《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 7: Silhouette
"Come on, Princess." Wes said reaching for her hand. Like the others, sensations and emotions washed over her the moment their hands touched. Wes' hands were rough as expected, but there was a gentle warmness to them that made her want him to touch her all over. She walked pass the courtyard with them and noticed the actual fear that were in the eyes of the men and women that often littered the space. She knew unlike her that anyone and everyone knew about the "Triple Threat" and just figured they were shocked to be in the presence of such wealthy men.
"You guys really don't have to do this," Harlow said as she walked in front of them up the stairs. None of the men were listening to a word she was saying as they watched her ample bottom bounce with each movement. 'She's fucking perfect.' Wes said hungrily. 'I want to bend her over this railing and fuck the shit out of her.' Val all but panted. 'Patience, brothers. We'll get there.' Damien said coolly, but he too was tempted to have his way with her right then and there. They made it to the sixth floor and she turned to smile at them. "Thanks so much," Harlow said before walking to her door with them in tow.
She noticed immediately that something was wrong. She looked and her door had been kicked in. She made a move to run in, but Val grabbed her quickly. "No, cara mia. Let them go make sure it's safe." She watched as Damien and Wes walked into her apartment that she had called home for a month. It wasn't much whatsoever, but it was the first place that was her own.
Wes and Damien took in the disheveled apartment. Everything was turned upside down and they were sure the little that Harlow had was gone. The bed was even stripped and the closest bare of any clothes. They walked back out to her with sad expressions and broke as she began crying. Damien wanted to find whoever did this and make them suffer as he heard his mate's sobs. She all of a sudden stopped with wide eyes and ran into the apartment. "ALISTAIR! ALISTAIR!" She screamed out frantically.
"She left her son home alone?" Val asked confusedly. "ALISTAIR, baby! Come to Mama." They watched as a large cat walked out from a kitchen cabinet. "BABY!" Harlow screamed happily as she picked up the feline and held him to her chest. She rubbed his back as he purred and looked at the three men standing there. They watched in shock as his light brown eyes changed to a demonic red. 'Did you just see that?' Val asked shocked. 'Yes!' Damien and Wes replied.
Harlow turned around to see their stunned expressions and knew this wasn't helping her cause in trying to not receive judgement from them for where she lived. "Thank you for being here, but you can go now." They snapped out of their shock and looked at her crazily. "You're not staying here, dove." Damien said with a finality that shocked her. "You're going to come stay with us." It was Harlow's turn to look at them crazily before bursting into laughter. They didn't know what was funny, but they were more than sure that she would be leaving that apartment with them tonight.
"First of all, I don't know you, so living with you is preposterous. Second of all, you're my bosses and that is beyond inappropriate. Third of all, no." This was one of those moments Damien loved and hated. Her stubbornness was going to be the death of him if he could actually die. "Harlow, this place is a literal war zone and a permanent feature on the daily news. You are not staying here any longer and that's final." Damien said sternly and it made her chuckle.
"You're caucasity is showing, Damien." He looked at her confusedly. "My what?" Wes waved him off. "Harlow, it isn't safe here and you know that. We just want to protect you." She looked at Wes suspiciously. "Why are you three so intent and focused on me? You don't know me. You could have any woman in the world that you wanted. So, why me? Why pay me any attention or drive me home or have dinner with me? I'm nobody." She whispered the last part, but they heard her.
Val walked up to her before throwing caution to the wind and caressing her cheek. The cold sensation did something to her senses. "You're more special to us than you'll ever know, querida. We care about you so much and like you even more. We want to protect you with everything in us. Let us protect you, Harlow, please." The confession had her reeling. She wasn't expecting that whatsoever and what was crazier is that she believed him. She saw nothing but sincerity and truth in his hazel green eyes and she trusted that. She trusted him.
Then his words hit her again. "Wait...you all like me?" Wes smiled widely before nodding his head yes. Damien gave her a smirk before nodding. "Whew chile," Harlow mumbled causing them to snicker. "Move in with us, dove." Damien said stepping forward. "Let us take care of you, Princess." Wes said as he moved in. They surrounded her and it did nothing for her concentration. She thought for a moment before she pulled Alistair back to look into his eyes. "What do you say, Ali? Should we move in with these ridiculously handsome and rich White men?"
