《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 22: Long Story Short
They ended up on a bridge and Harlow couldn't fathom the amount of fire that surrounded them. Damien placed his hand on the door at the end of the bridge and it opened with a loud groan. He led them in and Harlow couldn't wrangle in the gasp that left her.
It looked like they were in the fanciest French resort ever imagined. The décor was high class, while the backdrop and scenery outside was breathtaking. "How is this Hell?" Harlow whispered to Damien who chuckled. "I told you not to believe the hype."
They walked along an expansive corridor and Harlow couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. All of a sudden shadow after shadow began to pop up. "Don't worry about them. They're just eager to see their new Princess." Damien stroked her hand before kissing it.
Cerberus had reformed and walked noisy behind them. Harlow couldn't help but look back at him and blow a kiss. They finally came to a glass door, which Damien placed his hand on before it opened. This area was nicer than the last. Everything looked expensive and Harlow immediately knew where Damien got his tastes from.
Damien walked them into a type of waiting area that was all black and lace. Damien motioned her to sit, but Harlow didn't have it in her to be still. "Breathe, dove. Come here." Harlow let out a breath before taking a seat on his lap. It seemed like they had waited for hours before a door in the corner opened.
They stood up and Harlow didn't know what to expect. She couldn't describe how she felt when she saw him. The energy around him was dark and powerful, but she took note that she could feel Ayla and she was surprisingly overjoyed.
He was tall and muscular with a white and gray beard and a head full of salt and pepper hair. She knew immediately that he was the Devil, but more importantly that he was Damien's father. The features were strikingly identical. He moved with a regal air about him that the most prominent of kings wished for.
Harlow was so enamored by Lucifer that she didn't see the large red demon that walked in behind him. Kali gasped inside her head snapping Harlow out of it. Her eyes landed on the large demon and immediately teared up.
She hated herself and the emotions that were building within. She breathed through them before sensing Abaddon. Harlow blinked away her tears before squeezing Damien's hand. "Father." Damien said coolly. "Son."
Harlow couldn't take her eyes off of her father long enough to pay attention to the tension and stressed banter between her mate and the Prince of Darkness. "Harlow." She took her eyes off of her father long enough to see Lucifer staring at her with obvious disdain.
"Lucifer." She responded with a sweet smile. It seemed to catch him off guard, but he recovered. "I'm sure my son has told you what this visit is about." Harlow shook her head before looking at her father. "I came here to speak with my father. You just added unnecessary stipulations."
Damien wasn't sure where this confidence and boldness was coming from, but he was getting turned on by the second. There were many things Harlow could do to arouse him, but standing toe to toe with his father was a major one. "Watch your tone."
Harlow's glare was on her father with a quickness. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Beelzebub. You lost that privilege the day you left me and my mother." Beelzebub watched as her eyes flicked from a rich brown that were identical to his late mate to pitch black that were identical to his. He was torn between feeling proud and guilty.
"You can have your reunion AFTER you go through the tests." Lucifer spoke up, but Harlow stood her ground. "I will be speaking with my father first and foremost before completing your little tests." Wes could tell Satan was getting perturbed and it tickled him. He was proud of his mate for not backing down or taking any shit. Lucifer looked like he wanted to argue, but Harlow served a glare so fierce it almost had him backing down. Almost.
"You have ten minutes." Harlow laughed loudly. "We have as long as it takes for me to get the necessary answers I am owed. Then and only then will we reconvene and do your thing." He didn't know whether he liked her or not, but this brazenness was definitely an improvement to the chipper mortal he would watch from time to time in her youth. "We'll leave you alone," Damien finally spoke up heading towards the door. They stopped and noticed that Cerberus and Abaddon weren't moving and smiled at the overprotective demons.
They stared at each other once the room was emptied of the others. "Why?" Harlow asked after a while. Beelzebub looked down at his red hands and thought back to all the moments he daydreamed of seeing his only child again.
When he didn't answer Harlow found herself standing directly in front of him. "You are going to answer me or so help me..." He looked up and watched as she visibly shook with anger. "I couldn't do both." He finally spoke up. "I couldn't be the highest-ranking demon and a husband or father."
