《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 17


"I'll see you at school tomorrow then yeah?" I utter cheerfully to Casey, met with a cold silence as his eyes remain glued to the swaying window wipers - the joy from the magic in the rain has disappeared; vanished. He mumbles in return, an emptiness in his reply. I place a soft peck on his cheek and slowly exit the car, entering into the streaming rain - his eyes still not connecting with mine; not even once.

As I slam the door, the car speeds off into the distance; the bright rear indicators fading into a blur amidst the raindrops - the roar of the engine slowly dying off - my eyes following it until they can't.

Did I do something wrong?

"Heyyyyy! The man's back! Who took you home last night huh?" Harvey yells at me as I enter through the door; the house in immaculate, perfect condition - thank God. His smile beams as he looks over the couch, his vibrant eyes starting me up and down. "Who's the lucky gal?"

"No one. I just stayed at a friends."

"And that friend gave you a fat hickey?" He chuckles as the blood slowly drains from my face. I turn around, my eyes gaping into the mirror - a purpley, brownish spot on the naval of my collarbone. Harvey's laugh follows me as I run up stairs, attempting to leave the embarrassment of my brother's torment in the lounge.

My back slides slowly down my bedroom door, exhaling as I finally settle in my room and decompress - my mind reminiscing over the rollercoaster weekend.

Casey kissed me. He chose me over Annabelle, and, he held me in the rain. He kissed me. If the world were to end right now...I'd be perfectly contempt.

For once, I'm kind of excited to go to school tomorrow.


I groan internally as I navigate through the sea of people - exhaling as I finally reach my locker. A pair of strong hands clasp onto my back as I pull my science books out, exhilarating my heartbeat as I turn around - a loud, audible squeal following me. Andre's grin beams as he bends over and clutches his stomach - his chuckle radiating through the hallway.

"Broooo I haven't seen you in forever. Especially since you don't come to school hahahaha!" He announces enthusiastically as he leans in, meeting my handshake with his fist bump - classic and unchanged; the same as the very first time I met him.

"Yeah. It's been a while. But I'm back." He slings his arm around my shoulder, walking me to class as we both prepare for the borefest of Science class - the crowd separating for us. Small talk entertains our lips as we sit through an hour of atomic theory - his cheeks blushing as he talks about the weekend with his girlfriend.


"What about you? Got ya eye on anyone?" He prods my arm, teasing along the conversation; ducking as the teacher directs her pointed glare towards us.

"Just this person. We were kind of together over the weekend...and...stuff happened..." He gasps and rolls giddily in his chair as I carry on. "But, I called them last night and they didn't pick up...and they didn't reply to my texts so I don't know what's happening." The tone dampens as I confess my anxiety. One night we're parading around town, watching movies and hanging out at the park, and now...I can't even get a text back.

"I hate to be a Debbie Downer bro butttttt...you got played. It sounds like you're only around to keep the bed warm at night." He chuckles loudly, drawing the attention of the teacher - forcing our conversation to quiet down. His gossip continues, falling dead to my ears as I feel tiny segments of my heart chipping away.

Surely Casey wouldn't do that to me. I mean, he's the one who kissed me first. Or do I just want to think that? My fingers trail up to my collarbone, tingling as a burning sensation shoots through my body. My mind flashes back to the rain - his lips slamming against mine; our bodies harmonising - an eternal hunger emitted from both of us.

My reminiscing is disrupted by the ringing of the bell. Stupid bell.

"Fark I'm starving. Ready to get a feed?" Andre says as we swiftly pack up our books. I agree and follow him to the cafeteria.

My eyes scan over the crowded hall, noticing Casey, sitting next to my brother, instantly, his luscious green eyes beaconing amongst the group. His slight blush and plumps lips make my heart flutter - I could stare at his face all day.

"Hey baby." He says to me. I pause instantly, my face turning red - Did he just say that in front of everyone.?

A loud squeal behind me snaps me out of my daze, Annabelle pushing me out of the way and falling into his arms - smashing her lips sloppily against his, shattering my illusion. Oh...he wasn't talking to me. Her nails claw slowly around his ear, looping through his soft hair - kissing him; devouring him. I stand there awkwardly: arms folded. His eyes stuck to her - not glancing at me; not even once.

