《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 15


This chapter is written in Casey's P.O.V.


My eyes flutter open, Danté's head nuzzling into my chest; his soft snores kissing my pectorals. His arms enwrap my body - a strong grasp clenching me with a thirst; a hunger; a desire. My eyes descend down his face, noting every detail of every inch of it. His soft lips, that turns into a pout when he gets mad at me - which is a lot; his whimsical lashes, that flicker every time our eyes meets; his nose, that scrunches up every time I touch him.

No one else has ever slept in my bed, no one has even been in my room before - yet here Danté lays, submerged in my blankets - sleeping away.

I peel off his grasp and slowly roll out of bed - careful not to awaken him; the bed dipping slightly as I get up. He groans in response to the now empty bedside, retracting his arms into his chest, snuggling back under the duvet. He looks like a kitten: sweet, pure, innocent.

I make my way quietly out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar as I walk into the bathroom - turning on the shower and letting the steam flood the room. I step through the door, the shower head raining drops of warm water down my back, cleansing the remnants of last night's party off of my body and down the drain.

I pull my body wash off the shelf and lather my skin in the coconut scent, rubbing my shoulders thoroughly before tracing my fingers down my chest - exfoliating my abs and sharp-cut V line. My hands slowly trail lower - grabbing; massaging. A knock at the door freezes my busy hands, Danté's voice piercing through the racket of the shower.

"Sorry. I really gotta pee...I can't hold it!" He rushes past the shower, his pants dropping as he starts urinating - my view obscured by the fogged up glass wall. I swipe my hand down the wall, the vapour falling away as he stands there, unaware - paying no attention - sending shivers through my body. But why though? Why do I feel these vibrations, these jitters?


He pulls his pants up and turns around suddenly, his eyes instantly locking with mine, catching me watching; staring. He drops his gaze, blushing before walking away - pausing in the doorway as if he wants to turn around and say something; do something.

Do it. Say something. Do something. Do anything.

The fog slowly clogs the window back up again - his body fading behind the wall of steam. The door thuds softly as he exits, my heart beat returning back to normal. What the fuck just happened? And what the fuck did I want to happen?

I lean against the wall, the water flooding down my face as random thoughts flood through my head - a concoction of anxiety and impulse. My breathing halts as Danté's face flashes through my mind, his body curled up in my arms - touching me. His fingers tracing over my ribs. My breathing hitches yet my heartbeat plummets.

I turn the shower handle to cold water - shattering my illusion and bringing me back to the bathroom - gasping as the ice water thrashes over me. I hop out and pull a towel over my body, drying all the water off as I shiver in the mirror; pulling on my change of clothes to bring somewhat of a warmth back to my body.

"Danté?" I call out as I open the bathroom door: the bed made, clothes folded and room empty. I peek out into the barren hallway, met with a silent emptiness.

I call out again, walking into the lounge - pristine and empty; untouched as of late. Still, no Danté. I hear a shuffle behind me, turning just in time to see Danté charging at me - mischievousness in his eyes.

"BOOOOOO!" He screams as he tackles me to the floor, my back colliding with the carpet - his fall cushioned by my chest. He giggles as he pushes himself off of me, placing each of his arms on either side of my head; pinning my hips with his knees.

Our eyes lock. His cheeks blush as I bite my bottom lip; almost daring him to do something, to do anything. Slowly his face descends towards me, his breath tickling the tip of my nose: his lips a meagre few inches away. His eyelashes flutter while his brows perform a simultaneous furrow of angst. Our breathing the only noise in the silence of the house. His Adam's apple bobs up and down as his lips hover over mine; teasing me. Slowly his lips near mine, 1 singular hair away.


A loud, desperate knocking implodes our embrace, Danté's eyes flicking towards the front door; his body following as he slowly releases my hips and stands up, leaving me on the floor - my heart racing, unbeknownst to him.

I groan internally as I press myself off the carpet, scrambling on to my feet. Who the fuck is knocking on my door? The only people who knock on my door are the Uber Eats Drivers - yet, I haven't ordered anything. If anything, there's something else I'd rather be eating right now.

Danté stands beside me as I pull the door open, revealing the one and only, Annabelle. Ugh.

"Okay! I'm ready to get back together." She squeals, running her eyes up and down Danté before crashing into my arms, suffocating me in a tight embrace. "Um...you can go..." She spits at Danté. His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me - a pain and sadness in his eyes. He walks back to the bedroom and collects his stuff, returning to the hallway with his belongings in his arms.

"Wait." I call out as he passes us. He doesn't. He grabs the handle and closes the door behind him, leaving me and Annabelle in the room - alone. He didn't even look at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I told you I was done with you. And let go of me." I shove her off of me, walking back into the lounge to gain some distance between us.

"Baby! Are you still mad at me? C'mon! What was I supposed to do? You never wanted to fuck me so I had to look somewhere else, at someone else. After last night, the kissing and hugging, I thought you were finally ready to stop being a pussy and fuck me." She always has had a way with words - an ugly way. A way to weaponise them and arm them with a vicious undertone.

"We were playing a game. I had too. And...I didn't want to fuck you then, and I don't want to fuck you now. The only fuck I want, is for you to get the fuck out!" The anger twists in my words as I yell at her - I've never yelled at her. I didn't yell at her when I found other guys' messages on her phone; I didn't yell at her when I discovered her Tindr profile; I didn't even yell at her when she cheated on me.

Her eyes bulge as she takes a step back, placing her hand to her heart as tears start to roll down her cheek. "You knew what you were doing...you...you...you lead me on. You knew where to touch me, where to hold me. You played me." She turns around, and storms out the door - her loud cries still audible from the lounge.

Maybe I did play her? She deserved it.

I sigh as I stick my head out of the doorway, Danté no where in sight. I rummage through my pocket and grab my phone - dialing Danté's number.

Ring ring.

C'mon Danté pick up - you promised me the next time I called you that you would pick up.


So there were a lot of people that wanted a chapter from Casey's perspective - so I hope this appeases that demand! This took so long to write because I was uncertain of the direction of the chapter, never the less, I hope you enjoyed it! :)

Thank you so much for your support.


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