《Blue Friday》Favorite Flavor
She's a dream.
Chloe Beale is a dream and the best part is, she's a dream come true and like all dream comes trues, being with her in a way that surpasses friendship is still something Beca couldn't believe.
It feels surreal. It feels easy. So easy.
First dates are ideally supposed to be all dressed up to the nines and fancy restaurants where there's wine and food that isn't messy—nobody wants to eat with sauce dripping down your chin or have onion breath or greens horrifyingly stuck to your teeth in front of your date. First dates are supposed to be in quiet settings where you share stuff about you that won't freak your pretty companion out and instead, impress them. Well, that's the point of first dates after all.
Not exactly like...
"Why are you like this? Why?" Beca asks in disbelief, eyes filled with amusement and mirth, snorting at an equally giggly Chloe eating her burrito, currently making a mess.
Her lovely date, now holding on to her arm while slightly hunched over as she tries not to get any of the sauce down her shirt and sneakers, is truly providing class A entertainment.
She should be grossed out. But when they were technically on that stage of friendship where they've seen each other when sick, drunk from one cup, ate from each other's plates and switched half eaten ice-creams—or that one time where they went to a Persian restaurant that left them with onion breath and fart—there is basically nothing else to be grossed out about.
"This is a disaster," Beca mutters, a smile playing on her lips.
"A beautiful disaster," Chloe says, swallowing the mouthful of her food before finally straightening back up.
"I mean, c'mon, we fortunately stumbled into a food festival with live bands and games!" Chloe excitedly says, squeezing on to her hand while those beautiful, impossibly blue eyes focus back at her and there must be a seriously powerful curse in them because she always falls for it.
"Because the restaurant we're supposed to be eating at is full due to our last minute decision and I hate long lines," Beca sighs before taking a bite of her own burrito.
"Plus it's an international event! That culinary show a while ago was amazing! It's like taking a trip around the world in one night but through food!"
"I smell like a barbecue grill and I have food stains on my pants from somewhere. Probably from Singapore," Beca mutters as she glances down her shirt, almost having an anxiety attack when she thought the sauce got on her shirt.
"This is the best! We should go to South Korea next! Or Germany!" Chloe tugs her along as she shakes her head, helplessly unable to deny anything from her.
"I'm going to have a stomach ache after this," she groans as they walk in between booths, underneath rows and rows of yellow led lights.
Beca honestly doesn't go to places like this and truly, anything with Chloe becomes special because despite all the hiccups, at this point she feels weightless, content and immensely happy for the first time this year.
Truth is, it's messy, unplanned and unexpected but it's perfect. Very much like Chloe Beale herself is in Beca's life.
A beautiful disaster indeed.
Fifty food stalls, a prize won from a game, two bubble teas from Taiwan and two flower crowns later with a potentially upcoming stomach ache, they finally decide to grab a blanket and sit on the ground to listen to the amazing live bands.
Currently, a singer called Khai is performing a song named 'Do you go up'.
Chloe sits next to her. Their shoulders bumping and legs almost touching. Beca's heart keeps drumming to the beat of the bass but she's not even sure if it's the music or because of how close they are.
Close enough to kiss those pretty pink lips.
She's also very much aware that they aren't just here as a friends. They're on a date. The most fun and comfortable date she's ever been in her life, to be honest.
Last night's confessions is still fresh on her mind and it never fails to make her lips curve up in a smile.
It feels like a dream.
This is where mesmerizing blue eyes find hers.
"What?" Chloe asks, hugging her knees to her chest with a smile and those tempting lips are doing things to her again.
"I don't want to wake up," she softly says before slowly leaning to give in to the very thing she's been dying to do since three hours ago when she went to pick her up.
Waking up from this dream is the last thing she wants.
She kisses Chloe under the stars and prays that she stays dreaming. When she pulls back, Chloe chases after her like magnet, hands underneath her jaw and soft lips locking on to hers again.
