《Kagome x Sesshomaru》Scents


Kagome pov:

I used to like Inyuasha but, with Kikyo (spelling is just great today) around and Inuyasha having the feeling to "sneak around" when I'm asleep to see her it can get very aggravating. Well one night I followed him and before I could get into Kikyo's barrier I felt a strong grip on my shoulder stop me. I almost screened but another hand was over my mouth. "Why are you torturing yourself? Why follow him and see something you know you'll regret? Why do you still put up with him?" I could tell who it was by the voice it was Sesshomaru and there was absolutely no emotion in his voice, like usual. "I want to know if he loves her and whether or not I'm just a half baked look alike to him." Sesshomaru turned me to see his face, but gently, and I began to notice that this entire time he held me like I was something that was easily broken, as though I were fragile. That touch was very different from inyuasha's, I craved for more but I couldn't figure out Sesshomaru's cold look. Those eyes, I could get lost in his golden colored eyes and I touched his hair. His hair was soft and yet silky, he touched my cheek and caressed it with his thumb. He stared me in the eye and stated,"I will visit you every time you are sad over Inyuasha." He dropped his hand from my cheek and turned around but I grabbed the back of his kimono and said,"But with you gone, I'll be sad and which means please stay at least for a little longer. Please."

Sesshomaru pov:

I was going to take my leave but the miku said she wanted me to stay a little longer. If only she knew I was trying to restrain myself from kissing her and making her all mine but we are in a bush and being as it may I believe it was making her uncomfortable. So she began to talk and I listened to every word seeing that we are acquainted with one another and it would be rude of me not to. So she told of her struggle with my ignorant brother and how she was being cheated on until we heard a loud moan emmit from the barrier. From the sounds of it, it was Kikyo I turned to see the miku and she had tears in her eyes. She was about to cry until...


Kagome pov:

How? Why? I just can't think I feel numb I need to feel something and now. "Make me forget Sesshomaru, although whatever it may be that it last 5-30 minutes I need to forget. Please." Then I felt his lips crush mine, nothing forceful, it was a passionate kiss that I wish would've lasted longer but it didn't. Darn my lungs!

I then open my eyes and see Sesshomaru in the moonlight admired my handiwork as his cheeks were red and his eyes hazed with a foreign emotion. I then got up and started walking to camp but before I was out of ear-shot I said,"Tomorrow I'll be sad!" And as I walked away from him I then noticed that my clothes smell like him. His scent enveloped me and I was proud that I smell like him...

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