Alistair gave a loud meow causing her to roll her eyes. "Of course. I knew you'd say yes. You love the finer things in life." She placed him back against her chest before looking up at them. "I will take y'all's help on one condition." Val could hardly contain his excitement, while Wes fought his wolf from coming to the forefront. Damien breathed through it happy that he wouldn't have to wait the whole month to have his mate in his arms. "I'm going to save up and then I'm moving out. This won't be a permeant thing. I do appreciate your help, but I'm no one's charity case, okay?"
Their smiles fell. 'She can't move out. She's our mate. She's ours forever!' Val said anxiously and Damien knew he was moments from spiraling. 'Breathe, brother. She will stay especially once she sees the room you designed and decorated for her.' Wes and Damien watched as Val visibly calmed. "Whatever you say, dove." Damien simply responded causing her to nod her head. She looked over the apartment and sighed. "They took everything. My couch, my clothes, my shoes. What am I supposed to do for work tomorrow?"
They could see the anxiety and frustration rolling over her in droves. "My sister has clothes at our place. I'm pretty sure you're the same size. You can stay in her room and wear her things. She doesn't really use them anyway." Val offered up the lie with a smile. He knew buying her clothes would come in handy. He just didn't know she'd be using them so soon. Harlow couldn't help but smile at how things were coming together. It was weird and too perfect, but she wasn't going to overthink or analyze it. She was tired and this break in just added to her tiredness. "Can we stop at Pet Smart before heading to your place? They took Alistair's litterbox, as well as, food."
They nodded before ushering her outside the dilapidated apartment. Damien would come by tomorrow to try and figure out who had done this to his mate. They will wish they were just a stain on their mother's blouse after he was done with them. Alistair meowed happily in Harlow's lap as she sat in the backseat with Wes. She noticed how he looked at Alistair and sighed. "I take it you're not a cat person." He snapped out of his staring contest with the large feline and looked at her.
"I'm not, but I don't mind them. They stay away from me and I like it like that." Harlow nodded as she pet Alistair. "He's good about giving people space for the most part, but that doesn't apply to me. He's a Mama's boy through and through." She scratched behind his ears as he purred happily. They made their way to Pet Smart and Harlow instructed them to stay inside the car with Alistair while she ran to get some things. They waited for her to close the door and enter the store before they were all looking at the cat.
Alistair licked his paw in a bored fashion before looking at them. "Speak, demon." Damien demanded. The cat stretched ignoring him before walking in a circle. "Speak!" Damien's eyes turned black as Bael's voice spoke out. "Fine," Alistair finally said after a while. Wes and Val knew the cat was a demon, but hearing him speak and confirm it was still shocking. "How long have you been around our mate and why?" Alistair looked at them and they could've sworn he smiled. "Mama and I have been together for 7 years. I'm her familiar."
They all faltered at the newfound news. "Harlow's a witch?" Val said shocked. "Yes and no," Alistair said coolly. "Explain yourself, demon." Damien snapped. "First of all, my Mama named me Alistair so use it. Second of all, she's a tribrid. Third of all, no she doesn't know she's supernatural." They all were beyond stunned at this. "What is she?" Wes asked. "She'sobviously ½ demon since I'm here, ¼ angel and ¼ witch." They had never heard of that mixture. There were hybrids all around the world as segregation of species was no longer a big deal, but a tribrid. That was unheard of.
"Why haven't you shown yourself to her? Why haven't you told her what she is?" Alistair looked at them as though they were dumb. "You don't know what Mama has been through. Besides, her mother didn't want her knowing. She said she'd be in danger if word ever got out and it was best that she lives a life as a mortal. The only reason I found her at eighteen was because she had wished for a pet and companion and since she doesn't know she's a witch she doesn't know the power of her words. Her very powerful witch and angel of a mother cloaked her, which is why you hadn't found her until now. Her mother died and returned to Heaven a few months ago causing her spells to be null and void."
It was information overload and Alistair knew they were reeling. "We have to tell her." Damien finally spoke up. "Oh yes, wise one, let's tell her news that will not only break her but put her life in danger. No one has ever heard of a tribrid in the supernatural community. She will have enemies for being a witch, she will have enemies for being a demon and she will certainly have enemies for being an angel tainted by the other two parts of her DNA." Alistair sassed. "She deserves to know." Wes said strongly.
