《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 18


The window creaks as I slowly stick my leg over the ledge, my eyes bulging at the 1-floor drop to the ground - the stranger's eye's staring into mine as I hesitantly creep onto the ledge. Unlike him, I don't think I can just elegantly jump down onto the ground, whilst keeping my bones intact.

My heartbeat picks up again as I re-examine my situation; how did I manage to get stuck here: Sneaking out of the second-floor detention window with an utter stranger? And why is it kind of exciting?

"Don't worry Sunshine. I'll catch you. I promise." He reaches his arms up to me, slightly exaggerating his toned muscles - a dark, inked lion decorating his right tattooed bicep. I breath in, retaining it before slowly shifting my weight over the edge - the air gushing up my shirt as I cascade towards the ground.

A strong grip clasps around my waist as he pulls me in - failing to catch me as both of us tumble over - my fall cushioned by his body. His stomach rumbles under me as he starts bellowing out a chuckle, his face flushing a subdued red, tears forming in his eyes as his infectious laughter passes through me - all of a sudden, the pain and thoughts of Casey are gone.

He pushes himself up, towering over me as I continue to roll in the grass. His piercing blue eyes roam over my body; examining me; beholding me. My eyes take in his pale beauty: sharp bone structure carving out his slender features, the beaming sunlight streaming through the trees illuminating his glacially blue eyes, highlighting the soft pink tones of his lips - his lips: dewy cushions of pink plumpness.

He's definitely disappointed with what he sees, I am no where even near being on his level.

"Take a picture Sunshine, it'll last longer." His lips curl into a smirk; an heir of confidence and a simultaneous cockiness about him - his tone dripping in natural charm. I deflect my gaze, caught off guard by his straightforward comment.

"Um..I wasn't looking at you...I was looking at the uhhhh th- the trees. I was looking at the trees." I mutter out in a gurgled mess, having no effect on his composed gaze.

"Yeah yeah and I wasn't looking at your dick, I was looking at the trees too." My cheeks flush as a faint chuckle leaves his lips. "So? Are you gonna give me your name before you pounce on me again Sunshine? Or is that something I'll have to get used to?"

"Danté. My name's Danté."

"Well Danté my name's Danté, It's nice to meet you. I'm Elliot." He reaches his hand out, grasping mine as he pulls me up off of the ground, the force lunging me into his chest. He secures me with his back hand, holding me in place; the firmness of his pecs radiating comfort. Elliot; what a nice name.

"You ready to ditch this shit hole?"


"Why not? I'm barely here anyways." I chuckle at my own joke, slinging my backpack over my shoulder as we walk out of the school gates.


"Are you hungry Sunshine?" My eyes flick to him as the nickname rolls off his tongue, his crisp eyes staring back at me - my cheeks flushing at his self-assured demeanour. He's so... charming...

The air conditioning wisps over me as we enter through my mall doors, the vibrant colours of corporate America flooding my senses.

"Hmmmm...how about...a movie or something?" I ponder, instantly flashing back to Casey's arms coddling me in the theatre chairs; protecting me. I wipe the thought away as he agrees and we make our way in.

My eyes scan over the bland movie selections, nothing catching my eye - the assortment full of Romance, Noir, Crime & Western.

"What about A Star is Born?" His eyes scan over Lady Gaga, her iconic face blown up for the movie poster.

"Are you serious?" I snicker - watching as the joy drains from his eyes, his head turning away from the posters.

"Um yeah, I love rom-coms. But yeah I was just joking." He turns his back to me, his eyes emptily looking over the other posters - his ego bruised by my reckless words.

"Well I don't know why you were joking . Because I've wanted to see that movie for ages." The lie slips out of my mouth, reigniting the spark in his eyes. He hugs me in excitement, pulling me back into his strong grasp, my nose picking up his scent: a mixture of chocolate and smoke - delicious.

We pile into the theatre, popcorn ready as the opening scene starts rolling. The dark, empty room is a contrast to the summer heat of outside - a chill nipping at my exposed arms. I shiver as we sit next to each other, the only ones in the whole cinema. Our hands rub in the popcorn, him pulling away each time, until slowly, we just let them rest; intertwined.

"Are you cold?" He whispers half way through the movie, my attention snapped away from the on-screen romance. I nod slightly whilst keeping my eyes on Gaga. The seat moves as he slides his leather jacket around me, covering me in his warmth - drowning me in his scent, his delicious scent. Not only does he smell good, but he is incredibly kind. I blush silently as our eyes return to the screen.

The pace of the movie intensifies, my eyes roaming over to Elliot for comfort, his gaze glued to the screen. A stray tear rolls down his cheek as the male lead slowly dies - emotional: another adjective to add on to his ever-growing list of sweet qualities. He wipes it away quickly, sitting back in his chair - readjusting his demeanour. I rewrap my fingers around his, letting him know that it's alright: I don't care if he cries.

