《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's a Boy in my Bed - 2


The sunlight fights through the curtains into my room, piercing my eyes and awakening me from my slumber - Casey's silhouette still imprinted in the bedsheets.

I climb out of bed and pull on a red NYC hoodie, shivering as I walk towards my door. I pause before turning my door handle, mentally preparing myself for the mess that lies downstairs. Hopefully my brother ushered everyone out in the early hours of morning, before cleaning up the mess that hopefully only consisted of people not putting coasters under their cups.

My nostrils are invaded as soon as I open my door: a mixture of alcohol, sweat and...other stuff attacking my senses - awakening me instantly.

From the top of the staircase, my eyes scan over the bottom floor of our house my heart plummeting as the remnants of last night's party lay scattered across the floor. Our usually immaculate lounge is covered in bottles and cups - stains covering furniture where they'd never been before.

My eyes freeze on my idiotic brother - his body entwined with 2 random girls, who I don't recognise at all. My brother's managing to sleep on both the ground and the coffee table simultaneously - a truly talented person.

I stomp loudly down the stairs, everyone remaining unfazed - Harvey's snores echoing through the room. He groans as I shake his shoulder, swatting my arm away. I punch his arm, which he responds back with his own swift punch to my arm - not going to lie, his punch is a bit stronger then mine. With a frown he sits up, burps, and glares at me - attractive.

"Good morning to you too." He says as he rubs his shoulder, a grin forming on his face, his obliviousness to the mess that surrounds us making him hard to take seriously.

"Harvey...the house is a mess. A f-u-c-k-i-n-g mess." His grin fades as he slowly looks around; his brows furrowing before he directs his brown puppy eyes towards my direction. I know he's going to ask for my help, but being the strong-minded person that I am, I'll make him do it himself. It'll teach him responsibility and that all actions have repercussions.


"Can you please help me clean it up? Pleaseeeeeee."

"Okay...fine, but you fucking owe me." Damn it, my kindness betrays me - fuck you (fuck me?) for being so kind hearted. "You take the the lounge and guest bedroom, I'll take the kitchen and the dining area."

"Excuse me, bad-dye-job blond dumby, grab a bag and pick up the cans." I command to one the girls as her eyes roll open . She grabs her stomach and sits up instantly, rushing towards the bathroom.

"CLEAN THE BATHROOM WHILE YOU'RE IN THERE!" I yell out after her as she sprints away from me - the sound of vomiting emitting a few seconds later.


The two girls both sober up together, but use the excuse of church service to get out of cleaning up the mess...the mess they made. I'm sure their 1 pm church service...on a Saturday...holds priority over the post-part clean up. Despite the lack of hands, me and Harvey soldier on and the house comes to: the cans disappear into black rubbish bags; glasses flow into the dishwasher; and the stains fade away.

We collect all the rubbish bags and put them in our neighbours' bins, hopefully Mum and Dad won't question why Mrs Tuddims, a 90 year old woman, has her bins filled with alcohol - well why would they? They're never here.

"Okay; we only have the front lawn and the back yard to do. I'll do the front yard." I tell my brother as he comes back from sneaking another garbage bag into Mrs Tuddims' rubbish bins. With finger guns he exits out to the back door - leaving me to battle the littered front lawn.

"You're a loving sibling; you're a loving sibling..." I mumble to myself while bending down and picking up my first can. Forging on I continue picking up cans for 5 more minutes, only to find my rubbish bag full and the lawn still littered - barely denting the mess. I groan and kick my bag, instantly regretting it as I hit a glass bottle - hobbling around on one leg.


"Need some help there?" Casey asks behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck - in fear I turn around instantly - his presence seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"My heart pounds in my chest - my breath hitching before relaxing at the familiar sight of him. He's impressive in sunlight, even more so then the gloominess of my bedroom - the green in his eyes enhanced by the beaming sunlight. A 6 o'clock shadow drapes across his smooth face, dirty blond hair styled messily and effortlessly decorates the top of his head as he stands before me smiling curiously. I look up at him, meeting his smile with a scowl.

"You've gotta thing for showing up when I don't know that you're fucking there!" I exclaim, my heart rate returning back to normal. "Just grab a fucking bag dickhead."

"I prefer Casey, not dickhead, but whatever...." He mutters as he tears a rubbish bag from the pile and starts picking up the cans. "Hey uh, thanks for the bed last night. That was sooo random, I can't even remember anything."

"I would say you're welcome but I never offered it to you. So I will thank you. Thank you for stealing my bed. And you didn't even make it when you ran out.." I complain, my forced scowl met with a chuckle - a chuckle that could melt the icebergs with its radiance of warmth.

"Sorry I uh- I had to go to um...Church." Why does everyone have to go a fake Church today? Where's my invite to fake church? "Um so what's your name again lol? I must've forgotten it?"

"It's Danté." I reply as I tie another bag. He reaches out a handshake - his firm grip remaining a little too long as his thumb starts slowly tracing back and forth.

"Nice to meet you Danté." The front door opens and he retracts his hand instantly - revealing my giddy older brother holding his 3 large rubbish bags proudly.

"Bro what're you doing here?" My brother yells, dropping his bags of rubbish and spilling it onto the ground. Pushing me out of the way, he gives Casey's hand a fist pump.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" His casual grin lingers on his face. My eyes roll down his face, strong dimples laying just above his smile - oh God his smile, it beacons light into the world - drowning his surroundings in a natural swagger. He looks at me, my attention stolen; locked - he's not hard to keep looking at.

"Well first of all you never help me clean up. Like ever. And now you're out here helping my dweeb brother?" I blush slightly. I'm not a dweeb. "Andddd you were pretty desperate to get back to your girlfriend Annabelle ammirite!" My brother replies playfully. My smile disappears once I hear girlfriend - the tone shifts; imploding the dazed atmosphere between us. Casey looks to me but I avoid his gaze, hiding the look in my eyes. Of course he has a girlfriend, he's beautiful. I'm sure she's beautiful too. A beautiful women. I love beautiful women? I love beautiful women! So why do I care?

"Yeah she wouldn't stop calling me. Bro, I woke up to 118 missed calls..." He replies, sending my brother into a spree of chuckles - his eyes looking back to me.

"Well then the sex must've been great when you met up with her aye? Nothing like the crazy ones." my brother winks and nudges him with his elbow - ugh. He laughs in agreement and looks at me, but still no words come out. I peel off my gloves and chuck them into Harvey's rubbish pile - turning hastily and entering back into the house; the door slamming behind me.


This is the second chapter of the book. I hope it's meeting your guys' expectations and more! Please leave feedback and thoughts! I hope you're all having a wondering day! :-)


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