"Let's cut to the chase here. You three want her to know, because you think that will help your chances of keeping her as a mate once she finds out what you are. Am I right?" They stared at the perceptive cat and frowned. "Mama doesn't like being lied to I'll give you that, but unless you can swear that you will be able to protect her come what may do not tell her what she is." He began licking his paw. "I'm all for you three telling her what are though." Alistair chuckled. "That's bound to be a motherfucking shit show and I'll be ready with popcorn." They glared at the cat who simply yawned before moving over. They hadn't even noticed Harlow walking back towards the car.
"Sorry I took so long. Alistair has a bougie appetite and they had his favorite wet food, which they usually don't so I stocked up." The cat meowed loudly causing her to chuckle. "Was he on his best behavior?" She asked them as Alistair stared at Wes intently. "Yeah, he was a perfect angel." Wes said before cringing at his choice of word. Alistair simply rolled his eyes before getting into Harlow's lap. They made their way to the nicest part of town and Harlow wasn't surprised. The homes weren't homes. It was mansion on top of mansion on top of mansion.
They turned onto a street that had a gated community and as they drove in Harlow realized it wasn't a community at all. The entire property was theirs. "You own all of this?" Harlow asked in shock as she and Alistair looked out of the wound down window. Damien chuckled as he drove up a hill. "Yes, dove. This is ours and yours for as long as you want it." His words weren't lost on her, but she had to be sensible. They were just being nice and doing her a favor. It wasn't too big of a deal. They pulled up to a mansion unlike any she'd ever seen online. It was well manicured and designed from the heavens. It was the Mount Olympus of mansions.
"We get to live here, baby angel." Harlow said to Alistair earning her a loud meow. Val opened up her door and helped her out before grabbing the things she bought. They led her in and couldn't help but laugh at her wide mouth expression. "We'll give you a tour later. I'm sure you're exhausted and just want to eat and sleep." Val smiled at her. He walked her up the stairs and straight down the north wing. It was his wing, which was why he made sure to put her room there.
"Here's your room," Val said nervously as he opened the door and walked in behind her. Harlow was speechless. It was quite literally her dream room. Alistair meowed loudly as to let the guys know they had done good. It had been a few minutes and Harlow still hadn't said anything. Her eyes just scanned the decked-out room over and over. "Do you like it?" Val asked hesitantly as he watched her.
Harlow looked at him for a second before setting Alistair down and moved to stand in front of him. "This is honestly my dream room. Everything down to the color scheme. It's like you were in my head and scouring my Pinterest boards." Val smiled down at her. "Your sister has great taste." He looked at her confusedly before Damien cleared his throat reminding him of his lie. "I'll be sure to tell her you said so." Harlow wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. "Thank you."
Val knew in that moment that being with her was unlike anything he'd ever experience and he'd been alive since 175 AD. "You're quite welcome, cara mia." She looked up at him still in his embrace and smiled widely. Wes and Damien watched the exchanged and couldn't help but smile. 'We can do this. We can keep her regardless of her knowing her true nature or not. I know it.' Wes shared through their mind link.
"We'll let you get settled and then call you down when dinner is ready." Harlow shook her head as she left Val's embrace. "I feel like I should be doing the cooking. Let me earn my keep." Damien chuckled at her before walking towards her and cupping her cheek. "You have been through enough today. Just relax." Harlow couldn't help but close her eyes at his tender touch. There was something about these men that had her acting out of character. She was never one to trust so easily, but here she was living in their mansion despite the red flags.
Harlow was definitely a touchy person, but after she got to know a man first. However, here she was letting three gorgeous gods touch her whenever they wanted. She knew deep down she would let either of them or all three touch her however they wanted. As Damien stroked her cheek an image popped into their minds and had them both faltering.
There clear as day was an image of her straddling Damien as she bounced on his member with fervor. Harlow shook her head and stepped out of his embrace. Damien could tell by the look on her face that she had also seen what he had. He had no clue what had happened, but he liked the image nevertheless. "Get acquainted," Wes said with a smile. "I'll come get you when the food is ready." He leaned down and gave her forehead a kiss causing little butterflies to flutter in her stomach.
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