"I have enemies who took every chance they could to attack you and your mother. One even got so close as to harming you. He took her left arm and turned it a bit revealing a scar she couldn't remember receiving but always had. "I killed that angel so slowly. It's still one of my favorite kills." She watched as he got a faraway look in his eyes. "Why did you have to choose this over us? Were we not enough?" He sighed heavily letting her arm go.
"I am a demon, Harlow. I've always been a demon. It's all I ever knew. I hardly ever went to Earth and still managed to be one of the most revered demons in the underworld, but that all changed the day I met your mother."
He smiled for the first time and Harlow couldn't deny how handsome her father was even in his demonic form. "She was the first angel that treated me like an equal. She always said we were all angels we just had different colored wings." Harlow smiled at the lost memory that floated to her in that instant. She did remember her mom saying that.
"I didn't know how to love and protect you both on top of doing what I loved. I left for a variety of reasons. I spent ten years hunting down my enemies that wanted to harm you and your mother. I needed to make sure you were safe, but the main reason I left was because it was best for you." Harlow didn't know what came over her, but as she slapped her father with the force of a thousand winds a pin could be heard.
"The best thing for me was to have a father who knew what I was and could help me navigate life as a ½ demon. The best thing for me was to have my father be present as I sat round after round of chemo with my dying mother only for it not to work. The best thing for me was to not feel so unwanted and unlovable, because the first man I ever loved left me."
Beelzebub watched as the tears fell freely and his chest constricted. "What do you want Harlow?" The sob that left her wrecked him on a cellular level. "I want my father! I just want to have my father back!" She cried out before placing her face in her palms. He stood there and watched as his only child fell apart. He didn't know why, but as he pulled her into his embrace, he knew it was the right thing to do. He let her cry and he knew she was crying over so much.
He didn't know how much time had passed, but when she finally seemed to have collected herself, he waved his hand over her face restoring it to its pristine glory. "Do you love me?" She asked throwing him off. "It's a simple question, Dad. Do you love me?" He nodded his head not removing his eyes from her piercing gaze. "Do you want a relationship with me?" He sighed loudly.
"I'm not a kid anymore, Dad. I know what I am. The first known tribrid mated to three of the most powerful supernatural creatures. I know all eyes are on me and that I may or may not be in danger at all times, but it would be helpful if I had my all-powerful father by my side to navigate this supernatural world and ward off potential enemies." He looked into her deep brown eyes and couldn't help but think about his late wife. "You remind me so much of Harper. You both always knew how to weave points together for any and all arguments against me."
It was the first time Beelzebub heard a genuine laugh from his daughter and he was taken back to nights on their porch back in Georgia as he told her stories and tickled her before bed. "What are you afraid of Dad?" He looked back into his daughter's eyes and saw the look of fear and sadness.
Harlow grabbed her father's bright red hands and squeezed them. "I need my father. I'm still so mad at you for leaving us, but life is crazy, short and unpredictable and I'm tired of being without my Dad." She whispered before looking up at him with unshed tears.
' Beelzebub heard his late wife's voice so clearly in his head it shook him. He had visited Harper just before she died and he had promised her that he would look out for their daughter, which he did. He kept the supernatural away and ensured she lived a regular mortal life. However, Harper had also made him promise that he'd be there for her and he failed on that front. He felt so guilty for leaving. He felt wrecked for choosing his nature over the nurture Harper had given him.
"Baby steps," Beelzebub finally relented. The wide smile that graced her face took him back to the day she walked for the first time. He was in the kitchen cooking and he looked up to see her wide gummy smile as she walked to him. It was one of the happiest days of his life, because he knew she felt safe and trusted that no matter if she fell, he would be there to catch her.
"I want to talk three times a week and nothing superficial. I want us tackling real issues and deep conversations to get to a healthy and reunited place. I also want you to help me and Kali. You were supposed to show me how to be a powerful badass demon and you're going to start ASAP. Also, I want monthly dinners. These terms are non-negotiable."
