《Blue Friday》Track No. 5
"I really don't like this," Beca voices out, eyes on the TV screen as she grimaces at the images playing out.
Chloe thinks watching horror movies is a good way to relax.
Beca thinks it's dumb.
Having been criticized for only thinking about work and doing work on a day where it is a given to sit back and enjoy without the stress of thinking too much, Beca is dragged into watching horror movies. Of course she rejected the idea and called it a waste of time.
It was.
Her defense had always been that it's absurd to pay for something that would scare the shit out of you for an hour and a half. It's torture without the physical pain. Besides, when has a horror movie given the audience a happy ending? There's only either tragedy or cliffhangers. Real life's already full of that, they don't need more of it.
It gives you hope only to crush it down in the end.
Just like the mistakes her heart made.
Chloe calls her a scaredy-cat.
So now they are watching a horror movie—popcorn and chips arranged in a perfect line in front of them—because Beca hates being called a wimp and is out to prove to the newbie that horror movies are highly predictable. She's already predicted that none of the characters survive and therefore, a waste of time.
Horror movies are like a psycho's—Chloe's—favorite genre
Let's all watch the many ways on how you can get morbidly killed because of stupidity!
The death count is already three and so far Beca has painfully watched all the gore without screaming yet.
Her companion, on the other hand, the instigator of this whole horror marathon, is hiding behind her, shrieking at every moment of surprise. Popcorn is already spilling on Beca's sofa and that irritates her as much as it irritates her on how stupid the main character in the movie is.
"Why does she need to investigate stuff on her own so bravely only to run off at the first sign of the supernatural? And in a dark, old, haunted house? What else is she expecting?" she exclaims in frustration.
"She's going to die," she predicts as she munches on some chips before adding, "C'mon ghost, kill her already!" she groans while Chloe peeks from behind her shoulder.
The redhead basically turned her into a body shield and Beca doesn't realize how close they are until a frightening thing happens on screen, again. A screaming Chloe hugs her for dear life while her chest jumps at the unexpected appearance of the so-called ghost—cursed witch—whatever it was.
Okay maybe it was really scary and hiding the fact that it does scare her is getting hard. As hard as being unable to ignore the fact that Chloe's body presses against her tightly and Beca can feel... a lot of things.
Every smooth curve, how soft she is, how warm her skin is and how she can smell her shampoo mixed with something sweet, something so... Chloe.
This was a really bad idea.
So she tries to shake her away, prying off hands that are tightly gripping her and pushing her away. How they ended up this close to each other, she doesn't even know.
"Stop hiding! If you're just going to keep asking me what happened, then we should just stop watching," she argues but doesn't get to hold the remote control because Chloe is hiding it from her.
"But we're getting to the good part!"
"What's good about getting a heart attack?"
"The thrill! It's exciting and fun!"
Beca will never understand her. The redhead is clearly from another world. Her decisions regarding Chloe must've been tampered by sorcery or something because a couple of days ago, she'd never even think of sharing the same space with the newbie. Now, they are pretty much glued together, watching horror movies and making a mess on her, supposedly spotless, living room.
Another frightening scene and Chloe's jumping towards her again, hugging her as she hides her face behind Beca's back.
She almost drops the popcorn bowl. Both from the fright and the intimate contact.
Sighing, she gives up trying to defend her personal space.
The movie ends just as Beca had predicted. Although, she also does end up throwing popcorn at the screen and unintentionally cursing in fright. Of course, the newbie laughs at her, like the psycho she is. And yes, they both scream at the same time at one point, huddling together in the middle of the messy sofa.
It's weird.
Because it wasn't that bad.
"More salt?" Chloe asks after feeding her a spoonful of the sauce she's cooking. She literally just brought a spoon to her lips and out of instinct Beca opens her mouth.
"Yeah, a little bit," she replies after assessing the taste around the palette of her tongue.
"Really?" Chloe says before bringing up the same spoon to her own lips and getting a taste.
Beca freezes at the sight. Did they just—
"Ooh! I love this song!" Chloe squeals excitedly as the next track plays. Beca tries to remember the title.
