《Took Her To The O.》20: the craziest story.
Epilogue will be included in this chapter & maybe a bonus chapter.
two months later.. (i ain't say which Friday it ended 🌚 so time jump it is.)
all fails then I love y'all." I said from the backseat.
"Mook bro shut up." Booka said. "The plan gone work g. You just gotta do your part sis we got this."
"Okay." I said taking a deep breathe. "I'm ready."
"No wait no I'm not."
"We finna die bro." Booka said.
"Shut up Booka damn you not the decoy." Kirah snapped.
"I love you." Me and Von said at the same time.
"Oh spare me you corny asses." Kirah said.
"Promise y'all gone come back for me." I said holding my pinky out.
"You know I'm not leaving without you g." He said wrapping his pinky around mine. "You mine forever."
It all really came down to this moment. Two months of precisely planning, being away from my kids, my mama, etc. It was really now or never.
And I'll tell you one thing.
"Okay I'm ready forreal." I said pulling out my phone and going on Instagram.
This was the first part of the plan. I had been talking to Sko pretending like I was really interested in him because me and Von had faked a whole big breakup to make the whole thing real. To make a long story short Sko fell for it and I was going to meet up with him at this moment. This nigga was dumb for one, how you out to get my brother and you meeting with me? This shit was gone be so easy.
Booka and the rest made sure they laid down low enough so they wouldn't be seen. We had a decoy driver so it would look like a real Uber and everything was going smoothly so far.
"Alright here goes nothing." I said getting out and watching the truck "pull off" before I walked on the porch.
As expected Sko was waiting on the porch for me.
"Hey." I said waving placing a fake smile on my face before walking in the house behind him.
"Wassup shorty?" He said closing the door behind us.
It feel dirty in here.
"What you on?" He said. "You smoke?"
I shook my head no.
"No not since I had my babies." I was lying through my teeth but I wasn't smoking shit of his.
"Aw shit well." He said scratching the back of his head. "We can chill and watch a movie or something then."
"You can go sit over there." He said pointing to the couch.
I made sure to sit as far as possible from him.
"You shy or something g?" He said pulling me closer to him. "I don't bite."
I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes because just being around this nigga was honestly annoying me.
"Let me pick the movie." I said changing the subject and grabbing the remote.
"We finna watch Set it Off."
"You hungry". He asked and I was hesitant on answering because truth was I'm starving.
"I'm just gone order extra wings just in case you is."
The fact he was ordering it made me feel better cause I was gone tear that food up, mission or not.
It had been a few hours of me being here and it was still no sign of Von. I was starting to get worried.
Within these few hours this nigga has tried to kiss me and I almost threw up in his mouth but I had to fake it cause I didn't wanna give myself away.
"You know I'm shocked you gave me a-" He started but I cut him off cause this was taking longer than expected.
"I gotta use the bathroom." I said getting up to go.
"Oh okay." He said. "It's over there."
Soon as I got in I closed the door and pulled my phone out to text Von to tell they ass come on.
But my messages weren't delivering. Bro you gotten be kidding me.
"You know." I heard from behind me. "I almost really believe you liked me at first. Then I thought about it you and Von was just good how yall hate each other? Nah g."
"Huh?" I said trying to play it off but I think he knew I was bluffing. "What are you talking about?"
"Bitch don't play stupid." He said taking my phone and breaking it. "You tryna set me up." He
Okay.. this wasn't apart of the plan at fucking all.
"I don't know what you talking about." I said.
"Cut the shit." He said.
"We the ones who planned the hit on you, just like you thought you was playing me. Well let's just say a nigga like me always one step ahead." He said chuckling. "Yeah we know you Durk sister."
"Any last words?"
"Huh?" I asked and that was all I remember saying before my face being covered with a black cloth.
It had been a few hours now and we still hadn't heard from Briann. I was starting to think shit went wrong.
I knew this was a bad idea for her to be a decoy but no she wanted to be difficult.
"Has she texted any of y'all?" I asked I checked my phone every five minutes but I got the same results each time. Nothing.
"Fuck! They got her bro." He said.
This wasn't apart of the plan abort fucking mission.
