《Blue Friday》Later, Babe
Beca hates mornings. They always gave her anxiety and dread. Always reminding her to that it's time to come out of hiding in all her misery and face the mocking smile of the sun. To get up and out of the sweet comforts of her bed. The bed that could fit three people in it. She never really thought of the size to be honest, she had been drawn to the cozy aesthetic it brought and the health benefits the sales guy had babbled about—she blames Aubrey for scaring her with facts about how her unhealthy lifestyle will leave her crippled and slowly dying.
Beca had and always been a night person. Mornings are just not her thing. Not for a year. Mornings reminded her of sweet and warm things. The very things she lost a year ago. Her choice of solitude wasn't warm and sweet. It was silent and... blue. The universal language for sad and alone. There was even a damn song about it.
Bluer than blue. Sadder than sad.
Now don't even get her started about the significance of Friday. That's a heartache to discuss. Yes, not headache but...
Which was why, waking up on what is supposedly a blue Friday morning with a smile on her face is strange.
But can anyone blame her?
Today there's warmth draped all over her, perfectly snuggling her from behind, making her feel electric. Alive and energized. Warm breath slowly tickles the back of her neck from supple lips that are inches away from her nape.
It's calming.
She brushes her hand on the arm around her waist, fingers tracing soft skin until she slips them around a hand which she presses closer right on top of her heart.
She closes her eyes to revel in the feeling. Just being in that quiet moment of comfort and bliss makes her happy. Truly happy.
A deep inhale from behind disrupts her silent musings and she feels the hold around her tighten, a body pressing further against hers, those supple lips now connecting with skin.
She takes it as her cue to shift her position, rolling over to her back with an arm open to accommodate her favorite person.
She can hear that familiar sigh of satisfaction and contentment as Chloe buries her head in the crook of her neck, half her body already on her.
Her girlfriend loves cuddles. Craves it, actually. Especially on mornings when she sleeps over. It's a mandatory thing now.
Beca doesn't complain though. She'd never. Not to the person who made her love Fridays and mornings again. To the woman who gave the color blue a new meaning.
She wraps her arms around Chloe, nose deep in red locks that smell like flowers and something sweet.
It just makes her want to drift back to sleep. Except, Chloe wouldn't let her.
"We need to be there early, Becs," Chloe sleepily mumbles, voice slightly muffled with the tight embrace Beca is giving her.
"Ten minutes," she mumbles back and gets a sigh in return. One that has heard the same line before and knows that ten minutes isn't really going to be ten minutes.
"I'll be counting."
Beca snorts at the sleepy response. She's already made a list of adorable things Chloe says— usually either when sleepy or tired or tipsy – and even including those random sentences she suddenly bursts out singing to. It's all these quirkiness that's the reason why she's changed Chloe's name on her phone from 'Cute Psycho' to 'Captain Cutie'—which may or may not have also been because when they had went to see a movie, Chloe kept crying out 'No!' whenever Captain Marvel had any slight inconvenience whilst reaching out to the huge screen with a pout.
"Today's the event," Chloe reminds her before yawning.
They've spent all night making sure that everyone involved will deliver and that the social media hype remains strong. It may not be as big as their annual music festival but the stress it brings is pretty much the same.
"I know," she breathes out in reply, shutting her eyes close, hoping to stay in their comfortable bubble of bliss for a little longer.
In a few hours, she knows that they won't be likely to spend time as intimate as this until midnight.
They've been together as a couple for a week now. A week where only Aubrey and Stacie knew of the change of their relationship. Friends to lovers is still quite a high jump to make considering all of the factors that had almost led her to believe that having this moment wasn't possible.
But it is and here they are now. Bodies pressed together, limbs twisted all over each other underneath the sheets and soft kisses being given whenever they desired.
"Six minutes," Chloe croaks out and Beca groans.
"Seriously? It's only been a minute," she protests even though she's sure to lose.
"Six minutes and ten seconds."
Guess it's time to pull out the big guns.
Before Chloe could continue she immediately rolls on top of her, lips on Chloe's cheek as she runs her hands on her favorite redhead's sides, knowing the exactly where she finds it ticklish.
A yelp followed by a string of giggles erupts from the room and Beca's lips split into a smile. There's protesting, begging, total retaliation and, at one point, Bella jumping on the bed, amidst the laughter when Beca realizes something.
She wants to have mornings like this for the rest of her life.
"Just a few adjustments."
"Sound system?"
"We'll have one final sound check with some chosen fans. Probably going to be a couple of tweaks here and there."
"CR's working on it as we speak."
"The crew is still repairing camera 3. Hopefully, it'll be done in an hour."
"They better get it done in less than that."
"I'll... let them know that then."
"All on their waiting rooms, having hair and make-up done."
"The media? The sponsors?"
"Chloe is working on it."
"Where is she?"
"She's currently with Playlist magazine's representatives."
