《Kagome x Sesshomaru》Days


Kagome pov:

Days have passed since my last encounter with Sesshomaru, and I was getting getting antsy, I've had to wait almost 2 weeks for this meeting. He would visit me almost every two days so you can see why i was getting fidigety. I looked around our camp, it was dark so I could barely see period, and once again Inuyasha was gone. Shippo was laying near me but he stood on end along with Kiarara, "Where's the demon at Shippo?" He answered, "Over there?" I asked again where it was but he couldn't decipher precisely where the presence was. And for once I couldn't sense anything, and I remembered in my pack I brought a flashlight, so I brought it out and shined it only to see a giant, but this giant was different. It had a very grotesque and bloody and then I finally understood that it was one of Kagura's death dances but I also remembered that she's dead. I woke up Sango and Miroku from there sleep and filled them in on the dead giant. "That's strange", Sango said " He's not moving, he's just staring..." She said that all too soon because then the giant moved and stepped forward and didn't stop. So the gang minus Inyuasha followed behind and soon they entered a clearing where Sesshomaru was staying. It was his castle of the west but he was sleeping in the clearing near by. "Kagome you take care of this Sango and I are going back to sleep,"said Miroku as he could tell Sango and himself were imposing on some sort of proposition for bearing his child to Kagome.

Sesshomaru POV:

He could sense that Kagome was coming but he also felt some sort of witch craft about as well. He thought and realized that it must've been his mother as she was the reason he was out here in the first place. But he didn't mind in fact his beast was annoying him about her. He pretended to be asleep until her friends left and the giant left as well. I sat up to see Kagoma holding a now sleeping Shippo in her arms. She looked beautiful in the moonlight, and the wind blew some flowers through her hair. She sat near me and rocked Shippo and laid him down on the soft grass near her. Kagome would be such a great mother to our pups! 'No beast we'll have our time.'


Kagome Pov :

"Lord Sesshomaru why have you brought me here?" He then answered, " I was lonely and I've been lonely for some time... Kagome could you please stay with me for a while and be the mother of Rin." I was taken aback but then answered,"As long as you take the place as the father of Shippo." He then gave me a half grin and led me to the castle.

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