《Blue Friday》Bad Idea
Chloe wakes up with Matt's arms around her waist. Her alarm hasn't gone off yet but there's sunlight softly streaming into her window. She likes these moments the most because it's calm and it gives you time to relax in this undisturbed atmosphere. It also makes room for her thoughts to run.
Last Friday, she and Matt made up.
The flowers he gave her are now sitting perfectly in a vase are a reminder of the promise to give what they have another shot. They've talked about it but there's still more to let out. Feelings that needed to be shared and issues that needed to be brought to light. But then Matt had work to get to so they've planned to spend a day without any distractions to make this talk happen.
For now, it's okay.
They're okay.
It's not great but nothing's perfect after all.
Her thoughts linger until they bring her to dark stormy blues. She smiles at the thought even though those very eyes are tainted with sadness. The sadness that now Chloe knows the reason of.
Loving someone that much even after the amount of pain they've given you, it's something Chloe thinks about. She's had painful break-ups where the amount of time needed for her heart to heal varies but none of them lasted for a year. Then again, she's never been at that point of almost marrying the person before the break-up.
She wonders what that's like. To still feel that much pain for a year over someone who has completely messed you up. Beca may have recently started talking about it but Chloe could still see it. It's almost as if it all just happened yesterday.
It angers her because CR's words keep repeating in her head.
"...we really wished that you should've started working for Beca years ago because we're pretty sure that you'd get along better with her"
To hurt someone to the point of massively changing who they are, that's just unacceptable.
And that is why Chloe decides that being friends with Beca Mitchell is going to be her main goal for this year. People might call her crazy but with what she's seen so far, her instincts are right—just like it always has about someone's personality. Besides, Chloe has always been known to fiercely protect her friends and would do anything for them.
Maybe through this friendship, the tiny brunette would start smiling more.
A smile makes a person glow into their best self and Beca certainly looks very pretty when she smiles.
Also, Beca wouldn't be so sad and lonely anymore. Because she'd have her. Chloe would be there.
She gets up with this in mind. That, and getting Paris Blake for their music fest.
It's a piece of cake.
"Good morning!" she greets with much more enthusiasm than usual as soon as Beca promptly steps out of the elevator at the exact minute she always does every single day.
However, this enthusiastic greeting might be a little bit too much for the overall producer of live events as Beca's chest leaps up, a hand coming up to her heart.
"God! I haven't even had caffeine in my system yet, Beale," Beca mutters, chest heaving as she eyes her with that familiar look of annoyance—it'll change, she believes that.
"Sorry," she smiles apologetically before handing a cup of coffee towards the brunette before proceeding with an explanation.
"The barista has a crush on me and gave me an extra," she says smoothly despite it being a lie.
Apparently, Beca hates being freely handed things and Chloe has learned the hard way. She's baked those cookies to perfection and yet it still went down the trash can weeks ago. Nevertheless, she's found a way to give food and drinks by coming up with tons of excuses that wouldn't sound like a bribe—because it's not a bribe and Chloe is just a genuinely sweet person who likes to give desserts and drinks to people she wants to befriend, in this case, Beca.
Beca starts walking and she follows, a triumphant smile on her lips when the brunette takes a sip. She catches up to Beca's pace as Jesse joins them, handing papers and reporting today's schedule without fail.
"Also you're invited to a birthday party from one of the music executives of Circle Media, Mr. Henry Wright," Jesse reads the name from the invitation before glancing at Chloe who raises her eyebrows in excitement.
"Fun and classy," she notes, looking at the fancy invitation.
"Are we also invited?" she asks Jesse who nods happily.
"Oh yes we are! The perks of working for Amplify,"
"I'm not going," Beca cuts their little happy moment as Chloe face falls and Jesse's shoulders sag.
"Why? It's on a weekend!" Chloe points out while Jesse looks on hopefully.
"The next Saturday night, to be exact," he adds as they both stop in front of Beca's table. The brunette now taking off her coat and opening her computer without missing a beat.
"I'm not going because it's the same party every year and the only thing that's different is the amount of candles on that cake. It's probably going to be sparklers this year for the candles though, then some necessary socializing, then alcohol and then fireworks," Beca replies monotonously as she reviews the papers on her desk.
"Alcohol and fireworks, the way to my heart! Are we talking about the party at the Hilton next Saturday?" CR steps in as she hands Beca a folder.
"The logo design drafts for the Chicago fan event," she explains.
"Beca's not coming to the party," Jesse answers for everyone and CR immediately looks like somebody's done something awful to the world.
"That's not right," she says. "Even Aubrey is going to this party and I haven't asked Stacie but she's got friends everywhere so she'll be there," she adds before dropping her voice lower. "Also 'cause Aubrey's going to be there,"
"What's with those two really? Are they together or not? Because I'm feeling this vibe. There's definitely something there," Chloe asks, looking even more confused than earlier while CR nods in agreement.
"We don't know either, Red. They've been on and off for a year now and honestly, we're not sure anymore if they are on or off," Jesse shrugs while seemingly dusting off his tie.