She finally admits wanting to do that since earlier and Chloe stands up, much to her surprise, a hand held in front of her.
"Dance with me."
It really is hard to say no.
Chloe's arms circle around her shoulders and Beca's hands instinctively wrap around her waist. It feels right and her stomach twists into something she recognizes from a long time ago, a feeling she almost thought she'd never be able to feel again.
It's scary to think of it. Of what it is speedily growing into. Chloe's arms tighten around hers and they get even closer, swaying to the slow beat as Beca's heart feels like it's about to burst.
The feeling scares her. Because it's their first date but here she's is, nose buried in that sweet scent and mind lost in brilliant blue.
Falling really fast and way too deep.
"Are you going to be at the shelter tomorrow?" Chloe asks and the hopeful look in her eyes is unmistakable.
"You know I never missed a Sunday," Beca replies as she walks Chloe to the door of Aubrey's house. "And I made a promise which I do intend to keep," she continues as they finally come to a stop.
Beca doesn't want the night to end. Even though, technically, the night has ended at the strike of midnight.
Still, she doesn't want it to end just like all those nights when they have to part. Beca hates it the most tonight.
"I had so much fun," Chloe starts, fingers intertwining with hers. She really doesn't want to let go.
"The best date I ever had, actually," Chloe continues in a softer tone, a smile blossoming on her lips at the admittance.
"Was it now?" Beca says teasingly, letting out a smirk. "Then maybe we should do it again?" she asks before slowly adding, "Because I really... really want to go out with you again."
"So," Chloe begins, eyes unable to break away from hers. "Tomorrow then?" she asks eagerly.
Beca's smile widens at the words and really if this isn't a dream then it's probably some drug induced hallucination. One really strong drug induced hallucination.
Chloe kisses her and she forgets everything else. That is until, Chloe accidentally steps on her foot and they resolve into a laughing fit.
"I realized something," Chloe says after the laughter dies down.
Chloe remains in her arms as Beca holds her close, hands on Chloe's hip and elbow, yet they make no move to change that.
"That I was right warning you about eating too much seafood because now your stomach is entering the apocalypse and I got you home just in time?" Beca jokingly supplies.
It earns her a protest and an adorable whine.
"No! And, for your information, my stomach is doing just fine," Chloe clarifies. "What I was about to say is that I find it very convenient to kiss someone who is a bit shorter than I am. My neck is not aching and I don't have to tip toe all the time!"
"Wait a second, what do you mean, 'shorter'?"
"What do you mean cute—?!" Beca sighs, seemingly unable to complete the word in disbelief.
"You are a cute-sized, adorable, sweetheart—"
"I am not a sweetheart. We've established that already," she reminds her and Chloe's gaze holds her own.
"Just like a kitten."
"Shut up."
"Make me," Chloe blurts out and it makes both of them pause for a moment.
Beca's hand instinctively travels up from Chloe's elbow to her shoulder before slowly making it's way to her cheek, thumb brushing soft skin near luscious lips.
She slowly closes the gap, tilting her head to the side and closing her eyes before tasting those very lips once more. Her chest sighs with satisfaction and relief.
"I'm not sweet and soft," Beca murmurs against Chloe's lips when they slightly part for air.
"With me you are," Chloe replies in the same serious tone, "And I'm honored that you trust me enough to show me that side of yours."
Beca finds that she couldn't possibly deny that fact any longer.
Parting from Chloe that night is physically painful but they are taking it slow. This is new to Chloe and things like this, they take time and lots of patience. The two things Beca had offered.
But for someone so special, Beca knows that it's worth it.
Chloe is worth it.
She's only had a few hours of sleep. She should be grumpy and moody, and complaining about the lack of coffee in her system for such an early morning but no, Beca doesn't feel any of that.
Instead, she's smiling to herself as she gets ready to head out, humming a tune that has formed in her head the minute she wakes up. It grows into a full blown song and the only thing left to do is to grab a guitar and add lyrics.