As the final scene fades and the theatre lights flash on, Elliot rises, filling the empty cinema with his loud claps of admiration.


"That was my 3rd time seeing that movie, and it still gets me." He admits as we exit out of the theatre, fingers intertwined, slowly moving throughout the scattered selection of shops.

"You wanna get a milkshake or something? I also really need to take a piss." A mixture of 2 cups of soda and the summer heat catching up to me.

We make our way into the milkshake parlour, the minty flavours filling my nostrils as a blond, brunette comes to seat us - nudging us into a booth.

"And what will be the order for ya'll today?" She chirps, her bubbly demeanour appropriate for the store. My lips stop mid-track as the bell rings for the front door, my eyes snapping to Casey and Annabelle; hand-in-hand. His eyes stare back, furrowing as he sends daggers towards oblivious Elliot.

"Ugh...I have to go to the bathroom really quickly, excuse me." I stand up and shuffle past the waitress, Elliot's order the last words I hear as I exit into the bathroom.

Regaining my breath, I pull down my zipper and start peeing, letting all the tension out of my stomach - re-composing myself.

"What the fuck are you doing with Elliot Jones? Do you know who the fuck he is?" I turn around, Casey barging through the restroom doors - startling me as I fumble with my zip and pull it up. He storms towards me, backing me against the cold, tiled wall.

"Why the fuck do you care huh? It's none of your business. And when the fuck did you ever give a fuck about me?" I push against his chest, his hands clasping around my wrists and pinning me to the wall - his minty breath stroking the tip of my nose.

"Bro, of course I care about you." He pushes his chest against mine - the contact shooting a fire through me. "Even after you clocked me in the jaw, I still care about you. And it fucking hurt by the way." My eyes drop to his jawline, homing in on the slightly red mark.

"Admit it. You hate me. You're ashamed of me. Be fucking honest." I hiss at him, a flurry of emotions swirl through his enticingly green eyes - his chest huffing in anger.

"I don't hate you." He whispers in a husky tone, leaning his forehead against mine.

"You do. You hate me. You hate gay people."

"I do not Danté ." His voice deepens as his breathing intensifies.

"You do. You hate me. Admit it." I press my face against his, my hands still constricted by his clasp.

"If I hated you, would I do this?" His hands loosen from around my wrists, dragging down to cup my cheeks as his lips smash against mine. My mouth moves in sync with his familiarly plump lips, my lids fluttering closed as my hand wraps around his hip - fondling his toned glutes. I groan as he thrusts his hips into mine, his fingers simultaneously sliding under my shirt. He runs his hands over my chest; rubbing my nipples between his fingers - sending me tingles in places I didn't even know I could tingle.

I feel a tightening sensation in my pants as he latches his warm lips onto my neck - my eyes rolling back in ecstasy at the talented movements of his mouth. I cling onto him, pulling him closer; wanting him closer.

With a final suck on my neck, he pulls back; a cocky smile on his face as he rubs his slightly puffed lips; breathless from our session.

"So. You still think I hate you?" I place my hand against my heart, letting my heartbeat slowly return to normality - his hands re-fixing the collar of his shirt and wiping away the dewy, glisten on his forehead. "Stay away from that guy. He's bad news."

"Why do you care?" I whisper out.

"Because he's dangerous, and I don't want to see anything happen to you because..." He opens the bathroom door, flicking his eyes back to me. "I love you." The door slams closed behind him, leaving the room silent as he exits - the warmth running through my body clashing against the chill of the room.

I pull my collar up as my eyes run across the mirrors, covering the fresh marks on my neck. I exhale and walk back out into the diner - Annabelle and Casey gone. My eyes land back on Elliot, sitting in the booth with two milkshakes - his eyes fill with glee as I near.

"Hey. Um I ordered for you if that's okay. You look a bit flustered, you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm alright. Just kind of wanna get out of here - not really feeling the mall anymore." He places his hand on my forehead, wiping stray hairs off of my face - removing all obstacles as his eyes stare directly into mine.

"Let's go then." We grab our milkshakes and head out the front door, my eyes scanning around for Casey; but he's gone. "Um do you wanna come to mine? You don't have to, I just live close to here that's all." He scratches his head, losing the empowered demeanour I'm used to, an ounce of vulnerability in his tone.

"Sure. Why not."


Welp this chapter is longer then usual - I was going to break it into 2 parts, but I really enjoyed the ending, and didn't want to withhold it for another chapter. This has amplified everything for me, the character relationships are getting so much stronger and more interconnected dammit!

Not going to lie, I currently have no idea about the future of any of the characters, so if you guys have any thoughts, feel free to comment!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! :)


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