"Since when has my area become a place of chit chat?" Beca suddenly says in a cold tone, eyeing them all with a look that can burn someone alive before slipping in a much subdued, "And Aubrey and Stacie's benefits thing is a complicated matter which is why it is to be talked about after office hours," followed by a very stern, "Now all of you, get back to work!" as Jesse and CR scramble to their work areas. Which then leaves Chloe standing awkwardly in front of the brunette.
Sensing her presence, Beca looks up at her again. "Spit it out, Beale,"
"Oh, uhm the Paris Blake thing I told you about last Friday?" she answers, moving closer but when no sign of recognition passes Beca's face and the brunette just stares at her with a look she can't decipher.
"She has a commercial shoot scheduled for filming today and I'm going there to talk to her manager. Give them the invite and all. You know, our deal?" Chloe expresses, hands waving in the air as she stares at those intense dark blues who seem to bore holes straight through her.
The silence continues and Chloe itches to elaborate further so she does, "I need to go out for field work duty—that's what the employee manual reads? And I need your permission for that,"
"Great," Beca blurts out in a rather tender tone before blinking and clearing her throat, "I mean, go. You have my permission. Go do... that,"
The awkward reply reminds Chloe about the time when she was getting rid of Bella's fur on Beca's blazer and it somehow makes her miss the little fluffy sweetheart. Maybe she should drop by sometime this week for a small visit—also so she can browse Beca's music collection and ask for some more of that calming oil.
Nevertheless, she nods and gives her a smile before leaving.
Everything is going according to plan. By the time the day is done, who knows? Paris Blake may already be interested in performing for their event. The contract signing would be next then she wins the deal, a new best friend and the right to prove herself strong enough to survive this grueling industry.
What else can go wrong?
The location for the commercial shoot is located at a hotel, a really expensive one. From the minute she breathes in the air inside the establishment, she could already smell luxury.
Despite that, none of that tremendously intimidates her. She won awards performing in dance events back in high school and singing competitions in college. Being constantly in front of people does help in getting rid of any overwhelming situation although not entirely.
There's still that tinge of awe and that challenge to make a good first impression, the most important thing when it comes to meeting new people.
Chloe does miss performing though. She even had dreams of making it big in Broadway but that didn't happen.
Well, at least she gets to run around Hollywood and chase superstars. Close enough. "Tessa!" Chloe suddenly erupts finally finding the person she's been looking for.
"Chlo!" the brunette wearing a blue company sanctioned t-shirt eagerly greets her in the same intensity, opening her arms for a hug.
When they let go, Chloe eyes her with relief and appreciation, "You don't know how thankful I am that you happen to be working on this gig at the right moment!"
"It's nothing. What are friends for?" Tessa smiles, eyes turning into moon crescents before nudging her side playfully.
"And look at you! Amplify, huh? You deserve it,"
"Well, I'm still working on the 'deserving it' part and this project is sort of the make it or break it for me so, I definitely have to make it, Tess. I've got a boss to prove my worth to," she says gnawing her bottom lip in anxiety and excitement.
"Sounds like you're working for a monster there. Is he one of those balding gray haired men whose beer bellies are about to pop out their shirts?" Tessa asks as they walk up the staircase.
"Uhm, no, no and no. My boss is a girl, a year younger than me actually—"
"Is she pretty? If she is—which I'm 99 percent certain of, is she single?" her friend quickly pushes her side, eyes lighting up in anticipation.
"I thought you're with that guy who is like a hand commercial model?" Chloe tries to remember his name but doesn't come up with anything other than the fact that he spends most of his time making sure his hands are moisturized and flawless.
"Oh no I broke up with him after a week—or less, it doesn't matter. Besides, who would date a guy who doesn't hold your hand unless you have your hands moisturized? Ugh, if he can't do that then how's he going to tickle me down there?"
"That's not... right," Chloe sighs, wondering how the conversation turned south so fast.
But then who is she kidding? This is Tessa she's talking to.
"Damn right it isn't!" Tessa passionately agrees.
"Foreplay is everything Chloe. Everything,"
"Agreed, so let's go get business done here that I could finally treat you to something delicious and we could talk more about other things later," she immediately cuts in, ushering her friend towards the upper floor.
"Fine, also, you didn't answer my question,"
Chloe looks back at her friend in confusion, trying to remember what the question was.
"Your boss, Chloe! Is she pretty or what?"
"Oh, Beca? Yeah,"
"Beca? Cute name. Is she single?"
Chloe pauses again as she eyes her friend pointedly. "You're not even going to ask if she's into women or not?"
"Sweetie, there's not a woman out there who is a hundred percent straight, okay? Also," her friend smiles slyly, giving her a playful look as she points at her. "No matter how drunk we were then, I haven't forgotten about you confessing your regrets about not experimenting more back in college,"
Swatting her hand away, Chloe shakes her head with a smile. "That was just curiosity, okay?"
"Yeah? What about your massive girl crush with that girl from your a cappella group?" Tessa wiggles her eyebrows.
"That's a thing, you know. Girls have girl crushes all the time! It's basically just admiration. She's so pretty and does everything so well!"
