looks pretty with the new shades complimenting the dark hues. A burst of new color really does make a difference.
It's doesn't look boring anymore.
Before Chloe, Beca had such boring taste in everything. I was literally the only color in her life. I still am actually, the only color of their life... fine, me and the marshmallow slob are the colors of their life.
Mallows is sleeping and snoring near the faux fireplace. No surprise there. When doesn't he sleep?
I, on the other hand, prefer to stretch around the sofa. It's much better than the first one since it has an automatic, one touch of a button, reclining feature and all. But I don't think Beca and Chloe appreciate that feature enough tonight since they've both settled down the floor, eating the pizza laid out on the coffee table. They look comfortable though. Chloe sits in between Beca's legs, her back leaning against Beca's front. Both of them are just wearing loose shirts. Clothing which looked like to have been the nearest pieces they had grabbed before leaving the room.
"I want to go back to Bali," Chloe sighs, fingers running languidly up and down Beca's leg.
"Can't you just ask Amplify for another week off?" she proceeds to ask, turning her head a bit so her temple softly bumps into Beca's.
"If it were up to me, I would but I really need to get back to work on Monday," Beca regretfully replies, an answer that makes Chloe whine softly. It is quickly placated with slow sensual kisses trailing down her neck. Chloe softly hums at the action, obviously pleased by it.
"How about this," Beca begins to suggest just after she places a kiss on Chloe's shoulder where her shirt slips a bit, Beca's lips brushing on skin as she speaks.
"We can schedule another trip next year? Or maybe... every year?" Beca proposes and Chloe perks up a bit to the idea.
"Like an annual honeymoon?" she says, a trace of a smile forming on her lips.
"Yes, I guess we can call it that," Beca simply shrugs while Chloe excitedly turns to kiss her on the cheek.
"I'd love that," she says and it's disgustingly sweet how they look at each other. That sort of thing after all these years just can't be real.
Or maybe it is possible. I don't know. I'm just a cat with simple pleasures. I see women. I like women. Women like me. I get all their affection. The end.
I love my life.
I eye my two humans and of course they end up kissing... again. I must admit, it does make me happy to see them both like that. Beca, especially. I do remember the first time when the gorgeous Stacie Conrad laid eyes on me and decided that I was the one Beca needed. Which isn't surprise because Stacie has an eye for exceptionally pretty things and breath-taking art. She always had good taste after all.
It was Beca's birthday when I met her. I remember clearly, the way she looked when she saw me. The genuine surprise as I was being lifted out of the box with a huge blue ribbon around my neck. Stacie had told me that maybe I could finally be the one to bring a real smile to her face. I did.
I remember the first night we had. The party has ended. It was just the two of us and she cradled me in her arms as she sat on the kitchen floor and looked at me like I was special, which I definitely am. I said 'hi' and pressed my nose against hers. Whatever I did must mean something because it seemed like she was about to cry. She did.
That was when I realized how awful everything around her had been going. I've seen it all. The emotions and feelings she hides from the world. There were the average nights when it's just bearable and then there were those nights that are, well, painful. Painful to see her wiping away tears and painful to hear her broken sobs tearing through the door of the bathroom.
Nevertheless, I try to do my best. To annoy her when she finds herself thinking too much. To complain whenever she pays too much attention at the wine bottle and not me. To demand everything I wanted whenever she feels like the world seems too heavy to face. It's all just distractions and never a permanent solution, I know. But Stacie says it's my job to make sure that she'll be okay. That even if she wallows in sorrow at least, I'd be there. She won't be completely alone.
It was like that for almost a year until... those obnoxious knocks on the door woke us up one late night and then there she was, barging in like a hurricane, Chloe Beale. One beautiful messed up redhead. She literally kicked the door open and made lots of noise in what was Beca's lonely and quiet world. She sort of like, threw a rave and wasn't even sorry about it.
I should've been scared of the intrusion, really, but it was so funny seeing Beca suddenly performing parkour all over the house, exerting so much energy for the first time outside the gym without Aubrey's supervision and throwing things around while being chased by a seriously hot woman that I just thought that, 'If that isn't the luckiest thing in the world, what is?'
Then it happened. That one small thing. They stopped running and finally see each other like it's the first time—because a girl screaming your name and listing all the injustices you've done to her is not something you do on the first meeting so I deduced that they definitely met before this. I just saw sparks flying all around them. Of course, Beca is dense because she is a useless lesbian and didn't realize it then but I did. I knew it was going to be something. Something big.
