《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 4


For fucks sake Harvey, I cuss silently to myself as I pull up to the house party - cars lining either side of the one-way street. I park haphazardly, squeezing between two Toyota Carolla's and make my way up to the front porch.

The people outside look at me through a drunken gaze, hollering and cheering as I manoeuvre my way through the mass of people. I dodge a thrown drink from a fighting couple as I walk through the hallway and scan the room for Harvey - well for anyone I know actually. A few familiar faces get lost amongst the crowd, but no one recognisable - my brother nowhere in sight.

I push through into the kitchen, and there, sitting on on the kitchen table, is Casey making out with I assume to be Annabelle. His inebriated eyes roll over me, pausing a second before he shouts something - to no avail - the loud music forcing me to attempt a lip-read, once again to no avail. He pushes on the redhead girl and makes his way over, I divert my gaze and dip out the side door as he calls my name.

"Harvey!" I call out emphatically, looking into an empty bathroom. Trying my luck at another door, I open a towel cupboard and close it in embarrassment. I pace around and head towards the staircase leading to the second floor. A couple cascades down the stairs; both attractive and tall, paying no attention to me - a lingering scent of sex following them. From the smile on his face, it must've been good sex. From the deadpan look on her face, I hope she finds someone else tonight then.

"Um sorry, have you guys seen my older brother Harvey? I can't find him. Hazel-blond hair, brown eyes, annoying." I ask politely, waving them to a stop at the bottom of the staircase.


"Harvey? As in Swim Captain Harvey. There's no way your his little brother, I mean look at you." The muscular guy mocks, prodding my chest. "There's no way the bro has a lil faggot bro," he mocks. The girl uninterestedly plays on her phone, paying no attention to the situation.

"Ugh well I-"

"What? You trynna hook up with me faggot? Is that why you wanted to talk to me huh? Waving me down and all that shit." His hands connect with my chest as he pushes me into the wall, veins popping from his - now noticeably - toned, muscular arms. Spit sparks from his mouth as he continues to degrade me. "You want this whopper? Huh? Huh!?" He grabs his groin and pushes it against me, rubbing it against my newly-washed jeans.

I take a breath in, compose myself, lift my leg and knee him in the balls. He gasps as he huddles over, grabbing his groin. "Fuck...you...faghuhhhh..." He cries after me in a winded breath, reaching out for me as I ascend up the staircase. I stare back at him, his girl looking around awkwardly before exiting, leaving him leaning on the wall to prop himself up.

I peer through the hallway, accidentally walking in on a spicy game of the spin the bottle - when I say spicy I mean there's 3 girls playing spin the bottle, right in front of the people hooking up on the bed - spicy.

I push open another door, this time more cautiously - and there he is laying in a Lightning McQueen bed, hugging a Mr Incredible doll tightly - poor little kid who's gonna wonder why Mr Incredible smells like alcoholism and a drinking problem.

I grab a cup of water on the nightstand, maybe he tried to sober himself up; but the water is meant to be inside you, not inside the cup. I tip it and watch as he squeals to life, eyes bulging in awe as he familiarises himself with his surroundings.


"Hurry up I haven't got all night." I yell at him. At 19 years of age my brother barely functions as a member of society - in fact, he barely functions in general. All he does is drink, complain about being hungover, and repeat. Well, this is the last party before school starts back up on Monday so I understand.

With a swaying walk, Harvey follows me out of the room to the staircase. There, at the bottom of the staircase, is Casey consoling the guy I kneed in the nuts; he looks up towards me leading my brother down the staircase, a hint of anger in my eyes.

"What the fuck you agro? Why are you always flipping your shit for?" Casey yells at me as a I greet him at the bottom of the staircase. "Boon is the bro and there was no need to randomly attack him, like the actual fuck?" As much as Casey's anger is phasing me - I can't help but consider that the big, muscly strong sportsman is called Boon.

"Yup it was all my fault. Boon the goon is great. Get out of my way I have to take my brother, who you're supposed to look out for by the way, home." I go to push him with my forearm but he catches it with a grip, locking me in a glaring battle. I shove him off and pull my brother with me.

"Yeah run away fucking dirty fag. I'm gonna fucken get you!" Goon calls out to me, I look back and see a confused looking Casey - the anger gone from his eyes.

"What the fuck dude?" Casey says to Goon in confusion.

"You're all the same." I reply with a sigh. Turning around, I walk back out the front door, exiting the front porch and dragging Harvey into the car.

Between a few slurs I hear something that resembles a 'thank youuuu' slither out of Harvey's mouth, his ever so kind heart still present even during his drunken state.

"Did you have fun Danté? That was fun huh? Parties are fun. UP THE BOYSSSS! You should come next time, I'm sure everyone loves you." he screams from the passenger seat, a gleeful smile spread across his face.

"Yeah Harvey, I had lots of fun tonight...so much fun." A tear trickling down my cheek.


It's unfortunate that entering a new environment can mean potentially putting yourself in danger. And it sucks that it's the reality of our social landscape. :/

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and just a little reminder to stay safe at parties and make sure you always feel safe and secure with the environment that you're in! Have a great rest of your day :)


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