《OUR SECRET. ━ TAEKOOK ✓》Chapter 16


who clicked at the notification so fast ? [ lmao, i like seeing comments like these xD ]


The Battle

Taehyung nibbled on his own lips to break the string of saliva connecting his and Jimin's mouth.

The latter took this opportunity to move and lay on his side, staring directly unto Taehyung's face, giving him a small, satisfied smile. "Did that make you forget about what happened?"

"... yeah." Taehyung replied, but he lied. Because deep inside, their kiss only made him feel a lot worse. He knew he wasn't thinking straight at that time, so instead of forgetting, it only made him miss a certain someone.

'I don't have to miss that guy, I deserve better.' he thought to himself.

"Tae, can I ask you a question?" Jimin asked waiting for the other to at least nod before continuing. "What are we?"


He raised the back of his palm to cover his lips as he laughed. "No, not like that."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung questioned, locking his eyes with the other.

Jimin propped his head with his right hand and balanced himself with his elbow, letting out a sigh. "Sure, friends do go on friendly dates, but we both know that normal friends don't make out, that's unusual. Plus you probably know this by now, but I have developed some feelings for you."

The younger boy gulped a lump in his throat, now he knew what Jimin was talking about. Yes, he knew that Jimin had romantic feelings for him, and even if he wanted to feel the same, he just can't push himself. He only saw the older as a friend, a best friend perhaps, but nothing more than that.

"So I'm guessing we're a little bit more than friends, aren't we?"

"Jiminie..." Taehyung sighed as he thought of less hurtful words to say. "W-We could go on a 'friends-that-are-dating' status, b-but I don't want to label us with anything other than that at the moment... I'm sorry."

Jimin noticed how the other was struggling to find some words, so he ruffled his hair and gave a small smile. "It's okay, I understand. I don't want to pressure you after being led on by a person you like."

'He didn't led me on, we were real, unofficially real.'

"I'll stay right beside you until you fall asleep, so rest for tonight." Jimin pushed Taehyung's bangs aside and fixed his position so they would be both comfortable. "Don't stress about everything, your birthday is close, I'm sure things would get better for you quick."

Taehyung felt touched hearing the words he wanted to hear, swiftly, he scooted a bit closer to Jimin's chest and hugged him to feel his warmth. "Thank you for your kind words, Jiminie. Good night"


He felt tired from crying and over thinking all day, so Taehyung closed his eyes and slept. After a while, Jimin knew that the other was already sleeping soundly, so he ran his fingers unto Taehyung's back, softly so he wouldn't wake him up.

"Whatever it takes..." he whispered. "I'll make you fall for me."


On the day of Taehyung's birthday, as always on every year, it was just a normal hectic day of finishing paperwork to be submitted before the holiday break.

Waking up earlier this morning, Taehyung thought Jimin would be the first one to greet him this year, but he was wrong.

The boy was no longer in his bed when he woke up to say good morning, the only thing in his bed was a sticky note saying;

'Good morning, Taehyung. I've been called for a project, i didn't wake you up but I needed to go to school twice as early. See you later :')'

He was a bit disappointed, at least a 'happy birthday' on that note could have gave him an energizing start for the day, but he accepted the fact that Jimin is probably busy and he should just respect that.

At the moment, half of the students from Taehyung's class were gone to either look for their subject teachers or organize things on their school clubs. Even Jungkook's group was gone, of course Taehyung couldn't help but to notice that.

"One, two..." Taehyung counted to himself as he looked at his essay papers to be submitted, once he was satisfied with how they looked, he placed them neatly in a folder, and was about to tuck it into his bag.

Well, was about to.

Until their classroom door was slammed open.

It revealed Rina, Seokjin's group mate from that movie project, panting heavily on their door frame.

When she locked her eyes with Taehyung, her orbs widened in mixed shock and relief.

"There you are! Quick! Come to the school cafeteria, Seokjin passed out while eating!"


I tried to regulate my breathing as I ran as fast as I can as if I was being chased. If teachers saw us now, we'll probably be sent to detention for a lecturing to not run in the hallways.

The hallway was surprisingly empty, I thought students and teachers would be scattered everywhere, but that's to our luck, I guess.

Seokjin hyung is a working student, he probably used up all of his energy and collapsed. It never happened before, but I can't help but to be worried-

My thoughts were stopped as we travelled down a familiar hallway.