"Since when were you two lovebirds a thing again huh?" My brother asks as the table cheers and hollers at them.

"Well as you all know we've been through a few shaky patches," Annabelle says as she trails her hand down his chest; "But last night, out of nowhere, he showed up dripping wet from the rain and...well...what happened after that is a secret. But let's just say...that secret happened 3 times in one night." The table bellows as they continue making out, her laugh pushing the perfect button to piss me off.


No one notices as I leave the table and exit out into the hallway. I round the corner, sinking into a doorway as tears start to roll down my cheek - Andre was right; just like an Xbox I got played. I bawl into my hoodie sleeves, slowly regaining my breath and composing myself.

"I'm sorry." My sobs are shredded from a silent whisper behind me. I turn around, Casey's eyes diverted towards the ground as he leans against the locker - even through my tears, his beauty still radiates. "Look. Everything that happened was a mistake. I know a lot happened yesterday. But I'm not gay." My eyes roll back as I wipe away my tears; sadness replaced with a burning anger.

"Fuck you." His eyes divert to mine; his brows furrowing simultaneously - somewhat taken back my honesty. "You can't do that. You can't say that. You kissed me. You gave me a goddamn, fucking hickey." His hand clamps over my mouth as he pushes me against the door, leaning his weight on me - pinning me.

"Look. Nothing happened okay? We were just caught up in the moment." He whispers into my ear - his once comfortable grasp now restricting my air flow. Blood flows through my veins; my fists clenching tightly. I push against his chest, knocking him backwards - he stumbles slightly, but, regains his balance. An ounce of sadness flashes through his eyes as my fist connects with his jaw - his whole head turning - the inertia sending him tumbling towards the floor.

His eyes finally connect with mine - this time my gaze holds the blankness - the same, familiar emptiness he's been radiating towards me. He grabs his jaw with his hand, rubbing it as his eyes shoot over my shoulder - a peer of heels stomping towards us.

A pair of hands grasp around my shoulder, a middle-aged-women staring down her nose at me; skin wrinkled by decades in the education system.

"You. Detention. Now." She screeches into my ear as she starts dragging me by the arm - the last glimpse of Casey I see is a stray tear rolling down his cheek. Good - he deserves to feel to pain. Right. Right?

She slams the door behind me as she shoves me into a spare classroom. Her eyes glaring at me as her bony arms force me into a seat.

"Join Mr Jones and start writing every word from A-Z in the dictionary on this notepad!" She shouts as she bangs the stationary onto my desk. Giving me one last glare, she turns on her heels and saunters out the door, locking it as she exits - leaving me in solitude with some other kid.

I sink my face into my hands, exhaling a shaky breath that I didn't realise I had been retaining. I swipe my sleeve across my eyes, removing all remnants of my tears. My eyes trail over my knuckles, a soft bruise already arising on the top of my knuckles.

"What'd you do to get in here?" The boy mumbles beside me - shattering the silence. I run my eyes up and down him quickly: his blue eyes adding vibrancy to an otherwise pale face; his jet black hair complimented by a somewhat mundane outfit.

"Um. I got in a fight." I murmur in response - he snickers; a quiet laugh emitting from his mouth. He stands up and knocks the stationary off my desk, tilting my chin up with his hand as he gazes down at me - his piercing, blue eyes hard to look away from. His plump limps form into a smile as his thumb softly strokes my cheek.

"Say. You wanna do something crazy sunshine?" Did he just call me sunshine?

"I guess so." I reply back cautiously, noting the slightly exposed cigarette packet.

"Let's get the fuck out of here then." He makes his way to the window, a shimmer glinting in his eye as he slides it open.

Fuck it - what have I got to lose?


Phew what a busy chapter - I guess the pace of this one is to compensate for the previous ones; so, I hope you guys liked it! :)

The whole Danté-Casey relationship is getting complicated and a tad tumultuous - what are your thoughts on it?

Anyways; thank you for reading the chapter and staying loyal to the book - I really appreciate it and am forever grateful! :)


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