《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 16


"Um...you can go..." Annabelle spits at me, wrenching her arms tightly around Casey - like an anaconda wrapping around its prey. My eyes flick to Casey, his eyes speaking a silent conversation while his mouth says nothing - not even a word.

I fracture the gaze and drop mine to the floor, before turning and heading towards the bedroom.

My eyes scan over the bed where we were hours ago, slumbering the morning away; hugging; cuddling; embracing. But now he's hugging Annabelle - hugging her; cuddling her; embracing her. To him I'm just a bro, and nothing more than that.

Swiping my shoes and jersey off of the floor, I gather my belongings in my arm and start walking through the hallway - slightly pausing as Casey remains in Annabelle's grasp. My heart pulsates, shattering as Casey looks at me again - the same nothing leaving his mouth.

A tear rides to the corner of my eye, the sheer strength of my self-will holding it back - I compose myself and walk past them, Casey's eyes on my back.

"Wait." Casey calls out after me - I don't - grabbing the handle behind me and slamming it shut. The tear, finally out of view of Casey and Annabelle, rolls down my cheek as my breathing hitches, replaced by a sudden, uncontrollable heaving. I snap my hand over my mouth, suppressing my heaves into stifled murmurs.

Seconds pass as I glare at the handle, daring it to open and for Casey to emerge and come to me; to choose me for once. To be a night in shining armour like the one's I watch in Netflix rom-coms. He doesn't.

Don't let them see you cry Danté. Don't let them see you sweat. Don't let them see you down. You are better than this; You are stronger than this; You are more resilient than this.


The house disappears behind me as I start running, my bare feet striking the pavement - the chill of the concrete matching my similarly glacial heart. The breathing that booms through my eardrums is punctured by a loud blaring - my ringtone.

My pace slows as my fingers rummage through my pocket, latching on to my cellphone. I stare at the screen as the ringing continues, watching until the missed call notification comes up.

*Unknown number (12:58)*

It's not what it looks like. Pick up.

My fingers clench around the screen as my eyes scroll repeatedly across the text.

"It's never what it looks like. IT'S NEVER WHAT I LOOKS LIKE!" I scream out into the neighbourhood, my frustration overpowering me as my phone cascades out of my hand onto the ground - luckily landing on one of the neighbourhood lawns.

A man jogs past, staring at me strangely as he manoeuvres over to the other side of the street. Great, now people think I'm crazy. Fuck you x2 Casey.

I look back down the street, realising my distinctive lack of progress; the taxi ride last night felt a lot shorter. I guess time dissipates when the embodiment of beauty has his arm wrapped around you.

The sky darkens over, suffocating the sunshine, as a sharp chill picks up in the air - nipping at my exposed legs. Slowly, the raindrops start to trickle down from the sky - great, a cherry on top of an already shitty cake.

A white corolla slowly rolls to a halt beside me, the tinted window rolling down to reveal Casey. He slides over the seat and swings the door open, gesturing a hand for me to hop in.

"Go away. I'm walking home." I slam the door closed and continue walking, ignoring his continuing pleas. The drizzle turns into a downpour, yet my stubbornness persists.


"Fucking hell." Casey yells as he gets out of his car, pulling his hoodie over his head, to no avail - the rain pelting through his makeshift umbrella. "If you're gonna walk your stupid ass home in the rain. Then so am I." I look at him, his dumb smile holding steadfast against the battering rain. I'm not sure if this is an incredibly sweet thing to do; or an incredibly stupid thing to do.

"Danté. It honestly wasn't what it looked like." He grabs onto my shoulder, halting me in my place, staring me straight in the eyes.

"Look I don't give a fuck about what-" My sentence is cut off as Casey's lips smash against mine. A kiss neither soft nor quick, freezing me over like a deer in the headlights. Slowly, our lips fall into sync, my eyes fluttering closed. He pushes in more, securing my head with his hand, as his tongue penetrates my mouth - freely and openly drowning me in attraction and seduction.

He pulls back, opening his eyes simultaneously with mine. I trace a finger over my lips, a burning sensation tingling at touch. He bites his lip, furrowing his eyebrow in worry as he steps back away from me. I smile back at him, calming his fidgeting as he lets out a sigh of relief; his warm smile arising once again.

I pull him back to me, wrapping my arms back around his neck and smash my lips into his - my turn to initiate the kiss. His hands grasps my waist, lifting me up to saddle around his hips; our lips meeting in perfect harmony as the rain cascades down around us. I run my hand through his wet hair, a fire burning through both of our bodies as our tongues devour every inch of each other's mouth.

He slowly lowers me down, his mouth leaving my lips; making its way down my neckline - leaving a trail of kisses as he reaches my collarbone. I groan as his lips latch onto my neck, my eyes rolling back as my body melts into his arm - he catches me; nuzzling me.

I push on his chest, pulling out of his embrace and stepping back - my mind dissolving away as I stare at his green orbs through the pouring rain. He pants slightly, a daring gleam in his eyes - the gleam for me and no one else - finally.

"Car. Us. Go home." I mumble as I stumble towards the car, sliding into the passenger's seat; my heart still racing.


Well that wasn't the direction that I thought the chapter was going in but look where we ended up! I've really been trying to build this moment up, as a somewhat climax - so I hope you enjoyed it! :)

ALSO, we are not going to point out the fact that 6 chapters have occurred during 1 singular weekend - and that the timeline is crawling along at a snail's pace...thank you! :P


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