"You are your mother's daughter," Beelzebub laughed before pulling her into him. "Like your mother you forgive too easily." She looked up into his pitch-black eyes and gave a small smile. "It wasn't easy. Despite anger being Kali's love language, we are both so tired of being hurt and angry towards you. I didn't know what to expect today, but I'm happy with the outcome." Beelzebub caressed his daughter's cheek. "I'm so very sorry, peanut."
Harlow wanted to keep it together. She really did, but the combination of a genuine apology and her childhood nickname and she was a goner. He held her close as she cried all over again. "I'm so sorry. I should have chosen you, but I will be moving forward. From here on out you truly come first. I will earn your trust again." He said pushing her back to look into her eyes.
"If I'm being honest, I was a coward who didn't know how to handle the pressures that came with family and being mated to a unique hybrid. Those were my issues and I will deal with them, but I will no longer punish you for my baggage. I promise." Harlow nodded her head before resting her head back on her father's expansive chest.
He let her get her tears out before waving his hand once more and righting her makeup. They took a seat on the leather contemporary styled couch and held onto one another's hands. "Will you uncloak my powers?" Beelzebub chuckled. "Your mates already took care of that. It was the first thing I checked for when Lucifer told me who you were mated to and what was happening. You're more powerful than your mother and I could've ever imagined. You were fully uncloaked when you completed the mating and marking process with your last mate."
Harlow nodded at the information. "Should I be worried about these tests?" Harlow finally asked. "Why is he even making me do this? Aren't y'all like best friends? He should be happy we're mated to one another." Beelzebub sighed loudly before shaking his head.
"Satan hates all things Heaven related. He would have accepted you if you were ½ witch, but that ¼ angel is what the issue is. He doesn't like any connection to God. He doesn't even like being called Lucifer so the fact that you're still alive after calling him that says a lot."
Harlow rolled her eyes. "His Pappy named him Lucifer so that's what I'm calling him." Beelzebub chuckled before shaking his head. "You can take the girl out the South..." Harlow chuckled quietly.
"These tests can be difficult. I hate that I didn't prepare you or Kali. Another strike against my paternal track record." Harlow stroked his hand in a comforting manner. "He wants you to fail to ensure that he doesn't have a grandchild with angel DNA, despite the very fact that he is an angel himself. He has major Daddy issues if you haven't noticed." They chuckled together.
"Trust Kali," he said before looking deep into her eyes. "Kali, trust Harlow." She gave her father a small smile before pulling him into a hug. "I'll show you how to create portals and set you up to move freely here in Hell as I spend 75% of my time here." Harlow nodded happily.
"Where do you spend the remaining 25%?" He chuckled lightly. "Alaska." Harlow looked at him surprised before laughing. "You're a mess, Dad." He shrugged before pulling her up. He looked away for a second and moments later the door opened back up as they all filed back in.
"You good, Princess?" Wes whispered kissing her temple as she nodded. "Time for the fun to begin." Lucifer chuckled darkly. "Whatever you say, Lucifer." Beelzebub couldn't help but chuckle lowly as he took in the angered expression of his best friend and shook his head. "Time to introduce your Princess to her subjects."
Harlow looked nervously at Damien whose jaw seemed to tick double time. They followed Lucifer down a dark hall before going outside. The heat was a lot, but as a southern girl she could take it.
As they walked further, she noticed an arena type colosseum in front of them. "What in tarnation?" Harlow said lowly causing Beelzebub to laugh despite himself. Damien squeezed her hand lovingly before stroking it. They walked up stone steps before making their way onto the stage. Harlow never thought she would see that many demons in her life. Up until a few years ago she didn't really even believe in the supernatural.
She watched as demon after demon looked at her with pensive eyes. They ranged in shade, size and weight. There were a few that were simply shadows and she wondered what their deal was. Lucifer stood forward and they all watched as his overpowering voice boomed throughout the large arena.
He introduced Harlow and it was apparent he was rooting for her to fail in the words he chose to use. "As you know these tests can be administered to ensure that someone is worthy of their status and as the future Princess of the Underworld, we want to make sure she's up for the task." Harlow couldn't help the eye roll that left her.
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