"Fuck you mean they got my sister?" Durk said jumping up but ended up hitting his head on the roof of the car, stupid.
He showed us the phone and it was a picture of Mook tied up with bruises all over her face.
"What the message say bro?" Booka said.
"They said if we want her we know where to go." Von said.
"If it's a war that niggas want then it's a war them pussies gone get." Von continued to speak and I swear I think the maddest I ever seen him.
"Text the number back g." Durk said smirking.
"Dthang make that call."
Whew shit I feel sorry for them niggas mamas pockets for all these funerals that's finna happen.
"Get back gang got something for everybody." Muwop said.
I knew I should've stayed home. I could've been a ride or die bestfriend from a distance now I'm finna be in a possible shoot out."
"Bae you got your gun?" Booka asked me and I smacked my lips.
"You know I got it."
"Good cause when we pull off imma need you to shoot." He said. "It's been a nigga on the corner watching us this whole time."
"Let's go." Durk told the "driver" who was really a friend of their dads.
"Get ready." Booka told me and I nodded.
We slowed up at the corner and I rolled my window down pointing my gun with the beam on his head.
"What the fuck." I heard him say then he started reaching for his gun making me panic.
"Now Kirah." Booka said and I left off two shots watching his body drop down.
"Don't feel bad." Von said. "All opps must die."
I just killed somebody..
We pulled up to the location Sko had gave us with the rest of the gang following behind. It was some building and I'm guessing that's where he was holding Mook.
This shit was ending tonight fuck a couple days.
"Put y'all phones on speaker g." Von said to the group call. "Listen closely."
"When I walk in follow me and start shooting shit down." He said again. "Silencers on always. Just make sure we get my girl back g."
"Heard you brotha." Twin said on the other line.
"Kirah you stay here." Durk said throwing another gun my way. "If somebody come towards this bitch shoot they ass g."
"Rodger that."
Von said hopping out the van with everybody else following not too long after all you heard was gun shots.
"I hope you know my brother and them coming to kill your punk ass." I said only to get punched in the face again. "And your pussy ass friends too."
"You hit like a bitch."
"Damn I should've killed you." He said. "You talk too fucking much."
I shrugged starting to sing loudly again. My mama used to always told me a kidnapper would send me back because I was irritating.
"Bitch shut up." One of the other guys came and hit me in mouth.
"Okay I'm sick of you bitches hitting me." I said.
"What the fuck you even wanna kill us for."
"Your nigga took somebody close to us now we talking somebody close to him." Sko said.
Understandable but why me? That's weird if you ask me but okay.
"Aye it's too quiet upstairs go check shit out." Sko said to the other boy.
"Got you boss."
30 minutes passed and something was up. I just didn't know what. I could tell the boy taking so long was starting to worry Sko cause I seen it all over his face.
"Matter of fact change of plans. I'm getting real tired of looking at you." He said pulling his gun out soon as ole boy left. "Your brothers nem just coming for no reason."
"You pulled yo gun out you better use it." I said smartly.
Out the corner of my eye I had seen Von followed by Durk and Dthang creeping down the basement steps telling me to be quiet.
"Any last words?" He asked me cocking the gun and I started laughing.
"Yeah I do got some actually." I said. "A lot."
"Spit the shit out already."
"Gotcha." I said smirking and Von hit him in the head with his gun knocking him out.
a few hours later..
"Oh shit he waking up." Booka said making everybody jump up.
"Damn Von you knocked the nigga into the next day." Kirah said.
"Right a nigga kinda sleepy." Durk said.
"Thought y'all would've killed me by now." Sko said making Booka punch him.
"Shut up bitch you don't talk til we tell you to."
"You see." I said going to stand infront of him.
"You thought you was on to us but we already knew this was gone happen. At first I thought you was never gone catch on but you did. But see we was already one step ahead of you."
"I got it from here bae." Von said. "You know that other brother of yours?"
"He gone."
"Fuck you mean he gone?" Sko said only to get hit by Booka again.
"Didn't I say don't speak til we say speak."
"I got it Booka." I said. "His ass dead."
"Ion know sis I think I wanna let Big Al play with him for a lil bit." Durk said.