We were about to pass by the janitors' closet, I forgot you had to pass through its door before reaching the school cafeteria.


It was closed, which means nobody was inside it.

Nobody is waiting.

I shook my head as I continued sprinting. Now's not the time to think about depressing thoughts, I have to focus and be fast. If Rina bothered to fetch me from my classroom, then I think I am highly needed at the scene where Jin hyung collapsed, he's probably awake by now, and he wants to see me.

I stopped for a while to catch my breath, next hallway would be the cafeteria, I just needed to dash a little bit more. I ended up walking briskly, because I think if I continued dashing, my legs would give up.

Happy birthday to me, it's not even noon, yet I'm so tired and sweaty from all that action.

Maybe Rina is a runner, I can't seem to keep up with her, I just continued walking on a fast pace as I stared at her entering the closed cafeteria doors.

Wiping the sweat forming on my forehead, I exhaled loudly as I held the handle of the large cafeteria doors, which closed quickly after Rina got in.

As I opened the door, I was stunned.

Why is it so dark? Is the power fried?

"Jin hyung are you here—"



Taehyung immediately covered both of his ears with his hands, he swore his heart stopped pumping for a second after the lights turned on and hearing two party poppers loudly exploding on his left and right side.

He looked at the people who held the said item, he didn't know their names but he recognized their faces, they were co-actors from Seokjin's film, probably his friends.

"I-I..." Taehyung stammered as he looked up to see the ceiling decorated with some colored laces, balloons, and letters that say 'happy birthday'. "W-What..."


From the small crowd circling around him, he sees Seokjin pushing his way through and giving him a tight hug.

Taehyung huffed his cheeks in slight disappointment as he gave soft punches to the older's chest.

"I hate you! I was worried!"

"Oh my gosh, are you crying?" Jin laughed as he hugged Taehyung tighter unto his chest. "Did you open the party poppers close to his ears?" he jokingly asked the two who greeted him.

"I'm fine, It's just not funny to joke about your health! I really thought you collapsed." Taehyung sobbed and raised both of his palms to wipe away his tears.

Jin noticed and held the other's cheeks, squishing them. "Happy birthday, Taehyung."

"I even ran in the hallways! I could get in trouble because of you!"

"Nah, I asked my mom to help us prepare some food,, we're going to feed them." Jin explained giving a hum at the end.

"Why is it so pretentious? We could just go out and eat on a fast food chain like we normally do every year." Taehyung internally panicked. He wasn't used on being surprised like this.

"Well it was not my plan." Jin gave a sweet smile and broke their hug. "Maybe you want to see your cake."

Before Taehyung could even ask about the cake, the lights dimmed, which made him hold tight on the older's arms, just in case he gets pushed or anything.

The crowd watching them split into two and somebody from the back of the people began to sing a happy birthday song in a beautiful ballad version.

He was confused, especially after the girls on the cafeteria started squealing in glee.

"Did you hire a singer or what?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Jin, but got ignored and only told to watch.

He wanted to bug Seokjin even more to get his reply, but his questions were answered after seeing a familiar figure walking into his direction, holding a chocolate cake with lights on top.


"Hello, Taehyung." Jimin showed his signature smile as he raised his arms a bit to show Taehyung his birthday cake. "Happy Birthday, you thought I forgot, didn't you?"

Without noticing it, Taehyung started to let out another set of tears once more. "N-No one has ever done this to m-me before. I-I t-thank you, I'm touched. I-I feel happy." he grabbed his cake, passed it to Seokjin and gave Jimin a thankful hug.

Jimin even tried to nuzzle into his neck, but Taehyung wanted to pull away, saying he smelled a bit bad because of sweating too much.

But he didn't, of course. Even with his protests, Jimin hugged him tighter and laughed.

The audience watching, including Seokjin released an 'aww' as they looked at the two acting sweet.

As this was happening, the lights turned on and some teachers and students went inside the cafeteria room curiously trying to see what was going on.

Even those famous students.

Jungkook looked at his boyfriend, no, ex boyfriend, having fun with Jimin.

He has no right to be jealous now, but that didn't stop the tears forming at the corner of his eyes, and from almost crumpling the brown paper bag he held in his hands.

hello, how are you ? :')

anyways, a shameless promotion lmao.

if you're in need of covers, you could take a look at my graphic shop and i'll try to make one for you :') [ but yeah it's closed at the moment because i'm still finishing requests lol but it'll be opened this week once i'm done with those :D ]

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