"Whatever you say, Chlo Bear," Tessa says with a teasing shrug before motioning her hand over at her form, eyes squinting as she seemingly tries to figure out something.
"I'm giving you a 75 percent on the straight meter,"
"Oh shut up!" she says, giving her friend a playful shove as they both erupt in laughter.
"Bryan? Bryan Domingo," Chloe says with a smile she knows is warm enough to break through cold walls.
The guy in a cap looks up from his phone to look at her. There are bags on his shoulders, which he carries with ease and a cup of what looks like health juice on his left hand.
"I'm Chloe Beale from Amplify," she says with an official ID to prove that.
The name of the company immediately sparks recognition on Bryan's face as he immediately takes the hand Chloe offers to give it a quick shake. Now all she has to do is entice Paris Blake's manager to at least give their offer a shot.
"Is this about the album interview because Paris still has schedules lined up and we're not sure about which to take first. She still has a magazine cover and a music video to shoot but we're definitely going to do that interview with Amplify," Bryan explains, eyes dropping to his phone every now and then.
"Ah well, that's good! But I'm here for another reason," Chloe starts and at her words Bryan looks back up at her again.
"We're inviting Paris to perform at our annual music festival as one of the main acts. As you know it's one of the largest events Amplify is hosting, it is to be attended by approximately more than a hundred thousand fans with full media coverage and we'd like Paris Blake to take center stage with her new album coming out," Chloe gets straight to the point, laying it all out in one go. People in this industry are already used to sugar coated words and fake smiles so, best to get right down to business. Besides, entertainment people are always rushing, time is gold in Hollywood.
And it seems to be working.
"I am aware how good this is, believe me, her publicist would love this but you have to take this one with Paris herself. She still has the final say when it comes to performing for events such as this. If it were up to me, I would've signed her up the second you asked," Bryan replies before leading her towards a hallway.
That's a good sign.
At least she's jumped through the first obstacle easily. Now on to the next and this one might be a little too high.
Nevertheless, Chloe has high hopes.
Who the hell would say no to such an opportunity?
"I'm sorry, thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass this year," Paris tells her twenty minutes later and Chloe's heart drops.
What just happened?
Paris Blake is literally like an ethereal being. Having only dealt with local bands, Chloe's in awe at the sort of presence superstars like Paris exude. Her skin is luminous, or whatever lotion commercials yap about the effect of their products. Her auburn hair is so shiny and soft, at least that's what it must feel to the touch. She's still wearing this comfortable looking bath robe as her assistants start prepping her for today's shoot. Still, she could definitely wear that and still look fashionable. And don't even forget about how good she smells. Chloe only gives her perfume bottle one look and she instantly knows that it's worth more than her salary.
She's so star struck that it takes a moment to realize that the singer is looking at her through the mirror. Bryan introduces her and Chloe immediately steps forward, reaching out to shake her hand. Her theory about the singer's soft skin is proving to be correct.
It's so surreal that it all feels like she's floating in some dream. She's sure this is everyone's dream.
"A fellow redhead, lovely," Paris comments fondly, pointing at her own red locks.
"Is that natural?" she asks with a smile while Chloe nods, a smile breaking in her own lips.
"So, what can I do for you, babe?"
"Just one simple thing," Chloe replies, unbelievably still finding her voice despite currently being stunned by how her day is turning up.
"And what would that be?" Paris throws back at her light heartedly and Chloe thanks her stars for how accommodating the singer is.
"We want you to headline Amplify's annual music festival at the Empire. We only want the best and so here I am," she confidently says.
Paris looks over at Bryan who nods. "It's one of the biggest music events in the country. It's perfect," he tells the singer who seems to be deep in thought.
"Take this as an official invitation. You don't have to decide right now if there is a schedule conflict to be sorted out. We can wait," Chloe assures her.
"Of course," Paris mumbles, a knuckle under her chin as she looks far away before finally snapping back to life with a question, "How's Jonathan, by the way? He could've just called,"
The question throws Chloe off because now she's mentally starting to run a list of employees named Jonathan but comes up with none.
"I'm sorry, we're talking about Jonathan..." she leaves her words hanging, hoping for Paris to help juggle her memory.
"Jonathan Strauss, your boss?" the singer supplies before taking in the confusion of her face. "Oh, is he still in Amplify?"
"No, I'm afraid not," Chloe answers suddenly remembering papers which she's seen the familiar name scribbled underneath a signature.
"We have a new overall events producer,"
"Ah. Jonathan was an old friend, you see. I've worked with him a couple of times. There's only a few people in this industry you can count on, if you know what I mean,"
"I do and you can trust that there's still people like him out there. I and our whole team are some of those people,"
There's not an ounce of hesitation in her voice as she says this with pride. She's done her research before entering the company and knows just how big Beca's accomplishments were. It was her capability to handle massive projects such as this that has earned her the reputation she has now and the position she holds.
Last year's music festival was one of the most successful events the company has ever had and to think that it was Beca's first music festival as the head of the team. The theme then was 'Hope through music'. A theme Beca herself chose.
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