Beca lets out a heavy breath, head deep in thought as she looks at the elevated stage in the middle. Blue Christmas lights hang down from above like cascading snow flakes encircling the yellow spot lights. The walls around the venue are lined with slanted red and violet long led light bulbs. They look like glowing laser beams.
The DJ's equipment stands just behind the main stage while at the opposite corner of the room lies the glowing neon red and green bar that serves both coffee and alcohol— mixed together if that's what you prefer. Bartenders wearing Santa hats are already preparing their perfect potions.
Beca has already contemplated grabbing a drink earlier but coffee makes her take several bathroom breaks and drinking alcohol seems unethical to do when she's on the job.
So, maybe after the event then. There's an Amplify Christmas party after the acoustic concert and unfortunately, she's required to attend it. Her bosses will all be there and surely, her name will be slipping their lips.
Her vision catches red hair entering the venue followed by two photographers and whoever Playlist Magazine has sent to do an interview.
The interviewer seems to be scribbling on his notebook every now and then as Chloe explains everything about the work behind the scenes.
Beca's silently eyes follow her. Her attention captured so easily by an unmeasurable charm only Chloe can produce.
"There will also be a TV feature with one of our artists for Station Live," Jesse reminds her and Beca almost forgets that he was standing there all this time.
"Who's the artist?" she asks after clearing her throat and with the lack of response, she senses Jesse's hesitation.
Curious and impatient, she looks over at her assistant, his necktie already on Christmas mode with reindeers and Frozen's Olaf on it.
"It's Paris Blake," he finally reveals.
"Oh," Beca nods at that, forgetting that her ex-girlfriend is again part of her event.
Rachelle's album has topped charts all over the world and having her at Amplify's year-end special is inevitable due to the fact that her album happens to be the most listened to in their app.
However, Rachelle's presence doesn't bother her anymore for the reason that not only have they gotten closure but also due to the fact that her heart is filled with a person that reminds Beca of the warm morning glow of the sun. A fact that most of her friends are still clueless about.
Also, said beautiful glowing sunshine is currently giving a quick tour of their venue and Beca doesn't feel too good about how the interviewer keeps smiling and leaning closer to her sunshine. Like a stupid rain cloud hovering in between, keeping the light all to himself.
Stupid rain cloud
If there was ever a rain cloud hovering around Chloe, it should be her.
She clenches her jaw at the light touch he places on Chloe's shoulder and god help him if he touches her again because Beca is just about to do something unethical, alcohol in her system or not.
Jesse's voice breaks her glare and honestly, she was glad he did because this jealousy thing is for children and might eventually cause her this very important event. Punching media representatives is not good press nor does Amplify need a scandal just before the year ends.
Reluctantly, she looks away to look at Jesse's puzzled look. He reminds her that she will be giving a small thank you speech later at the Christmas party and she internally groans because she hates speaking in public.
Especially when said speech contains cheesy words of gratitude to Amplify's big bosses— for giving us all this opportunity to blah, blah, blah.
"And this is the woman behind all of this. Our team leader. Our overall-producer of events, Beca Mitchell," she hears Chloe say as they walk over to where she and Jesse stand.
Glancing towards their direction, Beca takes the hand extended out to her like clock work, already on business mode as she faces the guy, a practiced smile on her lips.
Maybe she gripped his hand a bit harder than usual though. She's human after all and being petty is part of it.
Oh what she would give to tell him— 'Beca Mitchell, Amplify's over-all producer of events. I see you've met my girlfriend, Chloe.'
But she can't and for now, she maintains her professionalism. For now, she settles with the soft yet assuring touch Chloe leaves on her wrist.
For now Chloe will be her most precious secret.
For now
To say that the event is going smoothly is almost laughable. Everyone is basically running around carrying stress and anxiety on their shoulders. Camera 3 is finally running without any glitches but now technical problems with the microphones are arising. The sound checks are done, the room is now filled with excited fans and the concert is starting after a thirty minute delay. Chloe's lips are hurting from smiling too much now. But it's really nothing to the responsibility Beca must be feeling right now.
Still, Chloe stares at her in awe because despite all the sudden problems popping up here and there, her favorite person in the whole world still manages to fix whatever needs fixing. Which is not the easiest job to do because when shit happens they all look to Beca for a solution yet no matter what comes, the brilliant producer always rises above it all. Beca who has been massaging her temples every now and then, ordering people so confidently and quick to think of the next step to take. Her Beca.
Chloe has never been more proud. She just wishes that she can openly give her a hug right now. That, and to let everyone now just how awesome her girlfriend is. It was after all one of the billion things that she finds so attractive about Beca. Her passion and drive for excellence is just so inspiring.
For now she stands next to her, by the technical crew backstage, ready to go do whatever Beca asks her. Ready to give as much support as she can.
"Fans are pushing each other near the barricade. We cannot afford any accidents today! Get security over there! Now!" Beca yells as people scramble around to execute her commands.
