《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy In My Bed - 1


"Danté! Come down stairs and party dudeee!" My brother screams franticly from my doorway; my duvet unable to mask his begging - his voice a mixture of drunken glee and intoxication.

"Fuck off Harvey. I need to sleep!" I retort sharply. Harvey has always been the life of the party, I mean, he is the physical embodiment of a party: Loud, fun, colourful, exciting. He has always managed to boast an exhilarating vibe - stealing the hearts of many young, gullible girls who part their legs like Moses parted the sea. Great brother. Great friend. Great athlete. Horrible boyfriend - all 5 days he is their boyfriend.

"Oh and can you turn your music down please...it's so fucking loud." I sit up dramatically, grabbing a pillow and place it around my ears - meeting the blurry gaze of my stumbling older brother. A chuckle and a wink and he disappears - shutting my door and returning the room to its somewhat silence. The lingering scent of alcohol the only signal he was here.

Battling against the music, I smother myself into my duvet; its warmth hugging my body - unfortunately the only thing hugging my body at all these days. My heavy eyes battle against my growling bladder. I seesaw between sleep-heaven and battling my path to the bathroom, waging a silent war in my head: Can I hold it in or should I get up? Sacrificing my comfort, I slip out of my blanket and make my way towards the en suite.

I undo my pyjama bottoms; Pull down my jocks; Take aim, and feel the sweet sensation of urination. People say alcohol is good, people say sex is good; but what about pissing?

I yawn and start my nighttime routine - my eyes scanning over my reflection in the mirror. My hazel bed hair in definite need of love. Hopping under the boiling stream of the shower head, I complete my nighttime routine - cleansing my body of the day's stress and grime.

Stepping out of the shower, I dry myself and pull on my change of clothes - primed and ready for sleep - finally.

I lift my duvet and roll into my blankets, enwrapping myself in the cool side of the bed. I starfish and trail my arms slowly over my soft cotton duvets. My hand hits something - someone - my eyes snapping open as my comfort and ease is shattered.


"Get the fuck out of my bed Harveyyyy...go to your own room!" I shove his muscular shoulder - a soft groan emits from his lips. A groan!? I pull off the blanket and reveal a body; a stranger's body. SHIT.

My eyes roll down the smooth back of the complete stranger - his sharp shoulder blades poking out, complimented by muscular arms and a light wash of scarce brown hairs. I reach my finger over slowly and poke his back - receiving another groan before his soft snores relent.

I decide to try a different method and shake his shoulder instead - bad idea. His body twists instantly, grabbing my wrist and yanking me over him - a scream leaves my lips as I plummet on to the floor


"Aghhhhhhh!" the thud sounds as loud as it as feels - my hip taking the brunt of the force. My glare shoots towards the bed, met by green orbs; locking me in a hypnotising gaze. His eyelashes flutter in confusion as he props himself up on his forearm, familiarising himself with his surrounding.

"You shouldn't poke strangers, I thought you were gonna attack me...You alright?" His raspy voice fails to hide a vague European accent, the elongation of his o's contrasting against my own New Zealand accent.

"Agh...you...are in my bed...but yeah I'm alright" I lie, my tone hopefully indicative enough to portray my mood. My arms wrap around my torso as the cold air of the night pierces my skin, sending goosebumps down my spine.

"Oh fuck, I don't even know how I got here."

"It's fine don't worry about-" My voice halts mid-sentence as my hand rubs against a white pair of Calvin Klein briefs, which lay next to a cotton shirt. "Please tell me that these aren't your clothes underneath me." I beg in a desperate tone - met with a large grin as he chuckles lightly; life filling his green orbs as his laughter brings warmth to his face.

"I'm so sorry...but I've slept naked like the entirety of my life!" He replies in a cheeky tone; an annoying tone; a British tone. I scoff in disapproval and retract my hand from his undies. "Dogs sleep naked, nobody yells at dogs...what's the big dilemma?"


"Dogs also lick their bums and sleep outside - so according to your principle, you will be happy to sleep outside. And also, It's fucking cold...so...good bye..." His eyes flutter again, the green orbs obscured behind light brown lashes, decorated with a playful gleam. He tilts his head, running his eyes up and down my huddled over body.

"Well... there's still enough room under the blankets if you want to lay in here with me." He pats the spot next to him. Did he just invite me to sleep in my own bed?

"Get out of my bed first. I'd rather sleep on the floor then sleep with some random stranger in my own bed." I nonchalantly lie down on the carpet, its softness failing to distract me from the coldness of Spring - even in an entirely new season, the chill of winter litters its chill.

"Well that's just stupid." He mutters from above me, the bed dipping as he pulls the duvet off of him and rolls his legs over. He's glorious - his body is chiseled like the Greek sculptures - toned with a incredible smoothness. I seal my eyes as they attempt to drop lower; looking at something they shouldn't.

A pair of hands slip under my shoulder and I feel myself hoisted into the air - my body colliding into his chest. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself tighter to him; clinging - the warmth from his body radiates through me; warming me.

"What're you doing?" I scream - more squirrel - in protest. He lifts the duvet and lays me next to him.

"I said I'll sleep on the bloody floor." I press up off if the bed, a strong arm forces me back down onto the mattress - forcing me into submission.

"No. And my arm's staying on your chest until you agree." I feign an attempt to rise, but his muscular arm holds me there, it's warmth trickling onto my chest. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could get him out of my bed with my flimsy arms.

"Fine." I slide into the now cold side of the bed - pulling the duvet up to me neck in an effort to garner some warmth. He turns towards me, our eyes connection as he rolls his gaze up and down my face - I feel the heat rush to my cheeks, biting my lip in nervousness.

"Are you cold?" He whispers, a softness in his tone as his eyebrows furrow in concern.

"Yeah cause some dickhead stole my bed." I hold in a laugh - my humour truly a piece of art.

"Well I'll warm you up then." His arm wraps around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest - our bodies intertwined with the tight embrace. His chest feels like warmth; like comfort; like protection.

His scent is a mixture of alcohol and a fruity deodorant - I sniff in subtly as his scent intoxicates me, closing my eyes in enjoyment.

"What's your name? I don't know your name." He admits between sleepy breaths - his eyes closing as he nears the end of consciousness.

"It's because I didn't give it to you."

"My name's Casey." He mumbles before soft snores start leaving his lips, his minty breath kissing the back of neck as he falls into the land of sleep.

I already know that. Where ever my brother goes he goes - their little party twins, they've been inseparable since they met in high school. Different mothers; same drinking problems.

I push lightly against his pectorals, trying to loosen his hold on me - his arm reaches out.

"No - you're not leaving me again Annabelle." Eyes shut. Grip weak. He must be dreaming about her, whoever she is. I shrug it off and fall asleep in his grasp.


I awaken and look over at the other side of the bed.

"Wait." I say in a croaky tone. "What happened to the boy in my bed?"


Hello! This is the start of There's a Boy in my Bed. I hope you all like it and make sure to leave a comment with your thoughts. Thank you so much.


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