The redhead had fawned over her music collection earlier and why wouldn't she? Beca had been proud of her extensive music taste. She's got songs in almost every genre, from different countries and rare classic vinyl albums.
Reluctantly on her part, she lets Chloe choose tonight's music—The Millennial Club'sSanta Barbara—which Beca is surprised of because she thought it'd be something like mainstream pop or another Disney song. But Chloe seems to have the same extensive taste because not only does she jam to electric and RnB but is also into indie, chill and synthpop-esque style of music.
Somehow, this laid back style suits her.
Currently, the redhead is dancing to the beat and somehow it's a pretty picture. The smell of mushroom sauce, chill music and that sort of free, light-hearted ambiance—Chloe's dancing with Bella in her arms now.
That girl really is something else.
And maybe that's a good thing.
There are two cups filled with tea on the coffee table now. Thinking about it, it's not so different from Beca's usual evenings. Music still drifts from somewhere in the house, Bella is languidly stretching next to her and she's sitting crossed legged on the carpet, eyes in full concentration mode as she plans her next move.
They are playing cards.
"Hurry up!" Chloe incessantly tells her with that teasing smile and Beca gives up strategizing and leaves it all to luck as she randomly chooses one of the cards the newbie is holding up.
She picked the bad card and now the psycho is pumping her fists in the air, laughing like a maniac.
She shuffles her cards immediately, even turning around as she does so while mentally promising revenge.
Chloe ends up winning.
The redhead is dancing giddily in celebration while Beca grumbles about cheating and demands a re- match.
She loses on the next game too.
Only this time there's punishment involved with a photo as proof that it happened.
Now she has 'Cutie Pie' written on her cheek with eyeliner pencil while wearing that stupid sheep headband Flo gave her.
Beca should've really thought this through and now the psycho has evidence—a photo that took almost half an hour to do where she shoots finger guns while winking.
She vows revenge of course and demands another re-match.
They don't get to though. Someone is ringing on her door bell and when she opens the door what greets her is a relieved Stacie.
"Thank god! I thought you died or something!" her best friend loudly says before examining her face in confusion and Beca has completely forgotten that she's still got words scribbled on her cheek while wearing the sheep headband—which she tears off her head immediately.
"You weren't at work today and Jesse was panicking! CR almost called the police! Aubrey has a billion of meetings so she couldn't drop by." Stacie starts to rant as she pushes Beca aside to enter. "I was busy with the new collection and you know I couldn't just leave that when the deadline is about to chew my ass. I ran all the way here and all you're actually doing is playing dress-up all by yourself —"
As soon as she utters those words, the long-legged brunette stops dead on her tracks, pausing in the middle of taking off her coat when she finds Chloe in the living room.
"Hi, Stace!" the newbie greets her as Stacie's eyes comically go wide upon the sight of Chloe wearing Beca's clothes, her jaw dropping and Beca instantly knows what's about to come next.
Her best friend whirls around to face her in a flash, features contorted into anger and proceeds to point an accusing finger at her.
"How could you? Chloe, of all people?!" she hisses in low tone that she thinks only Beca can hear—it's quite loud to be honest.
"It's not what you think—"
"We just welcomed her in our circle and you go swooping in with your raging toner. Adding her to your list of last Friday of the month women—!"
"Stace, listen to me—"
"How could you take advantage of that poor sweet thing? God, she has a boyfriend, Beca!" Stacie yells, not really bothering to hide it anymore and Beca literally jumps to clamp her mouth with her palm.
"Okay, first of all, it offends me that you would immediately take her side when she's the one taking advantage of me—"
"I said I was sorry for touching your boobs last night!" Chloe cuts in quickly from behind.
The implication that the redhead spent the night at her place has Stacie's eyebrows rising again but Beca's hand remains on her lips, silencing her muffled angry words.
"And second," she sighs, ignoring the comment and Stacie's reactions. "It's best if you don't talk about the 'Boy' word just yet and remind her why she's actually invading my peace and quiet," Beca continues, voice lowering into a whisper.