It's also noticeable how Chloe could easily tell the exact moment where Beca tips over to her stricter 'I don't care about anyone's feelings at this point' side, with the way her words are now stinging stronger than earlier.
Jesse is already sweating and adjusting his tie nervously and everyone is just trying not to be called out harshly by trying to stay invisible— if that was even possible.
Moreover, the strain Beca keeps massaging on her neck and shoulders becomes noticeable, at least to Chloe.
Instinctively, she reaches out, finally being unable to remain silent any longer. Her fingers wrap around Beca's arm as she faces the brunette.
"Beca, I need to talk to you for a second."
She gets a finger held up near her face as a response while the distracted producer points out things on the screens that they need to watch out for.
"I want those wires fixed. Somebody is going to trip and die! I do not have time to make arrangements for a funeral right now."
Okay. Chloe takes that as her cue to forcefully intervene. Her grip on Beca's arm tightening.
"Beca. Now," she demands, looking straight into dark blue eyes.
For a second there she fears that Beca would unintentionally snap at her or pull the boss card but all that snaps is Beca's intense focus on the screen.
She wordlessly lets Chloe pull her aside and into one of the empty equipment rooms. Obviously, looking impatient as she fidgets around a bit just before Chloe turns to her.
"Please tell me that none of our artists are having one of their diva moments and are refusing to perform unless we get them one of those Starbucks Christmas Frappuccino's to get into the Christmas spirit, find their zen and sing," Beca goes off while Chloe pauses with a frown on her face in order to slowly replay all that in her head.
"What? No!" she quickly dismisses as soon as it sinks in.
"Is it the exes? Are they fighting? Has one of them walked out?"
"No. No! And no!" Chloe sighs frustratedly before taking hold of both Beca's hands to stop her from whatever rant she's about to go off on about.
"Then what's the problem?"
"Nothing! There's no problem."
"Then what are we doing here?"
"We're about to do breathing exercises," Chloe deadpans and Beca groans.
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not. Have you even eaten anything yet? And no, those energy drinks aren't lunch."
"I don't have time to— there's going to be a feast later anyway!"
"Okay, how about this then," Chloe starts to suggest as she unzips her hand bag and takes out a carefully wrapped sandwich. She forcefully hands it over to Beca who reluctantly takes it, scrutinizing the contents.
"Just two big bites and I'll be out of your hair. You can go back to yelling at everyone afterwards," she offers, arms crossing over her chest and an eyebrow arched challengingly.
"Seriously? But—"
"No buts, babe. I'm not letting you out this room until you're swallowing two bites of that sandwich," she says determinedly.
Beca, of all people should know by now just how determined she could be.
"Did you just... call me babe?"
"No...," she blurts out before following with a small, "Yes? I didn't know why I said that. Do you want me to call you that?"
"Well, I don't hate it and I don't mind. Do you want to call me that?"
"I—Stop changing the subject! Please just eat the damn sandwich," she breathes out, eyes back to staring at the brunette sternly.
"Fine," Beca breathes out and as soon as she unwraps the snack to take a bite, Chloe sighs in relief.
It turns into a sharp inhale pretty quickly however, when Beca slowly takes a second bite with those intense deep blues staring at her. It's a very familiar look, having been exposed to it all week, and Chloe knows that she's receiving one right now as some sort of punishment.
This must be why they don't allow relationships in the office. Because now the room has seemingly gotten small and possibly even hotter.
That damn smirk!
She blinks away from the gaze and exhales before nodding her head.
"Okay, so that's it! You can go now and be amazing again," she quickly says, averting her eyes to look at the door.
Because if this continues on, she's absolutely sure to violate a lot of work protocols and rules. Also, this event needs their producer to function and Chloe does not want to be held liable for its failure.
She starts marching to the door when a hand wraps around her wrist to stop her. She pauses only to feel lips lovingly pressed on her cheek and appreciative dark blue eyes.
"Thank you," Beca sincerely says.
"For being the energy pill I can always rely on. You've always been the best," she continues with a smile that makes Chloe's heart expand with joy.
She smiles back at Beca, lips curving up into a huge smile when the brunette slyly adds before walking out the door,
"Later, babe."
The event, as of the moment, is starting to become a success. The ratings will be definitely soaring once it airs and everyone is starting to relax.
Chloe has just finished talking with the sponsor's representatives and now she slowly makes her way to one of the waiting rooms. This time, it's not for business purposes but rather, something personal.
She opens the door after a brief knock, entering to settle comfortably at one of the plush sofa seats by the vanity mirror and nonchalantly placing a box of mints at the vanity area's table, in front of Paris Blake herself.
The singer, pauses from fiddling with her phone to eye the small gift in amusement.
"Is this you trying to subtly but not so subtly tell me that I have bad breath?" she asks, straightening in her seat, elbow on the chair's arm and knuckles underneath her chin to watch her with rapt attention.
"Because that's impossible."
- End448 Chapters
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