"Send em in."
"Big Al don't play bout his baby girl. I'm his favorite niece." I said as he walked straight to Sko and punched him repeatedly.
"Damn he hitting him so bad it hurt me." Muwop mumbled.
"Alright Al that's enough." Von said trying not to laugh.
"I'm not stopping til my niece say so."
"It's okay uncle Al we got it." I said and he walked away.
But I spoke too soon.
Out of nowhere shots started being fired hitting my uncle in his back and Sko managed to get out the chair.
"Mook get down bro." Durk said pushing me behind him and I damn near flew.
"Bestfriend." Kirah said waving me over.
Me and Kirah were both hiding and these niggas was really shooting like no tomorrow.
"Shit." Booka said coming to where we were and I faced palmed.
Now we finna get shot a fucking gain.
"You just had to bring your ass over here." I said and he shh'd me.
"I'm scared Booka." Kirah said crying and I was so confused. "I'm pregnant."
I'm so happy but now is not the time.
"Fuck." I heard Von yell and I instantly standing up not giving a fuck what was going on.
"Booka they shot him." I cried out. "They shot Von."
I didn't give a fuck no more I was going out there.
In one swift movement I grabbed Booka's gun and shot from where I was standing hitting everybody that was around Dayvon.
"I got you." I said running over to him putting my hand on the wound. "I promise you I got you baby."
"Mook." He said weakly but I shook my head.
"Durk." I yelled over.
"Is it over yet?" Kirah yelled. "I gotta pee!"
"Jakirah you can pee at the hospital g damn." Booka said and I wasn't even mad for him snapping on her cause girl wrong timing.
"Hospital now." Durk said picking Von up and rushing by the door waiting for somebody to open it for him.
"We'll speak on this shit later. Thang call the clean up crew."
three weeks later ..
"Dayvon please wake up." I said rubbing my thumb over his hand. "We need you."
It's been a week since everything happened and Dayvon ended up slipping into a coma. The detective came back to my house later that day and gotten everything taken care of so people wouldn't be asking questions.
"Hey Mook." I heard and I seen it was my mama walking in with my stepdad who was holding the twins. "Still nothing?"
They had gotten back from Georgia a week ago they claimed the twins were bad but I didn't believe it, not my babies.
"Nope." I said reaching my hand out for them but they wanted their Pop pop. "Oh wow y'all fake."
"I'm so tired of crying." I said speaking honestly.
"I just want him to wake up so things can be normal again."
"You been praying like I told you?" She asked and I nodded.
"Then let God do his job baby."
I sighed glancing over at him and then putting my head down.
"Da!" One of the twins yelled.
"Shhhh crazy girl." My stepdad said making Jaylee' laugh.
Journee' was trying to get down and get to Dayvon but my stepdad had a grip on her.
All of a sudden I felt Dayvon squeezing my hand making me scream.
"Shit- fuck. Wait!" I said trying to get all my words out once.
"Poor girl couldn't stop cursing if she tried." My stepdad said shaking his head.
"What happened?" My mama asked me.
"He squeezed my hand." I said looking at him again. "Put one of the twins by him real quick I'm tryna see something.
My mama sat Jaylee' down and she instantly started crawling on him like she'd usually do at home.
"See look!" I exclaimed. "He doing it again."
"It look like his eyes tryna open." My stepdad said.
"This like my lifetime stories I be watching." My mama said.
"Pops go get a doctor." I said and he handed Journee to my mama before he walked out the room.
"Mook you can let my hand go now." I heard.
Bitch my nigga alive.
"Dayvon oh my god." I said letting his hand go kissing all over his face.
"Damn girl you finna knock my grandbaby down." My mama said moving Jaylee' out the way.
"Well it's glad to see you awake Mr. Bennett." The doctor said walking in with my stepdad following behind.
"Shit I'm glad to be alive." He said.
"Well as you know you got shot in the chest." The doctor started off saying.
"But with our top surgeons if you don't mind me bragging a little bit. You'll be going home in a few days perfectly fine like you never even got shot."
I was grateful beyond words that Von was alive. I honestly wouldn't know what I would have done without him.