Despite the smiles and laughter, Beca is not blind. She's already heard the redhead sobbing in the bathroom and quietly wiping away tears when Chloe thinks Beca's not looking. Those smiles can only hide sadness for a limited time.
Somehow, it's mainly the reason why she constantly humors the redhead with whatever she could think of.
Because Beca knows what it feels like.
She's been there.
"I had an ugly fight with Matt so I left our apartment and sort of, half unconsciously, fled here. Beca has been... kind to let me stay," Chloe says, clarifying things once and for all as the both of them slowly turn to her.
Stacie is quick to cross the distance and hug the newbie. Chloe explains more about the situation while Stacie whispers words of comfort and support that Beca is awful at conveying. She'd never really been the affectionate type. At least, she hasn't been that type for a really long time. Thankfully, her best friend is there to fix that, prompting Chloe to admit everything that has happened.
Stacie had always carried that comforting vibe that makes you share anything to her without the fear of being judged—Beca being one of those people, obviously.
"Who knew it'd only take Red over here to make Beca miss a day at work," Stacie teases with a smirk meant only for Beca to see as Chloe turns to grab some of their dinner for Stacie.
"I can't just leave her in my house that is, if I still want to have a house to come back to," Beca mutters in a low tone, elbow on the table with her chin resting on the palm of her hand.
All three of them had gathered at the dining area when Stacie had complained about not having time to stop by at a restaurant for dinner because of her panic earlier. Apparently, being absent at work for the first time for almost five years has her friends flipping with worry. More so, since her cellphone had been out of battery all day. Even Aubrey had called Stacie to check up on her—although it's mainly to ask if she can start making arrangements for an autopsy and the funeral service. Flo thought she was kidnapped—'It's the Mexican cartel, you guys. Beca is small so smuggling her across borders is easy. I know how it works and it's not fun'—and Fat Amy has already provided a hearse and snacks for the wake—'As Beca's number one best friend, all of you can sit down now because I have prepared the most heart-felt eulogy'.
"She's just scared I'd take Bella away from her because Bella loves me more now," Chloe responds simply as she gives Stacie a plate.
"Have you heard Bella and Beca talk to each other?" Stacie enthusiastically asks Chloe who nods eagerly.
"Cutest thing ever!"
"I know, right? Beca used to sing her to sleep when she was a kitten,"
"No way! That's so adorable! Do you have a video?"
"Actually I do but it's on my computer. I'll share it to you next time!"
"I'm still here, guys. Still here! And you said you erased it!" Beca stares at her best friend in betrayal. Stacie merely seems apologetic and has the audacity to look unaffected at all.
"I did, on my phone but... I had another copy?" the long-legged brunette shrugs as if it was the normal thing to do.
"See, this is why I don't trust people," Beca grumbles.
"Oh c'mon, how could I destroy the only proof that you're a sweetheart deep down?" Stacie says before picking up Bella from the floor and giving her kisses.
"Right, Bella?" she coos as Beca rolls her eyes at them.
Bella nuzzles her head against Stacie's neck and again Beca feels betrayed.
Useless lesbian cat.
Stacie goes home or better yet, Beca kicks her out before she spills more of her secrets to the redheaded psycho—or steals more of Bella's kisses. Also because it's almost bed time in Beca's schedule and she'd rather go jump in the Pacific Ocean than have another day ruined.
Surprisingly, it doesn't bother her that much as she thought it would.
Chloe's cleaning up the dishes, Bella is fed and the music has mellowed down into a slower rhythm. She decides to help out in the kitchen and finds out how efficient they work together.
Chloe sings along to the music and Beca isn't even surprised anymore—because she's given up on trying to understand her—as she subtly moves her head to the beat.
The kitchen is spotless after a couple of minutes and they finally call it a day, much to Beca's relief. Chloe happily takes the sofa for the night and Beca finally gets to continue reading her book in her bed. She's more than half an hour deep into chapters and pages when she realizes her cup of tea is empty and the clock reads ten in the evening.