Bella looks at her like she's about to roll her eyes and Beca proceeds to kiss the top of her little head. If cat looks can kill, she'd be dead by now.
A month ago, she would have been sarcastically laughing at the thought of giddy feelings and pleasant mornings but life's full of surprises and here she was, a living proof that miracles do happen.
Stacie eyes her the same way Bella does. She also smirks and winks at her naughtily which clearly translates into something Beca does not want to humor. Thus, the death glare.
It doesn't dampen her mood though. Deep down she still feels light and giddy. It's almost disgusting, honestly.
But she forgets about all of that an hour later when Chloe hugs her the moment she walks in and really, a large group of zombies could break out on the streets right now and Beca would not care.
Meanwhile, Chloe could dress as plainly as she can and still look absolutely gorgeous or maybe Stacie is right and she really has fallen impossibly deep. The end game.
Also, kissing in between a sea of cats, soft little meows, flying cat hair and all, might probably go down as one of the best romantic scenarios she'd keep in her memory forever.
And maybe the thought makes her stop for a second or two because anything with the word 'forever' is very serious business and she's been there before. Gone as far as offering it in a shape of a diamond ring and well, it's a story that ended in tears and body numbing pain.
But then lovely bright blues look at her under the glow of neon lights near the bay walk and Beca quickly shakes the heavy feeling away. It's way too early to even go that far. Thinking of forever and heartache is too much too soon for a second date.
She must be going crazy... or paranoid when she should be relaxing and having fun.
So she gets lost in their quest to find indie vinyl music, impromptu dancing and inhaling frothy espresso drinks.
Chloe's hand never leaves hers as they walk, eating gelato ice-cream before stopping by a bench to rest and listen to the musicians playing on the street.
"What is it now?" Beca asks, shifting on her seat and slightly turning her body to face Chloe whose elbow perches on the back rest of the bench as she eyes her with amusement.
"You're smiling. A lot," Chloe points out, a small smile of her own breaking in her lips.
"Am I not allowed to?" Beca replies, a trace of a smirk forming on her face.
"It's just... you don't do it often."
Beca shrugs, eyes looking down on her ice-cream cone before glancing back up again, smirk becoming more prominent as she does so.
"Depends on who I'm with."
Chloe's smile widens and Beca longs to keep a photo of it.
"Smooth, Mitchell. Very smooth."
Beca shuts her up with a kiss.
It would've been perfect if not for the wolf-whistling and howling directed their way. A small group of men throwing them lewd looks that Beca is very familiar with.
Assholes are lurking everywhere and her beautiful night has made her forget about that unfortunate possibility. Showing affection in public areas has always been something to be careful about.
All this Beca already is aware of. For Chloe however...
"Alright. Okay, let's not—Chloe don't—leave it," Beca manages to say as she continues to block her body against the raging ice-cream throwing force Chloe is exploding with.
"I'm just going to punch those shitheads on the face and break their stupid noses," Chloe almost growls as Beca pushes her farther away with much difficulty towards her parked car.
"I mean what century are we in? How are there still barbaric mountain men still wandering around the city?" Chloe continues to rant as they finally make it inside the car, much to Beca's relief. Confrontation outside the office is certainly not her strongest point.
"What's their deal, really? Are they jealous? I mean they should be—but that's not the point!" Chloe shakes her head as if to get back on track. "The point is, how can idiots like that exist? Did they get dropped as infants? You should have just let me punch them!" she finally sighs just as Beca starts to drive.
"Nope, not gonna' happen," Beca quickly replies in a much calmer tone.
"Stacie gets bad bruises on her swollen knuckles punching people's faces and I pretty much like to keep your hands unharmed," she adds, awkwardly clearing her throat at the sudden realization of what her words could imply—she honestly didn't think of that when she spoke.
