《Kagome x Sesshomaru》Mine


Sesshomaru led me to his castle where he promised to be a father for Shippo if I, promise to be Rin's mother. No strings attached, just care for the children.

But I don't think I can just care for the children, I've become infatuated with Sesshomaru. I want to know more about him and he know more about myself. Even though we'd meet up almost every two days for a year, and we'd speak about almost everything, well of course I'd say more than he would, but that's besides the fact.

In all actuality I don't know if he likes me like that. But all I know is that Inyuasha was a bad call and it's better to move on now, then later.

He lead me through maze of roses, lavender and other flowers and in the center was a very beautiful sakura tree. But the tree had a very eerie presence about it like as though it were, lonely. He then lead us through the castle and it was beautiful in all of it's craftsmanship in it's dark hard wood, and high ceilings. The castle of course was styled as a traditional Japanese. But it was far too dark for my liking and when he stopped I bumped against him, I looked down concerned that Shippo might wake up but he just stretched and moaned in his sleep. Sesshomaru turned to look at us and gave a half grin knowing that he didn't wake Shippo and he opened the door to a fairly large room. There was a tiny bed already made up as though Sesshomaru was waiting for us. I set him down in the bed as gently as possible and backed out of the room and closed the door. Then Sesshomaru led me into a room and said, "Kagome this Sesshomaru wants you to sleep in his bed." Of course I was generally confused,"Why?" I asked and he then answered rather quickly, "Because even though you are in my country, there are still plenty of youkai roaming around. So sleeping in the same bed as me will give youkai the impression that you're mine."


So then after a moment or two he took off his armor and his top leaving his chest bare and he handed it to me and I took it. He gave me a nod that gave me the hint to put it on. So I found the bathroom and just changed into his top, I'd already taken a dip in the hot springs that night so I was somewhat clean. I began to put on his shirt but my blush was burning my cheeks because it smelled so strongly of him. He smelled like fresh linen and morning dew, I then look in the mirror and his shirt stop at my mid-knee and I then tied up my hair in a bun. I looked at myself once again and I thought to myself,'I look decent'. I step out very quickly and hop into the bed. Sesshomaru's back was to me so I rolled over but I felt an arm over my stomach and I tilt my head to see Sesshomaru's head and he nuzzled my neck. It felt so warm, he is warm so different from his personality. I then rolled over and wrapped my arm around him and he held my back and we were hugging in bed. I looked up at him but he was already with a very content look on his face. And I followed suit.

When I heard Kagome's heart beat slow, I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She had long eye lashes, her hair up in a contraption that elongated her swan like neck. What drove me nuts was that she was in my clothes and her scent of lavender, lemons, and I believe that it's vanilla. Oh I wanted her mine, I must figure out a way to calm my beast first but I want her mine.


So you guys this is Kay1lovely, and man that escalated. ~(•∆•)~ But I write what I want. Also I like this pairing so I may extend the story further I may not. I make no promises and have no regats ,hue hue hue hue hue hue.

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