Taking the cup, she discards her book and makes her way to the kitchen. Her abrupt entrance catches the tears in Chloe's eyes and it takes them both off-guard. She tries to hide them and Beca, who hates awkward moments as much as she hates homophobia, continues to cross the distance towards the kitchen without a word.
Bella, unlike her however, is already by Chloe's side and softly meowing at the redhead. Beca doesn't even deny the fact that her cat is better at comforting people than she is. She's never been good on consoling crying girls and internally panics instead. But it isn't because she hates it when they do but because she doesn't know what to do—or what to say—when they cry and it makes her feel useless.
She washes her cup and hangs it up the drying rack, a full on debate on her mind. Should she say something? Offer her anything? Give her a pat on the back? But for what? Congratulations on surviving such a heavy ordeal?
Scratch all that.
Shaking her head, she turns around, ultimately deciding to just leave her be because there's certainly nothing she could do as of the moment that doesn't scream awkward and her body refuses to act on anything.
"Beca?" a soft voice stops her from her tracks and consciously she turns to the source.
Chloe has the bluest eyes she's ever seen. It's not just blue, it's like this rare colored gem kind of blue that you could spot from miles away. It's hard not to look at them when they seem to glimmer for your attention. You could simply get lost in that endless sea of blue and not even realize it. Any man would consider himself lucky to stare into those eyes every day.
To be the first person it greets in the morning and last one it bids goodnight.
Rachelle had green eyes that Beca used to compare to emeralds even though the woman dismissed it every time, calling it a dull shade of green that sometimes turned gray at night. Nonetheless, she loved staring at them until they wouldn't stare back at her the same way Beca looks at her anymore. It was one of the things that broke her heart when the relationship abruptly ended, leaving a beautiful diamond ring sitting at the very back of her closet.
Beca wonders if Chloe thinks the same about her eyes too, that it's nothing special at all. Or if the man the redhead is crying about thinks about these beautiful blue irises that hold the stars and how his life would be when he realizes that he wouldn't be able to see them anymore. To look at him with pure adoration reserved only for him alone. That he should have realized how painful it is to see those very eyes loose its glimmer and shed endless pools of misery now that he has left.
How could he even stomach the act of turning away from them?
She couldn't possibly understand it.
"Thank you," Chloe sincerely says and Beca still doesn't understand anything because what has she really done to be thanked? So far all she's ever given is her half-hearted decision to let her stay— okay, so maybe she needs to be thanked.
But when Chloe motions towards her own cup of tea by the coffee table and the small bottle she lifts up for her to see, everything becomes clear and Beca figures that the simple act she had been unable to resist doing yesterday night has been brought to light. She didn't really think it meant anything or that the newbie would find out about it at all.
"For the tea and essential oil you left at my table the other night. It really helped," Chloe continues to emphasize.
To be honest she didn't think she'd notice or put it all together easily. Mostly because, she never would have foreseen having Chloe spending a day at her place where the same brand of tea is abundant in her kitchen and the very same bottle of essential oil sits at a corner of her bathroom.
When she quietly left a cup of tea on the sleeping newbie's table, the only reason in her head had been that a late employee is better than a sick one. A sick employee would mean zero accomplishments and extra work on the others which would cause delays.
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Alpha submitted
|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|"You will submit to me!" He growled, clenching his jaw as he glared down at me.I raised a brow and looked him dead in the eyes "No 'Alpha'." I smirked mocking the word Alpha. "You will submit to me." *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*Aylean Rafe Beowulf born a true blood alpha, but was a runt. Being a runt is a disgrace to werewolves, so her pack would have refused her as a Luna, so her parents made her the omega of their pack. Disrespected her entire life, she had enough and chose to become a rouge, but on her journey she met her mate. Alpha Aztec Amaruq Hunter, the alpha of the strongest pack in the world a cold and stern alpha, but when his true mate comes along a stubborn girl who doesn't want to submit, he doesn't know what to do. What will happen? Will Aylean submit or will it be the other way around? Find out :)Just a small warning my grammar isn't good lol, also it's still a working progress, but enjoy! :)(All images are from Google)
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