"You have any questions?" The Doctor asked.
"No ma'am."
"Well that's all I had to come in and say." She said. "Have a great rest of the day family."
"You too."
"Well we gone be going on home." My mama said. "My stories on."
"You keeping the twins or they comin' with us?" My stepdad asked.
"My girls staying here." Von said before I could speak.
"Boy I got a mouth." I said rolling my eyes. "Put they car seats in my car."
I went in my purse and handed him my spare key.
"Love you." My mama said hugging me and then Von.
We called love you backs as they walked out the door.
"Journee girl you just said fuck me and went straight to your daddy." I said mugging them.
"You mad?" He said letting both of them play around him on the hospital bed.
"Now if one of my babies fall you gone need another surgery nigga." I said.
"Man I got this." He said waving me off.
I pulled out my phone going to the group chat clicking FaceTime so I could group call at once.
"hello!" Jada yelled soon as it connected. "Why you in the hospital?"
"Why else would she be in the hospital doofus." Muwop said.
"You finna update us on Von or something? cause I was tryna fuck my lady." Booka said.
"Booka shut up! Hey best." Kirah yelled in the background.
"Y'all look." I said flipping the camera around on Von.
"Oh shit my brotha woke." Durk yelled.
"Me boyyyyy" Edogg yelled.
"You are not a pirate." Jada said. "Hey Vonny Vonnnnn."
"Jada me girllll stop talking to me on foenem." Edogg said.
"Jada gone head on with that nickname." Von said smacking his lips taking the phone and putting the camera on him.
"We finna be up there in a minute." Booka said.
"Me and Reese too."
"Call me when the nigga discharged." Muwop said.
"Nigga such an asshole g." Von said hanging up the phone.
"I'm so glad this shit finally over." I said. "I really thought I was gone lose you."
"Mook I told you." He said. "
5 years later..
"Mommy!" A now 5 year old Journee yelled making me look at her.
"Amir ate my candy."
"Amir why you eat your sister stuff?" I said looking at my 2 year old son with a smirk on his face. "Bad as hell for nothing."
"Say sorry." I told him and he looked between us both before walking his little bad ass away.
"Mommy!" Journee said stomping and I cut that shit out quickly.
"Journee Bennett." I said. "You having a temper tantrum?"
"No." She said poking her lip out and I sighed knowing I was gone fall for it.
"You got a whole snack drawer in the kitchen go get some more candy." I said watching her face light up, spoiled ass. "And when you make sure you get Jaylee' and go to y'all room so I can get yall ready."
"Okay mommy."
"You fall for it every time. You sad asl g." Von said coming up behind me smacking my ass.
"I know." I pouted. "It's already half my fault they so rotten now. Amir too."
"How it feel to be 26 bae?" Von said.
"I'm just glad to see another day." I spoke honestly.
Today was my birthday and I was hosting a party at Von and I's new house.
"Is everything in the backyard set up?" I asked and he straight faced me.
"I got this g." He said. "All you gotta do is get cute and show up."
Lord what I do for a nigga like this?
"You getting Mir ready and I got the twins?" I asked him.
"I got em all bae." He said pecking my lips. "It's your day, you ain't gotta do nothing. They clothes all laid out?"
"Yeah." I said and He walked away to go get them ready.
I heard somebody making beats on my door and I laughed cause I knew it was Kirah and Booka.
"Hi sonnnn." I said bending down to my 4 year old god baby, Loyal. "I missed you."
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Waking up the middle of nowhere, Lilly finds herself stumbling from one precarious situation to the next as she tries to find her way back to her lovely bed that she worked so hard for. A teen girl finds herself stranded in a world of monsters and dragons, with no way of going back home. Join her on her journey of eating new foods and exploring new realms! At least the world isn't in need of saving... unless? Tentative Release Schedule: Every Three Days. This is my first attempt at writing a proper story so bear with me and please provide feedback as that would be incredibly helpful for the development of my writing! Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy! This story draws inspiration from some of my most favorite WNs, namely Azarinth Healer, He Who Fights With Monsters, Worth The Candle, and Whisper of the Nightingale. Be sure to check all of them out :D Cover Credit: Rose Miller
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