So I watched it all unfold. Slowly. So slowly that I thought I was going to die from the unbearably slow pace of it all.
Chloe ended up sleeping on Beca's bed that night and I almost cried in joy because, 'Finally! A hot woman sleeping in her bed'
The sight had been so satisfying that I need to be sure of one thing.
How cuddly is the redhead?
So, I made my way up the bed, despite Beca 'the most useless lesbian' Mitchell trying to tell me otherwise, and snuggled up to Chloe. She smells like something sweet. Like sugar pastries and fresh roses. That was enough to tell me that, Chloe is someone whom I can spend a lifetime with... if Beca decides not to be a complete asshole to her and ruins everything. Which she totally was.
It is beyond me how anyone would deny a pretty woman begging at her feet to let her stay and serve her whichever way she pleases. I had to intervene and stand my ground just to get her to say yes. Because as Beca's most beloved, I too have a say on who gets to stay and who gets to leave.
I can see right through it all though and I know why she was being so mean to Chloe. She may always have a thing for stunning redheads with lovely eyes but it definitely goes beyond that reason.
Chloe compliments her personality very well. She's soft where Beca is hard. She challenges her. Makes her do things she wouldn't even try to do. Maybe, even stopped to do. To step out of the box and cross those lines she herself made. Chloe scares her because she's starting to change her life in a way that has never happened before and it feels so good. So achingly familiar that it reminds her of something she had lost. It was almost too good to be true. And Beca is falling down deep and hard, the first step to a broken heart according to Beca and her long list of heartbreakers. But Chloe is a beautiful once in a lifetime occurrence and she couldn't initially see that.
Stacie told me that Rachelle wasn't like Chloe. She and Beca were too alike. Too similar. And personalities like that, they clash often. Beca was just too in love to see it. Too wrapped up in the fantasy of having someone who finally chooses to be with her. So when everything started falling apart, an irreparable crack that not even love can hide, she couldn't understand why it happened.
Stupid Beca and her foolish heart.
Unlike her, I wasn't blind. I saw it. The potential she and Chloe could be together. Could do together. The happy, beautiful picture they would make if they weren't so stupid... and useless.
Back then I really had high hopes still. Until Chloe's presence in her life seemed to suddenly vanish out of the blue one day and Beca just looked even worse than she's ever been.
For almost a month she looked miserable and even though she hid herself behind complete denial, I could tell that whatever trace Chloe left on her was so strong to be just a fleeting feeling. It's not just a crush or a temporary attraction anymore.
When you meet the one, it's just over, you know? The end game. That's what they say.
And then there's also, if it's meant to be then it shall be.
Which was why when she brought Chloe back home with her one night for some lame movie watching, I almost cried. Almost. I was so happy, I quickly rubbed myself fondly all around her.
Okay, I was marking her because I can smell Mallows' stench all over her. Stupid marshmallow slob.
However, my hopes start crumbling once more because this time, it seems that Beca is acting like she's just hanging out with Stacie. I could not count the times I wanted to throw things at her and make her see the change in the way Chloe looks at her. When before it had been friendly and caring, this time it had meant even more now. Those lovely blue eyes stare at her in the way that Beca had secretly looked at Chloe when she wasn't looking months before. The only difference was, Beca had done it unconsciously until she realized what it was. Chloe's on the other hand, seemed sure. Aware. That's the exact word for it. Aware.
Sadly, it seemed that Beca would never meet her eyes long enough to find it. That telling spark. She only pushes a bit then pulls back quickly, allowing herself to be comfortable yet still putting a wall in between her heart and its only desire.
So I had to watch, painfully yet again, as Chloe longingly gazes at her and smiles in a way that she only would if it's Beca. Anyone would have wished to stab themselves in frustration with every hug Chloe engulfs her with. Because nobody sees the way she hugs her with her eyes closed as if savoring that precious moment. Nobody but me. And yet Beca remains passive to every affectionate gesture Chloe gives her.
If that already sucks, wait till the kiss. Yes, that kiss. The one that Chloe secretly gives to the most clueless lesbian in the entire universe. How had she not woken up to that kiss? I know I shouldn't be surprised but, really?
I saw it when I was strolling towards the bathroom to relax in the sink and believe me when I say just how perfect it looked until it ended. The closest thing you can compare it to is Cinderella's tiring dance at the ball until the clock strikes midnight and everything becomes poo.
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