《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 3


I scroll through Netflix as Casey and Harvey's laughs rumble from downstairs, nothing interesting coming across the T.V; luckily I don't waste money paying for my own account. I pull my hoodie over my head, the weight of slaving away all morning finally catching up to me. Trailing my hands over my ribcage, I feel my thin undefined chest - thinness deriving from both genetics and a simultaneous laziness. I flick on Brooklyn Nine Nine, letting the last glimpses of the show guide me into a comfortable sleep in the midday warmth.


"Wake up dipshitttt!" Harvey yells into my ear, pulling me out of my afternoon slumber. I tug the duvet over my bare chest just as Harvey body slams onto my bed, Casey waits in the doorway - leaning against the doorframe.

"Why are you even sleeping? It's like the middle of the day bro; and, it's Saturday - and Saturdays are for the boys." He chants, pumping his chest.

"Well...I didn't really have that great of a sleep last night...and I don't have any boys to have Saturdays with" I direct my glare towards Casey, he dodges it and diverts his eyes to the floor. I've never really had any friends - so me and my 0 party invites spend the majority of our weekends studying; or attempting to, before ultimately returning to Netflix. Saturdays are for myself - it doesn't have the same ring to it.

"What did you fuck someone? Is that why you're tired huh? You looked a bit flustered this morning huh huh." I try to pull the duvet up more as he pokes his finger into my chest. He laughs as him and Casey leave my room and cross the hallway.

Brooklyn Nine Nine's still streaming away, a new episode, yet still only a background noise to my exhausted mind. My head aches slightly, and my throat scratches as I swallow roughly. Dehydrated, I leave downstairs to the kitchen. I fill a glass and put it to my lips - slurping away my thirstiness.


Strong hands grasp my shoulders from behind. In panic, I spit my water out in a 180 rotation - my glass cascading towards the floor - shattering. Casey - the culprit - behind me, regret on his face. Not only regret, but also my saliva that I spat out in fear. Oops.

"What the fuckshit. Stop fucking popping up. First of all it's not funny, and second of all, I feel like I'll have a legit heart attack next time" I hiss angrily. He stands dumbfounded, lifting his shirt to wipe the water off of his face - revealing a chiseled 6 pack. My anger fades away as my eyes droop lower; trapped and enticed.

"Shit sorry I thought it was funny, and sorry, didn't mean to make your heart flutter." He laughs to himself; I blush slightly at the latter of his sentence. I kneel down and start sweeping the glass into my hand, moving it to the bin. He descends, eye level with me as we both try our best to retrieve the glass fragments from the floor. Our eyes lock, his infectious green orbs cast the room into a deafening silence. I break the gaze and sweep the shattered cup into my hand, sweeping the last pieces into the bin.

He coughs slightly, catching my attention. "About last night - I was really drunk, like fucking gone, and I just want you to know bro, that, I'm not a faggot like you. If you are a faggot? Are you a faggot? I don't care either way. But yeah...thanks for the bed...hashtag no homo? I have a chick named Annabelle and yeah. So we algood right?" He flashes a grin, its enticing charm gone now - replaced by a sadness of fear and hatred. I scoff harshly and brush past him back to the staircase, leaving him awkwardly standing as I march back up stairs.


I'm not a faggot so I don't know why he'd think that.


The midday turns into night as I power through 2 season of Brooklyn Nine Nine - a pregnant Gina on screen pretending to be a cop. My marathon is interrupted by my brother knocking on my door before barging in. What was the point of the knock if he wasn't going to wait for permission to enter?

"What?" I ask while pausing the T.V.

"Me and Casey are going to a party okay? So don't wait up." I reconnect to the T.V. and nod, resuming my programme. From my peripheral Casey does a discrete wave to which I reply by ignoring him - his grin fading. My brother announces he needs to pee before exiting out of my room, leaving Casey to stand by himself in the doorframe, his eyes fighting between watching me and watching the show.

I get up and walk towards my door, Casey's frown morphing into his signature grin. "Oh phew! I thought you were mad at m-" I slam the door in his face before he can finish his sentence. Hopefully the saying 'actions speak louder then words ' is true, and Casey understands to go away. I like my brother, but if I weren't related to him I don't think we'd be friends in the real world - and I would never be near someone as ignorant, rude and/or dumb as his friend Casey.

With the house to myself I decide to take advantage of my free time and...lie on the couch in the living room watching Netflix; doing exactly what I was doing in my bedroom, but on a bigger screen. While my brother parties his night away, I'm also having my own party: a stranger things binge party. Perhaps the wildest Saturday night that I've ever had in my whole life. A new season. A fresh bowl of popcorn. A fur blanket. It doesn't get better then this.

Midnight comes around and I'm half way through season three when my phone starts buzzing, Harvey's name flashing across my screen.

"BRO BRO BRO! I REALLY NEED YOU TO PICK ME UP I -" My brother yells into my ear, scaring me awake as I pause Dusty on the T.V.

"What? I thought Hannah was bringing you back? Or can't Casey take you? Surely after staying here last night he can look after you."

"SHE'S ASLEEP IN THE FUCKING BATHROOM PLEASE BROOOOOO PLEASE! AND I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHERE CASEY IS" I can feel his begging eyes staring at me through the phone call. With a sigh I agree and hang up the phone before pausing Stranger Things and grabbing my keys on the counter.

The breeze hits me as I walk out of the front door, but I'm far too lazy to walk all the way back upstairs to grab a coat. Persevering on, I get into my car and make my way to pick up my brother...emphasis on older.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Perspectives on sexuality and those types of discussions are always somewhat awkward, and people, strangers, friends, family members, always manage to really fuck them up. But hey, most people just don't know how to articulate the way they're feeling.


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