The very first rule in Beca's romantic teen life had been: Always protect thy hands. Hands are very, very important.
She hopes Chloe doesn't catch on quick because... that's... a... topic... they haven't breached yet.
Slow. They are going slow and steady until the moment is right. Until Chloe is ready.
She can wait.
Chloe is so worth it.
"Doesn't it make you mad at all?" Chloe asks and Beca sighs in relief as she continues on, not really giving her words too much thought.
The last thing she wants is Chloe feeling pressured to do anything.
"I am. It's just," she makes a left turn, shoulders shrugging as she thinks about it. "It's not going to change anything. You fight back and the hate just grows. It gets bigger and then you get exhausted about it and nothing happens. It's always going to be there, the endless cycle of hate," she says in all honesty, glancing back at Chloe.
"So, we just walk away?" Chloe softly asks, head leaning at the seat's back rest as she looks at her.
Even with the dim lights, in moments of anger or in moments as solemn as this, Chloe is absolutely beautiful in any situation.
"Unfortunately, yes," Beca breathes out, eyes focusing on the road.
"But," she glances over at Chloe. "That doesn't mean that you've admitted defeat or you're weak or that they're right," she inhales deeply before slowly exhaling.
"It just means that you know better. That having the last say in an argument doesn't always mean that you've won," she slows down at the stop light and takes the time to look at her lovely companion.
She reaches out and tenderly brushes auburn hair to the side with her fingertips. When Chloe softens to her touch and leans towards her palm, Beca's heart melts.
"There's something that I think about that helps whenever stuff like this happens," she softly says, shifting a bit to lean forward and rest her elbow on the console.
Chloe's inquisitive look eggs her on to answer.
"I always think that some people hate us so much because they have such sad, miserable lives. They are so jealous whenever they see us because," her tone lowers down to a whisper as their foreheads gently bump into each other, a smile about bloom in their lips.
"I think they secretly wish that they have what we have."
"And what is it that we have?" Chloe whispers in the same manner, holding back a laugh but slowly failing.
"Magic, Chlo. We have fucking magic skills!" she hisses dramatically just as Chloe bursts out in laughter.
"And Hayley Kiyoko?" Chloe asks in between laughter while Beca's eyes widen.
"And Hayley Kiyoko!" she repeats as she falls into a fit of laughter especially when Chloe goes on to say that, 'It's working, Becs. I'm not mad anymore!'
The blaring horns break their little bubble as Beca realizes that the light has turned green ages ago. She fumbles around to get the car back into motion, a huge smile on her lips while Chloe wipes away tears in the corner of her eyes from laughing too much.
It's an addicting sound and Beca's heart sings happily especially when Chloe's hand eventually finds hers, a lazy smile on her lips and Beca feels proud to have caused it.
It rivals the feeling she gets after successfully wrapping up the annual music festival.
Or maybe it just rivals everything.
Having Chloe over for the night has always been a regular thing especially during Sundays and Beca hadn't really thought anything into it until she's preparing tea in the kitchen, her eyes lingering over towards the living room where the redhead is casually sitting as she browses through movies. Like any of their perfectly normal Sunday night.
Until she sits down next to her, that is.
Two warm mugs filled with tea and some snacks are lined up on the coffee table yet Beca doesn't give a damn about all that or Chloe's usual choice of horror movies making blood-curdling screams and haunting noises as of the moment.
What incessantly tugs at her attention is the way Chloe clings and curls up next to her, an arm circled around her while fingers unknowingly making small lazy circles on her skin every now and then. Concentrating on the ridiculously stupid— spoiler alert, they all die anyway! – film in front of her becomes ten thousand times harder especially when she feels Chloe's breath hitting her neck every time she gets scared and squeezes the life out of Beca.
Chloe's body is soft and warm against hers, her sweet scent making her light headed and really, those little endearing kisses she presses on her shoulder and at the crook of her neck in between are making her sit as still as a statue.
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